I want to share with you a financial miracle that I believe will bless and encourage you to DARE to Believe the Lord Jesus Christ in every area of your life.

I was preparing a bank deposit slip for this past ministry trip. And as I was setting aside a tithe and offering for the Lord, I happened to see that I had a worn out bill in the pile. I said to the Lord that I didn’t want to give Him that bill, and exchanged it for a nice, new looking one. Guess what happened? My cash pile supernaturally multiplied by $200+…

Let’s take the limits off of our Lord, and DARE to Believe our Heavenly Father for the miraculous in the realm of our finances as well.

8 thoughts on “A Financial Miracle

  1. Truly, He is Jehovah Jireh. He opened the door for me today. More and exceedingly above what I need or ask is arriving soon.
    So expectant. If Christ is King then we must live like Him. Glory be to God, the Father. Details of my testimony on the way. These are exciting times to walk with Christ.

      1. Thank you Jesus! My husband and I believe God’s word towards finances it’s his money and we want to be good stewards and cheerful givers to have enough to share with others. We are standing on his word Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Romans 13:8, and Philippians 4:19 to name a few we believe in Jesus and know that he is the answer to be out of debt for 2021 and are following his instructions to do so. Please pray for us! We renounce hat spirit of poverty and it has been broken by the blood of Jesus Christ! We will be big givers into good ground ministries to help continue to share the gospel.

        1. In Jesus’ name I renounce this spirit of lack over your finances. I speak abundance into your pocketbook as you give into the work of God’s kingdom for His great glory in these last days, amen.

  2. I am in the midst of financial crisis but the prayers of the saints have given me hope and anchor. Reading your piece was not an accident but confirmatory. Will come back to testify to the amazing grace and provision of dear Lord. By Faith I will surmount the mountains of lack and debts in Jesus name. Amen.

  3. Thank you for your belief it truly increases mine. I have been struggling for a long time. Worring how I could ever recover without loosing my home. I was laid off, unemployed, a senior, and couldn’t find a job. I prayed hard, and had many wonderful saves from our God. I tithe the whole time and even gave more, also I didn’t stop supporting my World Vision Child. There were times when I had very little food, but God never failed me. Due to many factors, personal and finincial,my church had to close down. Even so they suggested another place for us.
    I’ve been watching tapes from Dr. Harfouche with a friend who purchased them, and they have
    awaken a new exciting time of study for me. Also your book, presented to me by a friend, has had a powerful influence in me. You have done so much it’s just so amazing what God has done through you. No words can ever hold enough meaning to describe your life’s work. Only God
    Thank you
    May the Love of Jesus continue to multiply your life
    In Christ

    1. Adele,
      I truly believe that we will see the provision of the Lord in many new and unique ways as we press into His presence and live in His realm of provision for us. I know we have witnessed MANY amazing financial miracles. One way I believe financial provision will come is in the area of our health and healing. As we DARE to Believe we will be healed and not need to expensive meds and treatments. Our Lord, Jesus Christ wants us to prosper in spirit, soul and body. DARE to Believe, Adele. And thank you for your blessing and support.

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