There are times when we all need a prickly poke of faith to point us in the right direction. And this is the purpose of this post today.

Tammy from AZ writes a radical note of faith, “We change the lyrics to a song, “Some trust in chariots. Some trust in horses.”  We change them to say “Some trust in chemotherapy. Some trust in alternative treatments, but we TRUST in THE NAME of THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL!”

This is exactly what we did over Marcos. We sang melodies over him, it didn’t matter who was listening. We allowed the power of the spoken word to recreate every cell of his body. We changed the lyrics to exactly what we needed for his physical body and desired for his future. Even the director of the Intensive Care Ward, announced to all the other parents, “Stop crying over your children. Today, I want you to do what this couple is doing, speak and sing positive things over your children.” Even though this highly trained medical doctor did not understand what we were doing, he saw that it worked. He witnessed life come back into Marcos’ body, and new body parts be recreated.

Everything within him was dead, it wasn’t diseased, it was dead. His heart and lungs didn’t just stop for a while they literally exploded in his body and came up out of his nose along with his blood. This was beyond hope, beyond the help of medical treatment, but by the true power of faith we raised him from the dead, spoke recreated body parts into being, and the Spirit of life into his body by the power of the spoken word, the power of faith in action, and by the power of our authority in Christ.

Was it a challenge to look at him in a lifeless state and declare the Word of the Lord? Only, if we allowed ourselves the pleasure of self-pity was it difficult. And immediately we saw that if we were going to have life we could not dwell on what we saw with our physical eyes.

What I am trying to stir within you is very radical. It is dominating your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. The Spirit of God is hovering over your situation now and trying to shine a very bright light to expose even the slightest shadow of doubt.

During this time David and I could not even afford to comfort one another with tears and words of sorrow, but could only declare the promises of the Lord to one another.

In a dream the other night, I could see how the Lord’s people struggle to speak life when all they can see is death. So, I am being like a prickly thorn that pokes you to get your attention, to guide you down the path of radical faith, because it is by declaring words of life that we overcome death.


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© 2012 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.


  1. Thank you for the prickly poke. While I don’t see death for Jon, I do see (with my physical eyes) a mountain of disease and disability, and it is very easy to be discouraged and defeated.

    How thankful I am for God’s Word! This morning I read Psalm 138: 7-8
    “Though I walk through affliction, You will revive me. You will stretch out Your hand against the adversary’s hate. Your right hand will deliver me. Jehovah, You will accomplish what concerns me. Your goodness and kindness, Oh Lord, is infinite. Do not relax the work of Your hands.”

    I was cleaning and organizing Jon’s room today, and in one of his drawers came across a full package of pull-ups that were too large for him and another package of diapers that had come home with him when he was in the hospital a few months ago. (Jon is 12, but became incontinent a few years ago due to brain damage from seizures). I looked at those packages and contemplated what to do with them. One part of me thought, “Well, perhaps in a few months these pullups will fit him, so I might as well just hang on to them.” And then I rebuked myself, “Hanging on to these pullups is letting go of faith! By time Jon is big enough to wear that size of pullups, he will be completely healed AND potty trained.” So, they’re going to Jon’s school for other special needs kids who can use them right now. (Accompanied with a prayer for whatever children use them for THEIR healing as well. I am believing that Jon’s healing will be among the first fruits of healing for many disabled children).

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