I’m No Longer Eligible for Healing?

Question: “Becky, in your book, DARE to Believe, you talk about John 5:14, when Jesus says to sin no more, lest something worse come upon us.Does this mean if we sin after we are originally healed of a sickness, we are no longer eligible for healing?” Answer: No, this does not mean that we are […]

The Responsibility Is In Our Hands

There comes a point when the responsibility is in our hands, as we find out in the story of Moses and the Israelites.  The Pharaoh and his army are  in hot pursuit of Moses and the sons of Israel. They find them camped in front of the sea. The people fill with fear as their […]

A Word of Restitution

Last year, as I was being introduced to a governor and his vice governor I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak into my ear a word for them. It was, “Restitution”. They both held back tears as I spoke this word and the others that flowed with them. God heard their petitions, and wanted […]

Deliverance Prayer From Austism

I received this letter from a woman whose son was diagnosed with autism. As you may know our adopted son, Andres was severely autistic. But we dared to believe in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and he is no longer autistic. he is delivered and healed. Here is this mama’s letter. “My son Samuel […]

Tendinitis Healed

Margie from Hendersonville, TN writes to testify of her physical healing. She says, “I had been to the ER that day, they said tendinitis. I couldn’t lift my arm (using my shoulder) as much as 3 inches in any direction. The doc gave me a strong anti-inflammatory, and muscle relaxers. I had both in me […]


This is a Word from the Lord that I was given before one of last week’s DARE to Believe healing services. The Lord would say to you; I AM is for you. I AM is never against you. I desire to release My healing power to every race. I need each of you to pick […]

Is It Too Much To Ask For?

Question: Becky, my situation is complicated. I am elderly, my doctor says there isn’t anything he can do for me. And given the circumstances, I’m wondering if my healing is too much to ask for? Answer: Ephesians 3:20-21 answers this question beautifully for us. It says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly […]

Healing Ministry Vs’ Faith

Question: Becky, can you tell in your own life where the line falls between the two things–walking in faith and your specific calling of the gift of healing? Answer: According to 1 Cor 12 there is a grace gift called “Gifts of Healings” where an individual is called into a healing ministry and gifted as […]

Stand in Proxy for Healing

Amazing Testimony: At the end of the DARE to Believe Healing Service last night at Fresh Bread in Burbank, CA we were praying for those that were standing in the gap for the healing of loved ones. One man asked if I would pray for his brother who had tried to commit suicide by jumping […]

Our Identity in Christ

Question: Andy asks, “Why is it important for us to understand who we are in Christ?” Answer: If we do not know who we are in Christ then we cannot activate our authority over satan and all of his attacks against us. John 10:10 reveals satan’s identity and his wicked plans against us. He is […]
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