Everyday is filled with choices. We choose to live or die, give up or move forward, laugh or cry, hate or love, forgive or be vengeful… Everything we do, whether big or small, involves a decision.

What is happening in your life today? What crossroad are you standing at? What mountain appears to big to cross?

The Bible gives us the best advise in decision-making. It says choose Jesus, choose to believe, choose to serve the Lord, choose life, choose joy, choose the good fight of faith, choose to love, choose to give, choose to forgive, and choose the straight and narrow path… With sound Biblical advice like this, the daily choices in life become clear, and less overwhelming.

4 thoughts on “Daily Choices

  1. You are amazing and your Faith has taught me and Blessed me so much!!! I was so Happy to meet you in Scottsdale a yr. ago. Im surviving IV breast cancer. My left leg is the same length now, the tumor marker is down from 240 to 53! i believe the neropathy in left foot and leg is leaving! Meaning sacrums, tailbone and L-4 L-5 and brain bone are growing back!!!!In the name of Jesus!!! God is doing a miracle in me!!! I love the Lord Jesus so much!!! Thank you so much!!!

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