Conquering the Spirit of Death Online Healing Course
*(Instructions for both USA and non-USA participants below.)
Have you been diagnosed with a rare and/or incurable disease? Is there an onslaught of sickness and disease reoccurring in your body? Are you struggling with discouraging thoughts to give up the fight and die? Are you dealing with a barrage of accidents and strange events that can lead to death? Are you struggling with suicidal thoughts? Are you or someone you know in dire need of hope to know how to use the tools that Jesus gave us to conquer death and the enemy’s assignments? If so, this course is for you, and I can help you to HEAL in Jesus’ name.
15 (links) One Hour Recorded Sessions with Prophetess / Healing Evangelist, Becky Dvorak
My offer includes for those in the USA: (Keep Scrolling for information for those outside of the USA.)
- 1 signed copy of “Conquering the Spirit of Death” book.
- 1 CD teaching “The Truth About Healing”.
- 15 (Links) One-hour recorded sessions.
For those outside of the USA:
- 1 digital copy of “Conquering the Spirit of Death” book from your local
- 1 digital link of “The Truth about Healing” teaching.
- 15 (Links) One-hour online recorded sessions.
**Payment of $197 USD for those outside of the USA
Outside the USA, Go to
- Type in the USD amount of $197. And in the space provided to write a “Note”, please write your name, country, and a current email address, and state this is for Conquering the Spirit of Death Online Healing Course. ** Make sure to click SEND not Request funds.
- Click “Send”.
- And I will then enroll you into this new healing course.
**And make sure we have a current email address for you.**
After Payment is received, you will receive a confirmation email from us. And for those with a mailing address in the USA we will send you a signed copy of, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”, and a teaching CD, “The Truth about Healing”. *(Those outside of the USA will receive the funds to purchase 1 digital copy of “Conquering the Spirit of Death” from your local, and a link for the teaching, “The Truth about Healing”.) All participants, via the email that you provide us will receive weekly assignments, a Zoom link for that week’s online meeting, and a word of encouragement, and other links to read or watch that pertain to that week’s lesson. Make sure that we have a viable, working email. *(Make sure you type it correctly.) And check the email you provide to us frequently.