A friend writes and asks a few questions concerning a family that she has been praying and believing with for deliverance and healing. And it has been a long process. What’s going on with this situation? What might be the delay of their physical healing from manifesting? Let’s discuss this right now.

My friend writes, “Hi Becky, I was just speaking with Alexandria’s mother to find out how she was doing.  And I believe we are getting closer to the breakthrough in this situation.”

I respond with a hearty, “Amen! We’ve been standing for a long time for this, but many layers had to be peeled away first.”

My response stirs another question from her, “In Bible I don’t remember Jesus or the apostles telling people to “get their lives in order” before they could be healed. He said go and sin no more or your sins are forgiven, so I get confused by comments like layers being peeled away. Please help me to understand. ”

I respond, “I agree, but in the situation you mentioned they have so much baggage in their lives that they have a difficult time to have faith to believe. It’s not God withholding. The issue is with them, there is so much emotional baggage they struggle to believe. And  I am telling you, faith only operates by love.”

She responds, “Aren’t we, “the ones who believe” the ones responsible for casting out/laying hands on…and as we believe, Jesus is with us, confirming His Word with signs (healing, deliverance and salvation) following?

Dear friend, this is another great question and the answer is this, “When it comes to unbelievers, yes, we are the ones who activate our faith. Jesus says the following in Mark 16: 15-18, “ And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.  He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

But when it comes to believers in Christ, God expects each one of us to operate by our own faith. That’s why Jesus is recorded in different occasions stating that it is by “Your faith” that you are healed, and you are made whole. And even though we are to join our faith together, we are still responsible to strengthen our own faith to obtain our miracles.

Also, we tend to forget that our soul, (the mind and the emotions) need to be healed too. And I have often found that until we deal with the root issues of the problem the healing is hindered. And in the situation mentioned above, this family had many serious issues that had to be peeled away, just like an onion is peeled, (and every layer stings and causes tears to flow) before they could even begin to stand confident in the faith to believe for the physical healing of their son. And to you reading this post, this may be the reason for the delay with the manifestation of your physical healing too.

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need, Hebrews 4:16.


To learn more about this boldness of faith in these last days,  Click here to purchase your signed copy of “Conquering the Spirit of Death”

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© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

13 thoughts on “Might This Be the Delay of Your Physical Healing?

  1. Sister becky i am a former muslim girl…
    When i got married then i was an unbeliever and married to a unbeliever muslim guy.. Now i am come to the Lord but he is not.. Our marrige doesn’t sees work.. And i don’t love him at all.. I always have doubt about him that he cheated on me.. When i pray and ask to the Lord about this situation then i hear in my spirit that leave my husbnd..
    Sister you are a true prophetess of God who can hear the Lord so clearly.. Can you please tell me what the Lord want to tell me about my present situation..

  2. My name is Philip please pray for me.I have shortness of breath, and have frozen shoulder and could have sleep well in the night.
    I am from Papua New Guinea

    1. Philip,
      In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your heart and lungs and cleanse them from all impurities, and that they are clear, swelling gone and you can breathe free and easy. I release the healing power of the Lord into your shoulder and speak to the inflammation, scarring, thickening, and/ or shrinkage of the capsule that surrounds the normal shoulder joint to be healed and pain-free and full-motion restored. I speak peace into your pineal gland and command it to produces the right amount of melatonin and cause you to sleepy. I also declare the other hormone, norepinephrine is normal and produces the right amount of Melatonin. In Jesus’ name, get a good night’s sleep, amen.

  3. Hello Becky just got through watching you on Sid Roth , my daughter has eczema and it is severe , I have prayed and prayed since she was a baby , she’s 26 years old now and this awful disease is still tormenting her , and I have a son that’s 42 he’s bi polar and it’s bad I’ve prayed for years . What am I doing wrong ?

    1. Barbara, most often we miss out on the manifestation of our healings due to the negative words that we unknowingly speak over ourselves, or loved ones. We need to learn to hear what we say, and ask ourselves if what we are saying is really what we want to happen. According to Proverbs 18:21 we have the power of life and death in our words.
      Right now, I release the healing power into your daughter’s immune system and speak health and strength into it. I renounce all allergies that she is suffering from. I speak to all the layers of her skin to be recreated, fresh and healthy. I speak inner healing into your son’s mind and emotions and declare him delivered and healed from this label and the demonic power behind it, amen.

  4. I ordered your teaching packet when you were on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural. Could I possibly order the paperback booklet, “God’s End time Supernatural Survival Guide? I would like several copies to give to friends. Kindest regards, Mary A Brown.

  5. Hi Becky, I just love your books. They have opened my eyes to so much truth. I have been reading your words book but it is so powerful that I just keep reading it over and keep seeing so much revelation that I can’t get to the end. Normally I can finish a book. I want to read it completely so I can read the rest of your books. I have ordered all of them online. Do you have any suggestions? I want to COMPLETELY understand because your works and words are so powerful. I have some fear issues and strongholds due to health issues and I want freedom in these areas. I know that as more understanding and revelation is shown to me that I will know that God loves me and wants me well. Many of my Calvanism friends and family believe that our suffering brings us to better understanding of God and that our trials can be our greatest triumph. I want healing so I can help others heal through our Lord Jesus. Please advise.

    1. Connii,
      Your understanding lines up with the Word of God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing … the word of God. The more your read it, study it, speak it out and act upon it the quicker your mind will be renewed by the power of the redemptive blood of Jesus. Keep doing as I said, and you will realize that you are indeed healed from fear.

  6. Hi Becky I believe in what you say. I have had chronic tinnitus for nearly 2 years. Most of my life I have lived in fear, shame and guilt. Obviously upbringing can hinder self esteem too. These beliefs are not from God. I am finally realising that I am a child of God and all the trashy thoughts are from the enemy.

  7. Hello Becky
    I did not live right and I tested hiv positive please pray for me that all the symptoms leave my body.

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