Gabriel answers Mary’s honest question, “How can this be?” He says to her in Luke 1:35, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God.” The Amplified Version of the Bible describes this overshadowing as “like a shining cloud”.

This is what happens when we activate our faith and believe in His promises. We allow His presence to come upon us, and overshadow us like a shining cloud. In Genesis 1:1-3, we read about this overshadowing when God creates the heavens and the earth. It says in verse 2 that the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, is hovering and brooding over the situation, and His glory  releases into the situation when the Father says in verse 3, “Let there be light”. 

This light is not the sun, moon and stars, God creates these in verses 14-19, on the fourth day of creation. What is this light that He releases in verse 3? It is the manifested glory of God. And it is in this realm where miracles release and manifest.

If we read through the rest of the encounter between Gabriel and Mary, we will see that in verse 38 Mary says, ““Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.” She binds herself to the Word of the Lord and releases the glorious power of the Holy Spirit into her life, through the agreement of her spoken words, just as the Father did in the beginning of creation, and the miraculous then happens.

Does the Spirit of the Lord want to release in us an unimaginable miracle? Are we struggling to find the manifestation of this promise? We need to be like Mary, surrender our will to His, and give the invitation to the Holy Spirit to manifest His shining cloud of glory over us to release and create our miracle.

Let’s pray.

Dear Holy Spirit,

I am your bondslave, I bind myself to You. I invite You to come and overshadow me with Your shining cloud of glory. With my spoken words of agreement, I release Your power to create Your miraculous will for my life.

In Jesus’ name,  amen.


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© 2012 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

2 thoughts on “Shining Cloud of Glory

  1. Becky,

    I met you at The Christian Book Store in Sarasota, FL. My name is Lori Christiano. I was so taken by your talk with us. God so touched me. I felt so blessed. So blessed for so many reasons.

    I have lost everything, due to my exhusband who kept me in court for over twelve years, three attorneys, and finally, I lost everything. It’s OK. God has blessed me so. Always Faithful. I have tried so very hard to live as Christ wants me to live. It’s been thirteen years since Christ saved me from an extremely abusive relationship of almost 16 years. I have two beautiful grown children. My daughter is married and living in NYC with her husband. My son is about to graduate with a double major from Florida Gulf Coast University in May. I am very proud of them.

    I told you nothing of my past when we met. As I prayed with you, I was amazed to see how God spoke to me through you. It was as if you knew me. My deep hurts I share very little with anyone. I want so to live for Jesus. I would love to meet a man who loves the Lord with all his heart and lives for HIM.

    I have been diagnosed with a severe form of Hashimotos Disease. I hardly recognize myself anymore. I have gained almost one hundred pounds. The doctor I work for is a wonderful Endocrinologist who can’t seem to get my numbers right. I am so overwhelmed with my diagnosis. I work in the office where I thought when I was hired, I would finally get all this figured out. It’s only gotten worse.

    That night we met. I asked for prayer with my losing weight. I’ve gained another ten pounds. I feel as if this is my last hope. I am so worried I’ll never meet any man who will ever love me.

    I would love for you to pray for me.

    Thank you,

    Lori Christiano ps…I know my God can heal me from this terrible disease, maybe there’s something I’m missing…

    1. Dear Lori, I stand with you for deliverance from this disease, all the past hurts, and that His healing power will make you whole. I recommend that you read and study Chapter 1, Redeemed From the Curse in DARE to Believe. Read it until the message of your right image manifests in your spirit, soul and body. Loving Hugs, Becky

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