One reader writes, “Becky, how often do I speak words of faith for my physical healing?” This is a great question, and I know many people are wondering the answer to this question.

According to Proverbs 18:21 that there is the power of life and death in your tongue. Every word you speak is either producing life or death. Therefore, you should be daily speaking healing, strength and life over the physical condition.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words, Proverbs 18:21, AMP.

In the natural, if you were or are taking an antibiotic for a physical ailment you would probably be taking this medication 1-3 times per day. I believe you should be speaking words of faith over the situation no less than this every day. In fact, I would even up the dose and speak words of faith every time you are about to utter a negative word or moan or groan about the situation.

Say aloud, “In Jesus’ name, my body is healed and made whole. It is pain free and full of life for the glory of the Lord, amen.” It may be a struggle at first, but eventually your words of faith will produce the healing you so desire and need.


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© 2018 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

11 thoughts on “How Often Do I Speak Faith for Healing?

  1. Hi Becky.
    I am a priest in the UK and I love your teaching on healing. Its how I minister myself.

    We do have a prayer request. My lovely son, Joseph, a beautiful six year old boy, with his own little faith was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy a year ago. He is not showing many signs yet, but this disease is a killer. Its awful.

    He has overcome his autism, a side effect of this, and he speaks so well now. He is so brave.
    We have been praying so hard for a year, yet still not seen a healing. I pray night and day, fast, etc.

    Could you please and your team pray for him. We are desperate to see him healed.

    Revd David

    1. In the name of Jesus’, I renounce this spirit of death, muscular dystrophy and autism. I release the mighty healing power of Holy Spirit, by the blood of Jesus to flow through Joseph’s every cell, tissue, organ and system to deliver, cleanse, heal, recreate and strengthen them to make them whole again for the glory of the Lord, amen.

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through your every cell, tissue, organ and system and to cleanse them from all impurities and disease that is causing your blood pressure to be irregular. In Jesus’ name, I speak health, strength and peace over your entire being, amen.

      1. Hi Evangelist Becky,
        Please pray for my son to healed and made whole in his body and be delivered from insomnia and all the bad habits due to the insomnia. I believe God. I know He is able.
        Thank you!.

        1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, this attack against your son’s mind, emotions and body. I speak to his brain to be at peace, and he can sleep peacefully. I renounce any negative thoughts and actions that are contrary to the Word of God and command his mind and physical body to align itself with His Word. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

  2. Hi Becky,

    I am deaf anyway. I have a little pain on my left stomach for while. I decide to call my Dr on the phone only because of COVID 19. He said put my hand on my stomach if hurt. I said no hurt. He thought it was diverticulitis but it was not. Call him back if i feel pain back.
    I pray For Jesus’s strip I command pain to leave and don’t return it back i was healed Amen.
    Help me to speak about that.

    1. Crystal, in the name of Jesus I curse all sickness, disease, pain and deafness attacking your body. I release the creative power of Holy Spirit into your ear and that your inner ear be recreated, and hear 100% normal, I speak to your stomach and digestive system to be realigned, healed and made whole, amen and amen.

      1. Hi Becky,
        I am Crystal n I’m deaf. U gave me email to help me healing. Yesterday I read bible and I heard voice in my ear but I dont understand what voice said. Well I decided to pray and asked God what voice say when I read bible yesterday morning. I dont know what voice said in my ear.
        Return me.
        Crystal Duvall

  3. I am very blessed by your ministry and calling. I am a little concerned about our appropriation of our manifesting it into our lives. Please keep me and Beverly in prayer since we are best friends and both having bowel blockages. I spoke to my mountain and fianally had a breakthrough however she has not. So why is it we don’t really become the faith speaking, power moving Christians God callled us to. I wrestle with this. Perhaps it is a lack of knowledge or impatience? I am fervently seeking The Lord regarding these things. I give Him praise. No one understands when the body is disfunctional until it happens to them, as I have found out and I have empathy and pity on others because I too have suffered. But I know God has a bigger plan. He died for us on Cross and took those 49 stripes so that we would not have to suffer. Going from glory to glory and adding God’s knowledge daily so I do not fail in any point in my walk for the lack of it. Thanks for your prayer of agreement that I keep my healing and that she gets her healing and also keeps it. Thank you and thanks for teaching us regarding this matter of healing.

    1. In Jesus’ name, I renounce this problem with the bowels in Beverly’s body. I speak to her bowels in the name of the Lord and tell them to be healed according to the Word of the Lord and that she is healed and made whole. Amen.

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