Did you realize that there is an actual formula for receiving a miracle? It is not based upon human understanding, but upon the supernatural power of faith in God Almighty.

My husband and I were working with a group of Bible students. The students were ministering in a church service.

A Guatemalan man with his niece stepped forward for prayer. The man shared the situation. His niece suffered from a lack of oxygen during birth, and because of it she could not stand and walk on her own.

The student released the presence of the Holy Spirit over her, but nothing happened. I saw that we were about to lose this girl’s healing, so I looked at the student and gently said, “Let me teach you.”

I looked the man in the eye and said to him, “Let go of her.” And I stepped back and held my hands out to the girl to come to me. He released his faith and let her go, and she walked to me. As soon as she grabbed my hands, I released her from my grip and continued to step backwards and she continued to step forwards.

We walked around the front of the church, in between the crowd of people that came for prayer, and then I led her back to her uncle.

Her uncle was amazed and this young 12 year old girl was filled with joy.

I teach in my book, “Dare to Believe” that the first thing we need to create a miracle is the manifested presence of the Holy Spirit, but then we need to do as Jesus does and put faith into action.

His Presence + Faith in Action = MIRACLE.


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© 2012 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “A Formula for a Miracle

  1. Thanks you for sharing your words about healing, becky. I can not wait till the book dare to believe is coming out in the netherlamds!

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