What Would You Ask of God?

If you could ask for whatever you want, what would you ask of God for yourself? Do you know? I find oftentimes, Christians say they want one thing from God, but as I become involved in their situation I discover they really desire another thing. One time I was asked to minister to a woman […]

In the Beginning of Your Miracle

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 Scripture Reading: Genesis 1 In Genesis 1 we read about the beginning of the creation of the earth, for the preparation of the start of the human race. We also learn in the first verse from this book of beginnings that the key […]

Do What God Says, Believe

So often, our Lord tells people if they believe a certain thing will happen. But then why do people get upset when they are told they need to believe? The Old Testament prophet Elisha told Naaman to go and dip seven times in the Jordan River so that he would be healed of leprosy. At […]

Whose Report Will You Choose to Believe?

When faced with difficulties whose report will you choose to believe? Will you choose to believe the human report that states there is no hope when My word declares,  “Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, […]

Church Leaders Need to Believe

You would be surprised how many Churches I have been to where I find that the leadership does not believe in the healing power of the Lord as they ought to. I find this disheartening. How can they teach their congregations to believe in God’s promises if they themselves do not? James 5:14-16 tells us, […]

Are We to Bear a Cross of Sickness?

Many people believe God has given them a “cross of infirmity or sickness” to bear. But is this kind of belief biblical? We read in the book of Mark about taking up a cross. Let’s read this portion of Scripture and see what it says. “When He had called the people to Himself, with His […]

Why the Enemy Tries to Steal Healing

It’s true the enemy, the devil will try to steal your healing if he can.In  John 10:10a, Jesus has this to say this about him, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” Sometimes when people seem to lose their healings, it is not necessarily because of sin issues […]

Change Satan’s Negative To God’s Positive

When the enemy says you can’t, profess that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. When your mind thinks this is impossible, verbalize the truth that with God all things are possible. And if the medical report reveals death, with faith insist I will not die, but live, and declare the works […]

Chronic Headaches Healed by Faith

On September 16, 2016, Ju Zhimomi from Nagaland, India sends the following prayer request, “I get sudden and severe unbearable headache from time to time. Please pray for me.” I respond on September 19, 2016, “In Jesus’ name, lay your hand upon your spine. Right now, I command your spine to realign from the top […]

What’s Paul’s Thorn In the Flesh?

“Becky, I’ve heard some Christians say that they are not healed, because “God has them right where he wants them.” One lady said that the Lord told her that she is to study and write about the end-times, and that she is to remain in pain with various problems, This belief that He has her […]
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