Faith-filled Words and Actions Work!

Even as a minister of divine healing and miracles I too need to put my faith into action. Here is a real life testimony of what happened to me and how faith-filled words and actions work. Yesterday, I took a not-so-graceful fall. I was walking around our ponds (my daily exercise and a place I […]

Blessed Is She Who Believed

Luke 1:45 “And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord.” Mary receives the blessing of the fulfillment of the promise because she believes. And this is how it works for us as well. Faith activates the promise of God. We first […]

God Transforms Impossible

To confirm to Mary the message of the Lord, Gabriel gives her a Word of Knowledge in Luke 1:36 concerning her cousin Elizabeth. He says, “And behold, even your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age; and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month.” This Word of […]

Shining Cloud of Glory

Gabriel answers Mary’s honest question, “How can this be?” He says to her in Luke 1:35, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God.” The Amplified Version of the Bible describes this […]

Word From the Lord / Tell Them Repentance

This is a Word from the Lord that I received last night, November 15, 2012, Thursday at 10:15 P.M. Dear Becky, Major world events are on the verge of breaking loose. Warn the brethren to be ready, be prayed up, and be prepared for spiritual warfare. But tell them not to fear because I am […]

Poor Vision and Migraines Healed

I received this wonderful email the other day from Jeanne in Sarastoa, Florida. “After our lunch I had asked you to pray for my eyes. I am happy to report that right after, I was in a department store and suddenly noticed that I wasn’t needing to put my glasses on and off like I […]

A Little Girl Healed of 30+Warts

This is a wonderful testimony that I received today about a little 7 year old girl who dared to believe God to heal her hands and feet from over 30 warts. Hi Becky, I hope all is well for you and your family. I just wanted to give you an update. You prayed for my […]

Injured Heels Healed

At a recent DARE to Believe Healing Service in Nashville, TN a young man came forward to receive healing. He suffered pain from injured heels. I quickly touched his heels with my foot and told him to put his faith into action and jump. He jumped and was instantly healed for the glory of God! […]

A Wrestler is Healed

During the DARE to Believe Healing Service in Hendersonville, TN a young man came forward for healing. He was a wrestler and his body was full of pain. I released the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow through his body. I told him to jump. He jumped and was instantly healed. DARE to […]

Yes, Jesus Wants to Heal

“Yes, Jesus wants to heal that too!” This was my response to an elderly woman who was overflowing with joy as all the arthritis pain was instantly gone from her husband. So, in response to her request, I lay my hands over his ears and he could instantly hear out of his once deaf ears. […]
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