Pray Like This and Take These Steps to Get Free from Addiction

For people that are struggling with addiction, or someone you care about is struggling with addiction, there are ways to pray, and steps to take to freedom from addiction. But first, let’s look at why people get stuck in a lifestyle of addiction is that instead of calling it what it is, sin, they call […]

Coronary Artery / Heart Disease Prayer and Confession of Faith

For those that are suffering from Coronary Artery / Heart Disease here is a prayer and confession of faith for you to pray over your loved ones and to confess words of faith over yourself. Prayer of Faith By the grace of God (Rom. 4:16), I stand in faith without wavering with doubt and unbelief […]

Sepsis Prayer of Faith

Pray this prayer of faith for those you know that are under the deadly curse, “Sepsis”. And together with your family and friends trust the Lord, your healer, to do the impossible and cleanse and purify the blood of your loved one. Remember, with God all things are possible.  (Matthew 19:26) I plead the power […]

How Do I Not Panic or Give in To My Fears?

How do I not panic or give in to my fears? Let’s face it, times are rough. Jesus tells us in John 16:33, (NKJV), “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” How do I calm […]
woman wearing silver-colored ring

Build a Wall of Protection Over Yourself with Your Words

“Build a Wall of Protection Over Yourself with Your Words”.  Wow, what a title! The world is on fire, filled with the negative powers of satan being released by the ungodly use of words against one another. But as followers of Jesus, we do not need to settle for this. According to the Scriptures, your […]

The Prayer of Faith in Action Before Our Eyes

On July 13th, 2024, in Butler, PA the world witnessed the prayer of faith in action before our eyes. Many of us watched on our TVs how a bullet was launched at President, Donald J. Trump’s head but instead of entering his skull, hit his ear. Immediately, my son and I broke out into prayer […]

Prayer of Faith from Parkinson’s Disease

Here is a prayer of faith from Parkinson’s disease to pray over your loved ones that are suffering from this neurodegenerative disease. I raise up the standard of the blood of Jesus on your behalf. I release its power over this spirit of premature death, this degenerative disorder attacking your central nervous system and the […]

Faith Is Your Direct Line to Jesus

Do you need to get a hold of Jesus? Do you feel frustrated because it seems like He is out of your reach? Did you realize that there is a way to connect with Him? It’s by faith, and it’s your faith that grabs hold of His undivided attention. Faith is your contact point with […]

A Word of the Lord—Pray for the Revival of Repentance

The Spirit of the Lord would say to you, “Pray in faith for a revival of repentance to sweep across this nation before it is too late. Pray for the protection of the unborn, for their blood cries out to me. Pray for the protection of your children against the perversity of this land. Pray […]
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