In yesterday’s devotional we read how to fulfill James 4:7 when healing takes time to manifest. It says, “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Today, we are going to talk about the importance of drawing near to God during this crisis of sickness and disease.

James 4: 8 says, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your heart, you double minded.”

We are to:

  • Draw near to God.
  • He will then draw near to us.
  • And we are to sanctify ourselves.

When we choose to draw near to God, we make the decision to give Him first place in our lives, instead of the problem we are facing, and to develop a holy, intimate relationship with Him. This goes on beyond the realm of salvation or even seeking His blessings. This is entering into true fellowship with Him. In order to enter into fellowship with Him, we need to be willing to deny ourselves of ungodly desires, sins, and even self. Sin and self, separate us from God; that’s why it says to purify our hearts. God perceives the intentions of our heart; a rebellious heart repels Him, but a pure and undefiled heart toward Him is very alluring and desirable. He will draw near to a tender heart.

God’s purpose in creating humankind in His mirror image was to have fellowship with beings like Him. We can draw as close to Him as we desire to. The more we enter into His presence, the more real He becomes to us. He becomes the One we run to first with all of our joys and sorrows. We will find ourselves communing with Him throughout the whole day about everything. And He will speak to us in our dreams and give us visions. We will find such a strong fellowship with Him in His Word, which will become so alive to us. This type of encounter with him is exciting. This is the cure for doubt and unbelief. It’s in this place that the manifested presence of God and His blessings, such as healing will start to overtake us.


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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

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