After reading the Word last Saturday evening, I heard the Lord speak forth a prophetic word as I was falling asleep. It’s a word for His people.

Humble yourself, bow before Me, and worship Me.

Rest inside My presence, and you will find perfect peace.

Not peace as the world gives, but true peace, that can only come from time spent with Me.

My Spirit woos you to come and abide under My shadow.

Nestle tightly under My wing. Experience the gentle side of your Almighty.

Sense and receive the comfort that you need and know that this place of gentle rest is not just an occasional place to visit, but a daily place to refresh.

Allow the power of my presence to replenish your soul, bring your mind and emotions to a place of gentle rest.

Be rest assured that I will never leave you, I will never harm you, and that I am always here for you.

I long to have you rest next to me, and I desire you to be filled with My peace and experience the gentleness of My Spirit.

Thus, sayeth the Lord Your God.



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© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved

2 thoughts on “Experience the Gentle Side of God and Find Peace

  1. Good day Mam I just wanted to take the time to thank you for what you do for the Lord and how you pray for others may you be strengthened today and encouraged today to keep on doing what God is telling you to do, Love you with the love of the Lord- Michelle Horn

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