Oftentimes, people struggle with supernatural healing because of their past. Whether they were the culprit or the victim they do not believe that they are good enough to receive God’s blessings, including healing. And yes, if we were to stand upon our own righteousness we would never be good enough to receive His gifts. But thankfully it is not our good deeds that we stand upon to receive healing, but upon the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 53:4-5 paints a clear picture what Jesus suffers so that we can take upon His righteousness. It says, “Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy]. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.”  AMP

His blood covers all sin that we have committed or has been done against us. We do need to activate the power of His blood by asking Him to forgive us or to forgive those that have wronged us. Then we are clean and free from guilt and shame.

1 John 1:9 promises us, “If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].” AMP

And because of what Jesus suffers for us we can freely put on the breastplate of His righteousness. (See Ephesians 6:14.) And rely on His good works and not upon ours to believe and receive His healing touch.


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© 2015 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

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