Life Tender Mercy Home — Guatemala is a private Christian home where the abandoned, orphaned, and/or HIV infected children are accepted, loved, happy and well-cared-for, and equipped for the future in the name of the Lord.
We empower the abandoned, orphaned, and/or HIV infected child with loving care, Christian discipleship, healing and strength, hope for a future, education and life skills to become productive citizens of Guatemala for God’s glory.

Meet the Children



















We would like to give you the opportunity to partner with us to continue to provide these children with this hope for their future. Why not consider accepting our $38 challenge. For as little as $38 a month you can help to support a child and change a life. Just a little more than $1 per day can help to feed, clothe, give medical attention and an education for one of these children. We ask that you would prayerfully consider the sponsorship of one or more of these children. If you feel led to become a sponsor on a monthly basis or with a one time gift please click the donate button now to give online.

Living Life
A Sunny Day at the Park.

Grilled Hamburgers & Sausages at the Park.

Dominic waiting patiently for his new shoes too.

We Received New Girls.

Staying Cool on a Hot Day.

Dominic is Growing Fast.

Received New Family of 5.

Arts & Crafts.

Janice’s Gift of Mercy.

Romario & Monica, Smile!

Abraham Receives Highest Grades in His High School.

Boys Repaint the Inside of Their House.

Swimming Trip to the Waterpark.

Yeni and Her New Shoes.

Aaron Helping the Kids with Their New Shoes.

Aaron, Deisy & the Girls Taking the Kids Shoe Shopping.

We Received a New Girl.

Pool Party!

Miss Palma Getting Ready for Arts & Crafts.

Love for One Another.

Bethany’s Creative Love.

New Sibling Group of 4.

Fun at the Local Fair.

New Girls.

Learning to Grow Food.

Bonfire, S’mores & Christian Music.

Lupe’s 15th BD Celebration.

The Littles Having Fun!

Kari’s Gentle Heart.

A Pickleball Match.

Safe & Secure with Palma.

Lupe Scores 2nd Highest Soccer Goals in the Area.

Lupe Joined a Local Soccer Team.

Having a Fun Day at the Fair.

New Livestock.

New Children.

Yes, Ice Cream!

Waterpark Fun!

Water Play.

Brothers Happy & Safe Now!

Shoe Shopping!

Yostin & His New Bible.

Adriana & Her New Bible.

Rocio & Her New Bible.

Romario & His New Bible.

Estefani & Her New Bible.

Jackie Sharing Her Love for the Children.

Monica Sharing God’s Love with Romario.

Jimena & Her New Doll.

Rocael & His New Truck.

Kimberly & Her New Doll.

Our Baby Boy, Dominic is Growing Up so Fast.

New Outdoor Toys for the Kids.

Boys Having Fun with their New Trucks.

Dominic & His New Yellow Bus.