A few nights ago, a group of us ministered to people along the Las Vegas Strip. We each asked the Holy Spirit to lead us to specific individuals. The Holy Spirit highlighted this man on crutches to me. I asked him if I could pray for him. He was surprised, not because I asked to pray for him, but because he asked God that morning to tell him what faith was. And the Holy Spirit sent me to him to explain what faith was and how to put faith into action.

Romans 10:14 asks us “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?… ” NKJ

People are seeking God’s help and we need to be willing to DARE to Believe that the Holy Spirit will use us to minister to their needs.

2 thoughts on “People Are Seeking God’s Help

  1. That was heart warming, Becky; God is so faithful to hear are pleas. Thank you for being so sensitive to Holy Spirit’s voice, God extends his hand through us many times to touch others.

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