Let Us Join Our Faith for Your Healing Miracle!

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  1. Please pray for my uncle Peter who is dying from cancer and is not saved. He only has a few months to live. Pray for a miracle to happen and for his salvation. Thank-you!

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this spirit of death, cancer. I curse it at its very root and seeds, and command them to dry up and be eliminated from Peter’s body. I release the Spirit of Life, Holy Spirit, I release his healing power to flow in and throughout his being, resurrect what is dead, awaken what is dormant and recreate what is destroyed. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in Peter’s body to line up with the Word of God, declaring that by His stripes, Peter, is healed and made whole, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. In Jesus’ name, I release the power of Holy Spirit over Peter and that he will believe and receive the gift of Salvation and he will be made whole for God’s glory, amen.

  2. Please pray for my eyes and eyesight to be healed and restored. I have been unable to see to drive among other things for 2 years now. For haziness to go away, dryness be healed, eye floaters, flashes of light, light sensitivity. My eye Dr. was unable to correct my vision enough so that I can drive. I want to be able to be about my Father’s business and not isolated in what I can do. I know and believe God wants me to be healed. Thank you for praying for me. God Bless You and your Family, you are in my prayers as well.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, loss of vision, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow into every part of your eyes (cornea, lens, retina, macula, iris and optic nerve) to cleanse all, recreate what was damaged and restore 20/20 vision and your ability to function normally and attend to daily tasks, including driving. All for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  3. I had knee replacement on March 27. My knee is doing good but the morning after surgery I hurt my shoulder when I stood up on walker. I had a MRI I have a tear plus tendinitis and bursitis. Three weeks ago I started have sciatic nerve pain which is severe. Please help me pray for healing. The pain is so bad and I know with a word or touch Jesus can heal me. Thank you.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this attack on your body. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to cleanse all inflammation of the soft tissue around muscles, bones and all irritation caused by tendinitis and bursitis, and cleanse the inflammation, pinching or compression of a nerve in your lower back causing sciatic pain. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in Gina’s body to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes she is healed and made whole. No more pain, no more suffering, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  4. My husband had a knee replacement recently and everything was fine, but now he’s experiencing pain in his upper thigh and groin area. It’s been a couple weeks now and he’s still in pain. I ask that you join me in believing for his once and for all healing in Jesus name.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke a spirit of infirmity and pain. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into his body to cleanse any inflammation that is hindering his healing and ability to bear weight. I command all pain to cease, in Jesus’ name. I speak to his body to align with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes he is healed, pain-free and fully functional, all for God’s glory, amen.

  5. Pray to heal Viola Cleo Bradshaw stroke, mind needs total restoration, heal depression, grief, loss, loneliness, split personality disorder, sleep disorder, hair growth, stop hair loss, mind needs renewal, heal nasal cavity desperate need due to brokenness, pray to return spiritual gifts, with millions of angels and archangel Pahalia, lift up Cordelia Vogel, heal her mind and heart trouble and family tree.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce you, satan, and all your tactics against Viola. I rebuke a spirit of fear, a spirit of anxiety, a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of death, and any other hindering spirit that is controlling your life. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow in and throughout your brain, restoring blood flow, oxygen and nutrients to it. In Jesus’ name, I speak to all cells, tissues, organs and systems in your body to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes you are cleansed, healed, and made whole. I curse these strongholds over your mind and emotions and inner healing to take place and with the help of the Lord you are healed, delivered and set free, all for God’s glory, amen.

    1. n the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity. I release the healing power of the redemptive blood of Jesus to flow in and throughout your bone marrow and spongy tissues to cleanse all impurities and restore healthy bone marrow to make normal amounts of red and white blood cells and platelets in your body. I speak to his bone marrow and body to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes, Renz, is healed and made whole, amen and amen.

  6. I am requesting prayer for my 6 year old son Remington he was diagnosed with autism and unable to really speak God has told me he is going to heal him that he has a work to do for God

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this label of autism over your son, Remington. I curse the demonic power behind it and all the pain and suffering it has caused you and you son. I speak creative miracles into Remington’s physical brain, inner healing to his mind and emotions, and declare that he is delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life, and that Remmington is able to speak and communicate clearly. I pray he be healed, made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of death. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your renal system to cleanse all impurities from your kidneys and supernaturally recreate healthy kidneys that filter wastes and excess fluid from your blood, and all kidney functions are fully restored, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

      1. Thank you Becky! I receive this in Jesus name. I’ve read all your books and love everyone of them! I’m taking your healing class on the 23rd. I’m so excited. Blessings, Michelle.

  7. Please pray for my 12 year old daughter, Keren Lijoy Pappachen who has been diagnosed with leukemia.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of death, a spirit of fear. I curse this cancer, leukemia, at its root and seeds. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout Keren’s bone marrow and lymphatic system to cleanse and reorder the number of white cells produced in her body to a normal level. In Jesus’ name I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes, Keren, is healed and made whole, all for God’s glory, amen.

  8. As a mother, my heart breaks to see my newborn fight for his life. What started out as a simple cough and fever turned into a deadly infection in a few days. My baby cannot breathe on his own and has been put on life support.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of death, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into his lungs and respiratory system to cleanse all infections, bacteria and impurities, to heal and recreate what has been damaged and supernaturally restore normal breathing and oxygen flow throughout his body. No weapon formed against him shall prosper. In Jesus’ name, I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your son to align with the Word of God and boldly declare that by His stripes he is healed and made whole, all for the glory of God, amen.

  9. I ask prayer for Tobi, a girl with cancer that started from the leg in all the body. God bless you Becky

    1. I curse this cancer and all its cells and tumors at their very seeds, and command them to dry up at their roots and be supernaturally eliminated from your Tobi’s body. I release the Spirit of Life, the Holy Spirit, to flow in and throughout her being, resurrect what is dead, awaken what is dormant, and recreate what is destroyed. No weapon formed against Tobi will prosper. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your Tobi’s body to align with the Word of God and boldly declare that by His stripes she is healed and made whole, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  10. Please pray that God will heal me from severe anxiety, grief and insomnia. My father passed away several months ago and I am still deeply saddened from the images and memories at his funeral. Thank you.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this stronghold over your mind and emotions. I renounce this depression and anxiety. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through your mind and emotions healing all emotional wounds, images, grief and anxiety of the past. I speak to your soul (mind and emotions) to come together as one with your spirit and body and restore your ability to function normally and you can be at peace and sleep restfully, amen.

  11. A terrible liver disease has my 8-month-old daughter Krisha in unbearable pain. Her liver has swollen so much that she can’t even eat, sleep, or crawl without crying.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, liver disease attacking Krisha. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into Krisha’s liver to cleanse all infections and impurities, rid her liver of all toxic substances, to supernaturally recreate what has been damaged and restore all normal functions to her body, and pain cease now in Jesus’ name. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes Krisha is healed and made whole, all for the glory of God, amen.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, pneumonia attacking Anas’s lungs. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow throughout his lungs and air sacs to cleanse all infections, bacteria, excess fluids and impurities that are affecting his breathing. I speak to Anas’ lungs and respiratory system to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes, Anas, is healed, for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  12. Hello Becky, My little girl Sanvi suffers from a life-threatening liver disease and only an urgent liver transplant. Pray for us. God bless you

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, liver disease attacking Sanvi. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into Sanvi’s liver to cleanse all infections and impurities, rid her liver of all toxic substances, to supernaturally recreate what has been damaged and restore all normal functions to her body. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes Sanvi is healed and made whole, all for the glory of Jesus, amen.

  13. I pray for healing of my liver. For blood and oxygen flow to be restored to normal throughout my body. By His stripes I am healed, in Jesus’ name!

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, liver disease. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your liver to cleanse all infections and impurities, to recreate what has been damaged and restore normal blood flow to your body, and your digesting food and ridding your body of toxic substances. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes you are healed and made whole, all for the glory of the lord, amen.

  14. Hi Becky, please pray for my husband, Wade, who found a lump in his testicle. Please stand in agreement that the lump is cursed to the seed and gets out of his body in Jesus name. His inheritance is shalom, wholeness in Jesus name 🙏🏻

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of death, a spirit of fear. I curse this lump in Wade’s testicle at its root and seeds. I command it to dry up and supernaturally be eliminated from his testicle. I release the Spirit of Life, the Holy Spirit, His healing power to flow into his body to cleanse all impurities and eliminate all lumps and tumors, never to return again, and Wade is made whole, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

      1. Amen and Amen, thank you Becky, I stand in total agreement with your prayer. This lump is gone in the Mighty Name of Jesus 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  15. Becky can you please pray for me my family is being attacked spiritually .I been having problems with our mail carrier and she has been very mean towards my family and i .it all started with parking of cars by our mailbox and this angered her because i do not know whos cars they are and she assumed they where ours .and since then the police where called on us she said we where parked in front of our house .I found rice in our mailbox she refuses to leave mail to us ,last week a recieved a package in the mail and it had fermylderhyde and it burned my hands and made me very ill. I feel being touched in my sleep and since then i been in the er 5 times and so have my kids.i pray over them and my home every night ,I just want normalcy in my life i dont have the money to keep paying a co pay anymore in the er.Please i need help and prayer i know its coming form her and never ever done anything to hurt this woman always been nice to her my,Im very intuitive and know its coming from her.i want to thank you in advance for your prayer again thank you !

    1. In Jesus’ name, I curse this demonic attack and its hold on you and your family.
      Jesus gave to you all His authority over satan and all of his wicked works. Go throughout your home and anoint it and your family with a little oil and plead the power of the blood of Jesus over each one of you. Declare these words of faith over and over aloud, “No weapon formed against us shall prosper, no evil will come near our dwelling, and every lying tongue set on fire against us shall be silenced, exposed and brought to shame, and every curse they try to put on us bounces back on them and teaches them a lesson, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

      1. Thank you so much for your prayer it means so much to me ,today i sat in church and just cried because i felt abandoned and alone i could not feel his presence i felt so alone im afraid for my family & my life im afraid to sleep because i dont know what this chemical that i inhaled and got all over my body do to my body i gotta keep the faith a part of me wants to give up but i know i cant just gotta keep the faith .Sending hugs and thank you again i have hope tha

  16. Hallo Becky,
    Can you please be so kind to intercede and pray for the following people listed below:

    1. My brother, Morris Costa. He is such great pain because of a biopsy of prostrate cancer which was done on him approximately 5 years ago. His health deteriorated after this procedure where his one hip bone started to be higher than the other thereby causing much bone to bone cartilage pain on his hips and knees.
    He is in tremendous pain.

    2. My son, Lawrence Costa, is also going through challenges of a strange disease in the palate of his mouth which has suddenly become very red, itchy and painful at this stage. This is very strange attack from the evil one.

    Thank you so much.

    God bless.


    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce these infirmities and attacks on your loved ones. I rebuke a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow in and through the bodies of Morris and Lawrence to cleanse and heal all impurities and pain. I command their bodies to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes they are healed. I speak Morris’ hips and bones to be aligned, balanced and his cartilage restored and made new. And all impurities in Lawrence’s mouth be cleansed and healed, all for God’s glory, amen.

  17. Please pray for Marion’s healing. There are two nodules on her thyroid and a scan showed two lymph nodes on her chest. She had a biopsy today. In addition, one lung is weaker than the other and her heart rate is very slow. Thank you.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear. I curse these nodules at their seed and root and command them to dry up and be supernaturally eliminated from Marion’s body. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into every cell, tissue, organ and system in Marion’s body to cleanse and heal and strengthen all and declare that by His stripes she is healed and made whole. No weapon formed against her shall prosper. amen.

  18. Please pray for Walter who is having memory problems. He is also having occasional leg problems. Thank you.

    1. IN the name of Jesus, I speak to Walter’s memory cells to be recreated, healed, strengthened. I curse memory loss and bless your mind with the healing power of Holy Spirit to cleanse your brain from all impurities and speak life and youth to your memory cells. I speak to your legs to be strengthened and renewed in Jesus’ name, amen.

  19. I ask that you would come onto agreement with me that the diagnosis of copd & emphysema leave my lungs & claiming my lungs are restored as God intended them to be, fully functioning. In Jesus Name

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, emphysema and COPD. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your lungs (alveoli, air sacs) to cleanse them of all impurities and inflammations, strengthen the inner walls of the air sacs and restore the amount of oxygen that reaches your bloodstream and to supernaturally recreate your lungs and restore normal breathing. All for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  20. Dear becky mam please pray for my mom ayrin mascarenhas 63yrs she has esophagus cancer she is on liquid diet from 10months through tube feeding she has finished 4 chemotherapy sessions and we are going for pet scan next week. please pray for a miracle for my mother i love her and want her to live for me. in dont have anybody except her as my family.

    1. I curse this cancer of the esophagus and all its cells and tumors at their very seeds, and command them to dry up at their roots and be supernaturally eliminated from Ayrin’s body. I release the Spirit of Life, the Holy Spirit, to flow in and throughout her esophagus, resurrect what is dead, awaken what is dormant, and recreate what is destroyed, and that she will be able to eat and digest food for normal nutrition. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in Ayrin’s body to align with the Word of God and boldly declare that by His stripes she is healed and made whole, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically all for the glory of Jesus, amen and amen.

  21. My sister was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer in December 2022. She has received 3 cycles of chemotherapy and the report states that the cancer is resistant to treatment. Our hope right now is rest on the healing power of God. Our family is fighting against the spirit of death, just buried my younger sister in October 2022 making it the 3rd siblings that have died and 3 months later this arrow of cancer surfaced. Am so desperate for a miraculous healing for my sister and for our family to be set free. Need the Holy Spirit now like never before.

    1. In Jesus’s name, I renounce you, satan, and all your tactics against this family. I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear, a spirit of death, and any other hindering spirit that is controlling their lives. I curse this ovarian cancer at its root and seeds and command them to dry up at their roots and be supernaturally eliminated from her body. I release the same power that raised Christ from the dead, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Life. I release His healing power to flow into your sister’s body to resurrect what is dead, awaken what is dormant and recreate what is destroyed. I renounce every negative report spoken to your family that stands contrary to the Word of God. I break off all familiar spirits from attacking your sister and family. With my God all things are possible. I release the Spirit of Peace to enter your domains and give God all praise and glory for what He has done. Amen.

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