Let Us Join Our Faith for Your Healing Miracle!

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14,295 thoughts on “PRAYER REQUESTS

  1. Dear prophet, pray for me Ana Milagros Geldres healing of my eyes from cataracts osteoporosis and I have two ovaries thank you very much blessings

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear and all this suffering in your body. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through every cell, tissue, organ and system cleansing them from all impurities and suffering and to recreate and restore all. I speak words of health, healing and strength for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  2. I come from an unconventional family, & I’m not saying that subjectively. I state it, cause it’s objectively true. & no mater what I do -it’s never good enough. To the point, so say -I don’t know anything anymore. I don’t know how to prevail it, cure or remedy. Prayers for our immediate family, my sisters’ fam & our parents & all !

    1. In the name of Jesus, I release the power of the Holy Spirit over you and your loved ones, and that they will believe and receive the gift of salvation for their lives. I pray for repentance and inner healing to take place within their minds and emotions and with the help of the Lord
      they will choose to walk in love and peace, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  3. Hi Becky, pray for healing of my past
    Breast cancer surgery heals and my mammogram goes well on July 5th of my right beast. Also noticed either a bone swollen on my left upper collar bone area needs checked. Pray that goes well also. Going to my dr Monday. Have pain also in my foot that’s been there for years and arch problems ongoing and health issues. God bless

  4. I really appreciate you Becky! Will you please pray for a loved one who is living a drug and alcohol lifestyle and has been diagnosed with epilepsy. He has been through a lot of trauma too. Thank you so much.

  5. Dear Becky, please pray that any spirit of abusiveness, anger, depression and suffering should also leave our family. And me and my husband should restore our relationship back. Please pray that we should be together, please please pray for my realtionship restoration. we should not think of divorce, since we have 2 kids.

  6. My daughter had just been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. I have been fasting and praying for her healing. Jehovah Rapha still heals today. I would appreciate your prayers for her total healing.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this spirit of death, metastatic breast cancer. I curse it at its very root and seed. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into her cellular realm and that all cancer cells are supernaturally eliminated from her body and new cells are recreated that are cancer free. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and systems to be healed and made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  7. Hi Becky

    I need prayer for myself and my family.

    I am 70 years old and was just diagnosed with a cancerous tumour on my small intestines with polyps and ulcers. This cause blockage to the biliary ducts resulting in infection to the body as the blood is unable to drain properly. My haemoglobin level is also very low (half the normal level) and my blood sugar level is very high as the pancreas is affected. I’m scheduled for a major surgery on 28 June, called Whipple Procedure, followed by 6 months chemo. 
    Please pray for a miracle healing and deliverance from God, and divine health.  I have gone through 8 major surgeries, and twice chemo and radiation already. 
    I am due for another liver MRI on 7 June, and more blood tests. Please pray for good report. Thank you. 

    Regarding my family of 4, they all need help and care because of health issues. My daughter (35 years) is fighting Stiff Person Syndrome, a neurological autoimmune disorder affecting nerves and muscles, causing her to be homebound and unable to function like a normal person. My husband (69 years) is struggling with Parkinson’s Disease, and recently the doctors suspect prostrate cancer, so he is currently undergoing more tests. My son (31) has symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome, robbing his independence. We come against the enemy’s evil plans of destruction in the name of Jesus and pray for God’s divine healing miracle touch on my entire family for a turn around, and that we all walk in the divine health that Jesus has already provided. Thank you.

    1. In Jesus’ name, I renounce you, satan, and all your tactics against this family. I rebuke spirit of death, a spirit of fear, and any other hindering spirit that is controlling your lives. I release the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of life. I release His healing power to flow through your bodies, minds and emotions, in Jesus’ name. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. I command your bodies to line up with the Word of God, and boldly declare that by His stripes you are healed. I speak into existence new cells, tissues, organs and systems and newly created bodies and minds that work together in harmony to produce new life and life in abundance to all. I renounce every negative report that stands contrary to the Word of God. I release the Spirit of Peace, Love and Joy to enter into your domains, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  8. My 100 year old friend is suffering from severe back pain and compacted constipation from pain meds (uses a walker and is hunched over; wears hearing aids; almost totally blind from macular degeneration; lives at home). Many of her daughter’s friends (along with me) help to take care of her and pray for her. Amazingly, God has given her a sharp mind.
    However, even though she’s saved, she is set in her (ways) of understanding, believing and receiving the benefit of Jesus’ healing resurrection power.
    At this point, I’m not sure that we are all in agreement, when we (individually, with her) call on Heaven’s provision and pray what Holy Spirit knows will break the spirit of death and infirmity that’s taken a hold of her mind and body. I’m aware that she has the victory to live, and not die (yet), but sense that she wants to give up and die.
    Sincere, and overflowing heartfelt thanks, for your prayer…

    1. In Jesus’ name, I release the healing power of the Lord to flow in and throughout her spine to realign, strengthen, and heal it. I command every vertebra, disk, muscle, ligament, tendon, nerve and nerve ending to be recreated and healed, and pain free, and I speak to her digestive system to function normally, amen.

  9. A dear sister in Christ Arvada has been battling ALS the past 2yrs. Although she has continually prayed for there hasn’t been any noticeable change or improvement.

    Is it available for you to pray for her by phone or Zoom?

    Thankful for your ministry of service & healing.

    Blessings in Christ

    1. This is for Arvada.
      In Jesus’ name, by the power of faith, I renounce the spirit of death, the spirit of fear, the power of this negative medical report, negative word curses that have been spoken over you, and this generational curse called ALS attacking your body.
      I release the Spirit of the living God to flow throughout your entire being. I declare life and His peace into the nerve cells in your brain and into the very core of your spinal cord. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow from the very center of your spinal cord and work its way throughout the rest of the body. I command your motor neurons to be regenerated. I call resurrection life into dead motor neurons—they are disease free, healthy, strong, and function perfectly normally. I come against all forms of paralysis. I command the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves that control your ability to speak, swallow, and breathe to stop atrophying and return to normal size and strength. I say speak, swallow, and breathe for the glory of our Lord. I command the body to stop wasting away and gain back the weight necessary to live a healthy and normal life. The muscles of your hands, arms, and legs will not be affected by this disease. You are a temple of the Holy Spirit, and this premature death has no legal right to inhabit this temple of yours. I plead the power of the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ over you, your body, and the rest of your family. This disease dies within your body this instant, and it cannot move and have its way within you or in your future generations. I believe that this prayer of faith manifests healing and strength in you, amen.

  10. Our little one has been battling various health issues, including breathing problems and white motion.

    We took him to different hospitals, and he was found to have an infection that requires immediate surgery.

    However, his weight is only 1 kg, and the surgery cannot be conducted until he gains more weight.

    1. In Jesus’ mighty name, I renounce this spirit of death and sickness over your little baby. I release the same power that raised Jesus from the dead into his body. I speak to this baby to be strong, healthy, will to live, fight for your life. I renounce all the breathing issues. I speak recreation to his lungs and respiratory system to be cleansed from all impurities, and that he lives and fulfills his destiny in Christ. And that he grows quickly and puts on weight to a healthy normal size. And that he is no longer affected by white motion. In Jesus’ name, I declare the word of the Lord that by the healing whips of Jesus, he is healed. AMEN!

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this spirit of death, endometrial cancer. I curse these cancerous cells at their seed and root and command them to dry up, die off and be supernaturally eliminated from the lining of your uterus, never to return or to spread again. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow through your every cell, tissue, organ and system to resurrect what is dead, awaken what is dormant and recreate what is destroyed. I boldly declare that by His stripes you are healed and made whole, all for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  11. I really appreciate your teachings! Becky, will you please pray for a loved one who is living a drug and alcohol lifestyle while also being diagnosed with epilepsy. He has been through a lot of trauma also. Thank you for your time.

  12. My husband, Jim has stage 4 bladder cancer. Please pray for a healing miracle. He has a lot of pain as well.
    Thank you so much!

    1. In Jesus’ name, I renounce this spirit of death, cancer, cancerous cells and tumors. I curse them at their very seed and root. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow in and throughout his bladder to be cleansed from cancer and premature death, and into the dna of his bladder too. I command the confusion in his dna to be recreated, and to obey the plan of creation for it. They live and die, and fulfill their lifecycle, they do not linger and cling together and form tumors. I command total and complete healing to come forth, in Jesus’ name, amen.

  13. My mother has ALS and her dying wish is to pray with Becky Dvorak. Please let me know how this is possible?
    Bridgette Hensley

  14. Pray for healing in my body for skin disease, ovarian cyst, gall Stone and cyst on my left vaginal wall I already had a surgery done for it but from yesterday I’ve started to feel pain again. I’m believing for total healing.

    1. In Jesus’ name, I release the healing power of the Lord to flow in and throughout your entire organ, the skin and to go deep into every layer and to heal it from the inside to the outside. I release His healing power into that gall stone to completely do away with it, and that it supernaturally dissolves and is eliminated from your body without pain or further complications. I curse that ovarian cyst, and command it to die off at the seed, and to dry up at the roots and to be gone in Jesus’ name, amen.

  15. Sis. Becky
    I go by Becky also. Pray that God will give me new teeth. My teeth broke off and I have some missing and turning black. I’m on disability and cannot afford to go to the dentist. I know that God can give me new teeth. Also I have spinal stenosis and i have these weak spells where I cannot walk at times and poor balance, have to use a walker. Don’t go in stores anymore. Fear has took over and nervousness. Thank you so much for your prayers. God bless.

    1. In Jesus’ name, I release the lifegiving, recreative power of the Lord to flow through your teeth. I speak recreation to them from the inside to the outside. I release His healing power into your spine, and command it to be recreated by the power of the blood of Jesus, all pain, all suffering be healed, and every vertebra, disc, muscle, ligament, tendon, nerve, and nerve ending be healed and made whole, amen.

      1. Sus. Becky, Thank you so much for praying for me. It seem like I have more energy, but im still believing for complete
        healing for my back and balance. Thank you and continue for your prayers. Love you.

        1. I speak to your spine and to your balance to be healed and made whole, full of strength, and able to stand without weakness or feeling like you are going to fall, amen.

  16. Please pray that God will heal my warts. I have several warts that do not go away. Thank you for your prayers!

  17. Please pray for Eve. One of the tumor markers has gone up another 245 points.

    Pray that God would heal her and that her doctor would find another medication to prescribe if it would not have any serious side effects and if it would heal her.

    Thank you.

  18. I need an urgent prayer request in agreement with you Pastor Becky for my family member was diagnosed recently Malignant mesothelioma cancer on her stomach. The cancer was already spread on her stomach and according to her doctor she has 8 months to live. She is doing a chemotherapy now once a week and scheduled to have a surgery later.

  19. Dear Brother’s and Sister’s…
    Please pray for me..
    My boss Ankur gurg & Nina Madam transfer me in Khapoli plant.. TATA Steel (Mumbai)..
    I don’t want to go in Khapoli plant.
    Because..I have lots of responsibility.
    & also My wife Sonu is a child mind, She can’t handle anything.
    And also
    I am worried about My mother and my Late younger brother family.
    Because every week I meet all and carrying.
    Request you to please pray for me to Stop my
    Pray for me..
    Pray for me..

    Your brother in christ

    1. In the name of Jesus, I pray God’s plan and purposes for your situation come to pass. In Jesus’ name I pray you have divine favor, reconciliation and restoration in all situations. Amen.

  20. Hello Becky, my name is Maria, I am writing to ask you to please pray for my father, he was diagnosed with coronary heart disease, aortic stenosis, a few days ago he had chest pain and exhausted himself when walking a few steps, his name is Oscar. Thanks for your prayer.

  21. Becky, please pray that any spirit of abusiveness, anger, depression and suffering should also leave our family. And me and my husband should restore our relationship back. Please pray that we should be together and he should never ask Divorce, and please also pray for my kids.

  22. Asking prayer to assist us in throwing out Sarcoma cancer from our beloved Tommy’s body in the name of Jesus, it must go!!!! Thank you

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of death, sarcoma cancer. I curse it at its seed and root. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into Tommy’s bones and connective tissues to supernaturally eliminate all cancer cells from his body and never return again. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in Tommy’s body to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes he is healed and made whole, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  23. Hello, can you please pray in agreement for me for my son Noahs miracle of complete healing and restored to perfect health. He is 19 years old and is in a fierce battle with cancer. He recently had major surgery and recovering from that and today doing his 4th round of chemo. Thank you for your prayers they mean the world to us. God bless you

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of death. I curse this caner at its seeds and roots, and command them to dry up and be eliminated from Noah’s body. I release the Spirit of Life, the Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout his being to resurrect what is dead, awaken what is dormant and recreate what is destroyed. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in Noah’s body to align with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes Noah is healed and made whole, all for the glory of God, amen.

  24. Please agree with me in prayer. Matt 16-19 In the name of Jesus i bind satin and his demonic force and their wicked works to try. to steel. kill and destroy me with the evil spirit of A fib and heart failure. I renounce you devil and all your evil works! In the name of my Savior Jesus Christ, like him and the fig tree I curse the the very root and seed of, Af fib and heart failure I demand in the name of Jesus that any sickness the evil one is trying to put on me, leaves at once! For my Lord Jesus gave me his name and put all things under my feet! You devil and all your evil works are under my feet By the authority of the name of Jesus I demand you get your rotten hands off me Now! For it is written No weapon formed against me will prosper! Glory to God In Jesus name Amen

    1. I stand in faith with your faith Janet.
      In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your heart to restore regular heart rhythm and sync with the upper and lower chambers of your heart. In Jesus’ name, I speak to the supernatural recreation of a normal, healthy heart, heartbeat and regular contraction of the heart muscle. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, amen.

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