PRAYER REQUESTS - Author Becky Dvorak


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  1. Please pray for my mother she is hurting on her left side in her rib cage and is having a hard time breathing. She loves Jesus and I gave her one of your books. Please pray she is healed. I also need complete healing in my body. Thank you.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this spirit of infirmity. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into her being to cleanse and heal her lungs, her breathing returns to normal and all pain and its causes to cease. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in her body, to align with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes your mom is healed and made whole, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  2. Hi Becky, God bless you.
    Please will you pray for me to evict the spirit of cancer and the spirit of death from my body in Jesus name. I ask that you pray blessings over my body that God will make all things news with his almighty power and pray the blood of Jesus over me. Thank you.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I curse cancer. I renounce a spirit of death. I release the Spirit of Life, the Holy Spirit, to flow in and throughout your being, to resurrect what is dead, awaken what is dormant and recreate what is destroyed. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body, Emma, to align with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes you are healed and made whole, all for the glory of God, amen.

  3. Lucy, please pray for my 5yo grandson, Fletcher who is on strong medication for a rare form of epilepsy that has side effects including anxiety, developmental delays, lack of sleep and poor behaviour . Please pray for miraculous healing, that his brain will be normal and he can go off the meds. Thank you, God bless you!

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of death, epilepsy, epileptic seizures and all side effects from medications attacking Fletcher. I release the healing power of Jesus to flow throughout his brain and command all pathways that have been carved out in his brain for seizures to follow be supernaturally erased and declare no new pathways for seizure activity occur in his brain. No more seizures. No more medications.
      No weapon formed against Fletcher will prosper. He will grow up and fulfill the destiny he was created for. In Jesus’ name I pray this, all for His glory, amen.

  4. Hi Becky,
    Please pray for my cholesterol level, I just found out the LDL is definitely too high. Thank you! Bless you & thank you for your obedience to your calling, you have saved many because of it.

  5. In desperate need of prayers. My bank account and credit accounts have been hacked. I am literally penniless. Please pray with me that these evil attacks go straight to Jesus. He will deal with those who attack us. In the name of my Savior Jesus Christ, I am thankful and give all praise and glory to His name.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce you satan, and this attack on your finances. I declare no weapon formed against you shall prosper. No evil will come near your dwelling, and every lying tongue set on fire against you will be silenced, exposed and brought to shame. Every curse and assignment that the enemy unleashes against Theresa will bounce back on them. In Jesus’ name, I pray you have divine favor, reconciliation, and restoration in all situations, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  6. Prayers for a closer walk with God,for a van big enough for all of us ,bigger better home for my family ,all my grandkids and great grandkids, and my kids to come to God and change their life,for my husband to come home so we can be a family but only if it’s God’s will ,finances,work,health,prayer for healing for my ex-husband he has cancer

    1. In the name of Jesus, I pray revival of the Holy Spirit into your family’s hearts, and God’s plans and purposes for your situation come to pass. I pray you have divine favor, and that repentance and inner and physical healing with your husband is brought forth and all choose to believe and receive the gift of Salvation, all for God’s glory, amen.

  7. Please pray for my son Nimrod,he is addicted to drugs (dagga and crystal meth) He went to 3 rehabilitation centre’s. He needs healing and restoration.Thank u

  8. Hello Beck;y, I would like you to please pray for my dry eye syndrome. I create prophetic jewelry and sometimes it gets difficult with my eyes bothering me. So, I ask if you would help me pray for healing.

    Thank you so very much and God Bless You.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke a spirit of infirmity, dry eye syndrome. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit into your eyes, Esther, to cleanse and restore adequate lubrication to your eyes., and the right amount of tears are produced and all itching and blurriness are eliminated, all for God’s glory, amen.

  9. Please pray for my daughter Anaiah to be healed from (Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), dystonia, dysphasia, treacher collins syndrome, obstruction in her airway and severe sleep apnea. She suffered a cardiac arrest in Feb 2023 and since then has being unable to walk, sit, eat- all of which she used to do before. I need strength to continue fighting for her healing and to trust that God will make a way.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this spirit of death over Anaiah. I release the healing power of the Spirit of Life, the Holy Spirit, to flow in and throughout her cellular realm (body) to resurrect what is dead, awaken what is dormant and recreate what the enemy has destroyed. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and systemin Anaiah’s body to align with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes she is healed and made whole, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically, all for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  10. Hi Becky, I would like prayer for my daughter complete deliverance of autism to be manifasted in the natural. A creative miracle in her mouth, mouth to expand and for her teeth to grow in straight. I can’t her to the dentist and her teeth are not growing in properly I believe it is anxiety in her mouth, anyways we know God has done it. We are excited.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce autism and the powers behind the label. I speak life and creative miracles into your daughter’s brain and recreate all that is not right with her (including teeth, jaw and gums) to be healed, and she becomes whole and all that she was meant to be. I speak to all issues that go hand-in-hand with autism. I declare that she is healed, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  11. Please help pray for young 36 yr. Old woman in Nursing home l minister in. She has Huntington disease and in wheel chair, jerking out of control. She comes to Bible study. Has children. Katrina is her name

    1. In Jesus’ name, I release the healing power of the Lord into this woman. I renounce all sickness and disease and premature death and speak words of life, health, healing and strength over her, amen.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of pain, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your being to cleanse all inflammation and heal itchy and painful skin. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes you, Judy, are healed and made whole. Amen.

  12. My bones keep getting weaker, thinner. I am in a cast with a broken left wrist. I keep commanding healing into my wrist. Also the Dr said my left pelvis bone is thinning. Prayer for fast healing.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow into all your bones, Sundra, to nourish and restore bones in your wrist and pelvis and recreate new strong bones throughout your body. I boldly declare that by His stripes you are healed and made whole, amen.

  13. Please pray for my daughter-in-law’s father named Jeff. He is in the Sioux Falls Hospital because of an infection which is very serious. They believe his heart has some issues of infection. It may be a staff infection that they found. He is a retired pastor, and is heavily sedated because of pain.
    Please pray for direction for his wife as she is starting dementia and she is confused. Thank you for your prayers.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of death attacking Jeff. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into the lining of his heart, chamber and valves to cleanse all bacteria, heal all infections and restore normal cardiac function. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in his body to align with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes he is healed and made whole. Amen
      In Jesus’ name, I renounce a spirit of confusion and memory loss, dementia. I speak to Jeff’s wife physical brain and her memory cells to be recreated, healed and strengthened. All for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  14. Hi Becky, l wrote a request but believe it did not go thru. I am one of your students on line. Doctor has ordered biopsy on Endometrial tissue. I will not accept doctors report unless it is good. I began ministry at nursing homes and am with church prayer team to pray during services. You are right, we will be attacked. Thank you for your prayer. Will refuse any other treatment.
    Merry Christmas !!

    1. In Jesus’ name, I renounce this negative report, this label and the power behind this label. I release the healing power of the Lord to flow throughout your system to cleanse, heal, and make it whole, amen.

  15. I’m requesting prayer for my husband Paul, he’s 53. He was diagnosed with high blood pressure a few years ago. He was diagnosed with celiac disease last year. This year on my birthday in August, he went to urgent care for a bad cough and ended up being rushed to the hospital for extreme high blood pressure. He was in the hospital for a week and Dr’s said his heart was only pumping at partial capacity. They also diagnosed him with stage 4 kidney disease and said his kidneys creatinine levels were high & functioning at 19%. We’re praying and speaking to his blood pressure, speaking that his heart beats at full capacity, cursing celiac disease, and speaking that his kidneys are functioning at 100% and his creatinine levels are normal. Thank you for all of your books and teachings…. especially Conquering the spirit of death and Prophetic & Healing Power of Your Words. They are helping me teaching me how believe for my husband to be made completely whole. Please agree with us in prayer for his miracle. Thank you.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce you, satan, and all your attacks on Paul. I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear, a spirit of death and any other hindering spirit that is controlling your body, mind and emotions. I release the power of the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Life, to flow into Paul’s body and supernaturally heal all, in Jesus’ name. I command every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body to align with the Word of God and boldly declare that by His stripes you are healed and made whole. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Amen and amen.

      A message to help you:

  16. Please pray for a complete healing from tumor, cancer anemia, swollen left side including lymphs and arm. I renounce this Spirit of premature death, fear and all that is associated with it. Thank you God that I shall live and not die and declare the illustrious acts of our God. Please pray this spirit is evicted from my life, family, hone and ministry. Thank you for your prayers.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of fear, a spirit of death. I curse cancer and all its cells and tumors at their seeds and command them to dry up at their roots and be eliminated from your body. I release the Spirit of Life, The Holy Spirit, to flow throughout your being to resurrect what is dead, awaken what is dormant, and recreate what is destroyed. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body, Doris, to line up with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes you are healed and made whole, spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically, all for the glory of Jesus, amen.
      Romans 15:13 (The Passion Translation) “Now may God, the fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!”.

  17. Pray for me Juannika, I’ve been through a lot. My twin sister, who is abusive and mentally ill, shoved my head backwards four or five years ago leaving me with a severe TBI, I have cancer, and I lost so much weight that I am currently on the verge of dying. The devil has been trying to kill me to stop me from fulfilling my destiny. Thanks in advance for praying for me.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this spirit of death. I curse this cancer at its root and seed. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your cellular realm and that all cancer cells are eliminated from your body. I speak recreated miracles to your brain, in Jesus’ name and that you are fully restored in body, mind and spirit, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.
      Attached is a teaching:

  18. Hi, Becky! Please pray for our son, Abi, he’s in the hospital again for his mind and physical health diagnoses. Also, there’s a presence in our house that I still sense. Thank you for praying 🙏🏽🙌🏽

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this spirit of death, a spirit of fear, and ALS. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow throughout Ruth’s nervous system, nerve cells in her brain and spinal cord. I speak creative miracles to these, and that Ruth gain her muscle control, have control over your limbs, speech, and breathing, all for God’s glory, amen. Nothing is impossible with God.

  19. I’m requesting prayer for my wife who is on temporary dialysis, her kidney was injured and her creatine levels in her kidney. I’m believing GOD for her kidney to be healed and dialysis stopped.
    Thank you and God Bless your Ministry.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of death attacking her kidney. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and through her kidney to cleanse and recreate her kidney so that it can filter waste products from her blood and normal creatine levels and functions are restored supernaturally. No more dialysis. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in her body to align with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes she is healed and made whole, amen.

  20. Thank you Becky for your faithfull prayers for those in Need. My husband Phill has chronic heart failure also serious mobility issues. His legs don’t work properly. Out of the blue sometimes normally. Chronic fatigue and breathing issues. Thanks and Blessings to those who pray.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of death. I release the blood of Jesus to flow into Phil’s heart and ventricles to recreate what has been damaged and restore normal blood flow to his entire body. I speak strength to his body and restoration of his mobility, all for God’s glory, amen.

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