Let Us Join Our Faith for Your Healing Miracle!

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  • This page is reserved for praying in faith for healing for people, not pets.

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    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this attack on your autoimmune system. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus into your immune system to cleanse all inflammation, heal and strengthen weak muscles and restore you to full health. By faith I already declare that you already have – an immune system that is healed and you are made whole. I speak to every cell tissue, organ and system in your body, Phumla, to align with the Word of God that declares by His stripes you are healed, all for the glory of the lord, amen.

  1. My name is Nomfundo Ratshitanga I have been having sickness from influenza of 6weeks coughing to now a painful and cramping left leg ,please intercede on my behalf for complete healing in my body and whatever is causing this to leave my body for good.I believe by his stripes I am totally healed

  2. Hi, I am a mom. I am praying for healing for my body. I’ve been dealing with acid reflex for about four years. I believe someone tried to Put a spell off of my life. Can you please pray for me and I’m gonna keep praying for myself as well thank you

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity and pain and all the suffering you are experiencing. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your esophagus to cleanse all irritations and infections and heal all pain while swallowing, heartburn, hoarseness, nausea, chest pain, loss of appetite, and damage in your food pipe. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body to align with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes you are healed and made whole spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically, all for the glory of the Lord. Amen.

  3. Dear Becky, My dad, Duncan, has been in a long battle of weakness to his legs & pain in his back. He has fallen a lot due to it. Yesterday he went to the dr & fell in the street. I’m tired of seeing this happen. Please pray for his legs to be strong & pain to leave. Thank you!

  4. Dear Becky,

    The left side of my face has nerve issues that is not allowing me to taste food and has created a tightness on the left side of my face. It happened after a root canal and a gum infection.
    Also, when I walk, I’m also unstable which may be a cause of the nerve issue.

    Thanks Becky,
    Gary Oczkowski

  5. Hi Becky,
    I ask for prayer for healing nasal polyps and sinus infections that won’t go away. I renounce the demons and loose the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow thru me. I must be doing something wrong, I have strong faith and believe God’s Word that by Jesus Stripes I am healed. However, I am still attacked with ongoing polyps that are huge and debilitating.
    Becky, thank you so much. Be blessed!!

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity and all the pain and discomfort you are experiencing. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through your nasal passages, and sinus cavity to cleanse all infections, supernaturally shrink all polyps and heal you from all sickness and disease and symptoms be gone, in Jesus’ name, amen.

    1. In Jesus’ name, I renounce this spirit of fear and depression. I speak the peace of Jesus over your mind and emotions, and command their spiritual attack against you to stop in the mighty name of Jesus’, amen and amen.

  6. My mom has been in a long battle against small cell lung cancer that has spread to the brain and adrenal glands that we know of. In the last week they found acute myeloid leukemia which is a very aggressive leukemia that needs to be healed quickly. Her name is Teresa. I thank you for standing in faith for her and appreciate your ministry very much.

    1. Michael, I just added this request to my FB Page and asked people to pray for Teresa this week (they will). So, right now, in the name of Jesus’, I renounce this spirit of death, cancer, cancerous cells and tumors that are attacking Teresa. I release the healing power of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ to flow through her every cell, tissue, organ and system to cleanse and purify her from all cancer, and to recreate healthy cells, DNA of the cells, tissues, organs and systems, and they are cancer-free and cancer-proof for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  7. Hello evangelist Becky , I would like you to agree with me to pray for healing for unblical hernia, I don’t want to undergo another surgery again. I am believing Jesus christ of nazareth to heal me completely and supernaturally . God bless you

    1. In Jesus’ name, I release the healing power of the Lord to flow through this umbilical hernia to heal and make this whole again, and declare it is no longer an issue for you, amen.

  8. I’m asking to be joined in faith and prayer for healing for my husband, Richard, as he was diagnosed with glioblastoma brain cancer yesterday, and was diagnosed with anapestic thyroid cancer last year.

    1. In Jesus’ name, I renounce this spirit of death and cancer, cancerous cells and tumors. I release the healing power of the Lord to kill off every cancerous cell and tumor, to cleanse and heal your entire body of all traces of cancer. I speak healing, health and strength to Richard’s body. Be healed in Jesus’ all-powerful name, amen and amen.
      PS — I added this request to my FB Page to ask others to join us in the faith,

  9. I was recently diagnosis with invasive ductal carcinoma of the right breast. On 5/24/24 I will see a team of specialist for my treatment and a breast surgeon. On 5/31/24 I will have a breast MRI. I’m praying the cancer did not spread and that the mass will shrink, and cancer will never return again in Jesus Name! No chemo just healed in Jesus Name! I have been praying your prayers thank you…

    1. Dear Natalie, not only will this mass shrink, but in Jesus’ name it is totally and completely dissolved and eliminated from your body, not a trace will remain or return in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.

  10. Dear Becky, pls pray my retina is completely normal when I see the specialist
    And I’m healed of diabetes

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of blindness. I plead the power of the blood over your retina- the layer at the very back of your eyeball- both the macula and the peripheral retina, its cells and optic nerve so that they are supernaturally healed and restored to work together to give a clear, accurate picture of what you’re seeing, and 20/20 vision. I speak creative words (Gen.1) to bring forth a healthy pancreas that puts a sufficient supply of insulin into your bloodstream, allows sugar to enter your cells, be appropriately processed, and your natural insulin to lower the amounts of sugar in your bloodstream and restores all normal function, amen.

  11. Please pray for son Joshua who is going to have wrist surgery May 15 to remove a cyst that is putting pressure on a nerve. Thank you!

    1. In Jesus’ name, I release the healing power that raised Jesus from the dead to flow through your left leg, feet, ankles and calves and the source of these issues to be healed, and they are strengthened, made whole, pain and swelling-free, amen.

  12. Thank you, Becky and prayer Team, Please continue to Pray for my niece (JENIFER W.)-She’s still battling Last Stage of Cancer. I am Needing the Lord to heal several tumors on Jenifer’s brain and made Whole. I’ve been declaring your previous prayer for Jenifer 4/26/2024-watching your videos.

    Colossians 4:2 (NLT) tells us to Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.
    -A praise report! Jenifer and my Sister Kelly(Jenifer’s Mom) called me last night to give their heart to the Lord. God is moving in my family! Thank You, Leslie W.

    1. In Jesus mighty name, I renounce this spirit of death, cancer, cancerous cells, messed up DNA in these cells that form tumors. I curse these things at their seed and root and command them to die off and be eliminated from her body, and yes, her DNA is healed, are slippery once again, and fulfill their lifecycle in Jesus’ name. I renounce these negative reports of last stage … and declare that she is in the beginning stages of a mighty life-changing miracle for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  13. Please pray for me I have high blood pressure, tumors in my womb, Acid reflux, Chronic pain and fatigue. I am failing to provide and take care of my three small children.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of death, these sicknesses that are attacking you. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow throughout your body, mind and emotions to heal and restore you. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system to line up with the Word of God and boldly declare that by His stripes you are healed and made whole spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  14. Believing for complete deliverance and healing for adult son, PR (28) who has been battling depression, anxiety, woundedness since 7th grade. Major hurt from bullying, rejection, church and angry at God. Asking for his heart to trust and receive Christ’s love ( he had a vibrant relationship with Jesus as a child), forgive and receive true identity, value & self worth, not shame. Believing for healthy relationship with godly young woman.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I pray that PR will lay down every hurt and disappointment and choose to forgive his way out of this depression, anxiety, and rejection, and choose life, remain in His presence, be filled with the Spirit, find joy and peace. I renounce a spirit of shame and release the Holy Spirit over his mind and emotions and PR knows that he was created in the image of Elohim (Farther, Son, Holy Spirit), and all shame was taken to the cross by Jesus. Amen.


  15. Please pray for a healing miracle for my marriage. That my marriage is fully healed and completely restored. Thank you and God Bless you.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I pray the power of Holy Spirit over you and your husband. I pray for inner healing in your minds and emotions and with the help of the Lord you both will choose to love and cherish one another and walk daily in the arena of forgiveness and your relationship will be restored and made whole for God’s glory, amen.

    2. In Jesus’ name, I pray the healing power of the Lord over your relationship, that both would choose to behave, love, and forgive one another in Jesus’ name, amen.

  16. please pray for a lump on the back or my head and blurred vision. Moreover, please pray for overall good physical health.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this infirmity attacking your head and vision. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body, Michael, to heal and restore all. Amen.

  17. Please agree that my niece’s husband, Matthew, will receive a Miracle-a brand new esophagus, and be able to eat and drink and keep the food down, in Jesus’ name, amen.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this sickness and attack on Matthew’s esophagus. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow throughout his esophagus (food pipe – from the pharynx to the stomach) to cleanse, heal and recreate all that his been damaged and restore all normal function for nutrition to his body (eating food and drinking fluid)s. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in his body to align with the Word of God that declares that by His stripes Matthew is healed and made whole, all for God’s glory, amen.

  18. Your general inquiry section isn’t working.

    Hello Becky,

    Your healing creed class says it starts May 23, 2023.
    Does it start this year on May 23rd and the year is just wrong?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Hope,

      Thanks for reaching out to me. The date on this course was in 2023, we will be redoing this course and all the courses, but you can sign up for this course, and take it at your own pace via recorded links of the live sessions that we recorded. Our current 4-wk course is “Overcoming FEAR”. Our next 6-week course is “Overcoming a Wounded Heart”, and begins Nune 11th, 2024.

    1. I release the healing power of the Lord to flow through your digestive system to cleanse and heal it from all sickness and disease and symptoms be gone, in Jesus’ name, amen.

  19. Please pray for my son Christopher who has huge health issues, back pain/spasm, prostate issue (prostatitis), mental health issues and addictions, and is suicidal! He is desperate for help and doesn’t know where to turn. He needs Father’s healing touch so badly.
    Thankyou Becky❤️

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce these spirits of infirmity, pain and spirit of death, and the lying spirits that are wanting to take Christopher’s life through suicide. By faith, I release the power of the blood of Jesus to cleanse, and recreate and restore every cell, tissue, organ and system in his body and that his mind and emotions align with the Word of God that by His stripes he is healed, flowing with life and made whole. All for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  20. I’m a mom of5 teens I suffered a large brain bleed and subsequent paralysis of my left side. My left hand is especially affected. I’m trying to stay positive but so far there has been little progress my family really does need me to be functional for them. Please pray for a miraculous healing in my life. I’m 44 years old

    Thank you for considering my request

    1. Dear Christa,
      In the name of Jesus’, I renounce this spirit of death that came against you. I release the healing and resurrection power of the Holy Spirit to flow through your every cell, tissue, organ, and system to cleanse, heal, strengthen and make you whole. The damage and paralysis from this brain bleed be healed and the brain be healed and made whole, amen and amen.

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