Let Us Join Our Faith for Your Healing Miracle!
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This page is reserved for praying in faith for healing for people, not pets.
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Dear Becky,
Two big neck, back and arm injuries leaving me with excruciating pain. Especially arms and neck. Haven’t slept well in years and it has just gotten worse.
Thank you for your prayers, ministry, and beautiful heart.❤️
In the name of Jesus, I renounce this spirit of pain and infirmity, and the torment it is causing you, Shelley. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow throughout your body (neck, back and arms) to heal, refresh, to strengthen them and deliver you from all pain and discomfort. I command your every cell, tissue, organ and system to align with the Word of God and declare that by His stripes you are healed and made whole. I speak to your sleep and pray “when you lie down, you will not be afraid, when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet” (Proverbs 3:24), amen.
Hello woman of God. The Lord did it. After all the prayers my sister B.Joyce diagnosed with breast cancer that has spread to the bones went back to the hospital for tests and part of the cancer is gone, there’s a small percentage left. We trust God
Praise the Lord, for He IS Good! With God Nothing is impossible. We thank you Lord for B. Joyce’s healing and stand in faith that by His stripes she Is completely healed and made whole. She is cancer-free and cancer proof. In Jesus’ name we pray and give Him all the glory. Amen
Hello Becky
Praising the lord for my daughter Nicole. She was diagnosed with leukemia back in October she is doing great
Last biopsy showed a smalls Lou t of cells still remaining. Please pray for complete healing.
Thank you
Praise the Lord, for He IS Good! With God Nothing is impossible. We thank you Lord for Nicole’s healing and stand in faith that by His stripes she Is completely healed and made whole. In Jesus’ name we pray and give Him all the glory. Amen
Becky thnak you for your declaration of faith over my daughter. doctors are pushing for transplant, they are afraid the small residue starts growing) i sand ion faith it is not and it is GONE!! please also pray for peace in my heart and not fear!! we love you Becky thank you
Isaiah 53:1 says, ‘The people reply, “Who could have believed what we now report? Who could have seen the LORD’S hand in this?” We declare the Word of the Lord that Nicole is healed and made whole.
Laura, By the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, may you be filled with His power, His love, and with the mind of Christ. ‘For God has not given us a spirit of timidity (fear), but of power and love and discipline’ (2Tim.1:7). Have faith to believe without wavering and be delivered from this spirit of fear. Amen
911, I feel queasy, lightheaded, and dizzy, and it feels like a seizure is attempting to strike my body. Please remember me in your prayers. I’m fed up with my body and health being associated with illnesses, ailments, and issues. A season of healing, favor, deliverance, and protection is overdue. Satan is lying, yet he is actually attacking my body at the moment. Pray, please!
In the mighty name of Jesus’, I renounce seizures, the root cause, and the symptoms. I release the healing power of Jesus to flow through your every cell, tissue, organ and system to cleanse, heal and strengthen you, amen.
Prayer request for complete healing of head and sinuses, all areas of the mouth and throat. Thank you, God Bless.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity attacking your sinuses and mouth and throat. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your sinus cavity (nose, mouth, throat) to cleanse and heal all inflammation of the tissues lining your sinuses. I speak restoration to your breathing and relief from all pain and discomfort. I pray all in Jesus’ name and for His glory, amen.
Hi Becky,
Please pray for my 5 years daughter Grace and 3 year daughter Glory. They have speech delay and are not able to communicate with us properly. Thank you!
In the name of Jesus, I renounce these hindering spirits preventing Grace and Glory to communicate, and the demonic power behind it. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus over Grace and Glory, and I speak creative miracles to their minds and emotions, and to Grace and Glory’s physical brains and declare that they are delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life, and that Grace and Glory can speak, communicate, and grow and thrive and meet all developmental milestones. We give all praise and glory to our Lord, amen and amen.
Please pray for a breast cancer tumor and wound symptoms that seem to be getting worse. I pray that it is stopped immediately, cease and desist, and supernaturally cut off completely from my body, without negative repercussions, and never to come back. I pray for a miraculous healing, wisdom, guidance, strength, and freedom in the Holy Spirit on a daily basis as I fight the enemy’s illegal onslaught into my body and life.
In the name of Jesus your Healer, I renounce this spirit of death, breast cancer, all cancer, cancerous cells, and tumors attacking you, Gen. With all the authority that Jesus gave to us, I command these cancerous cells and tumors to die off at their seed, shrivel and dry up at their roots, and be supernaturally gone from your body, never to return or spread to other parts of your body. I declare a wall of protection between your life and them. I declare the Word of the Lord over Gen: your cells, tissues, organs and systems are cleansed, healed strengthened, re-created, and made whole, cancer-free, and cancer proof. I align my faith with the Word of the Lord that declares you will not die but live to declare the works of the Lord (Ps.118:17). In His name, I pray, amen.
Please pray for me, I have burning scalp pain that is causing my hair to fall out.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce this infirmity, scalp pain and loss of hair. I command it to stop attacking your head. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your immune system to cleanse all impurities in your body, scalp and skin and heal the root cause of this pain and discomfort. In Jesus’ name I speak to your hair to grow back strong and healthy, amen
I ask for prayer for complete healing of inflammation in both my eyes in the name of Jesus Christ and for my immune system to return to normal which is the cause.
In the mighty name of Jesus, I curse this inflammation in your eyes and the source of it. I command all pain, swelling, and vision problems to be gone, your eyes healed and made whole, amen.
Please pray for healing of my digestive tract, gastritis, acid reflux, lymphoma and osteoarthritis. Thank you.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce all sickness and diseases attacking Karen. I pray in faith believing without wavering with doubt and unbelief that You (Jesus) have already released the power of Your blood to heal Karen of all. By Your stripes (Isa.53:4-5) You purchase her healing, and she is made whole.
I release the blood of Jesus to flow in and throughout Karen’s being to resurrect what is dead, awaken what is dormant, re-create what is destroyed. I pray all for the glory of the Lord, amen.
Becky I’m believing God, I’m better I feel better. I pray completion of the healing by the blood of Jesus by the stripes of Jesus.
Healing for my mind, brain, healing of all mental illness in the name of Jesus Christ, so be it, healing in my mind and in my body, healing, restoration, health, life, life, wellness and homeostasis ik the name of Jesus Christ, amen
I stand in unwavering faith for your complete healing. Keep confessing your healing. Amen
A pray for your confession of faith. https://authorbeckydvorak.com/?s=A+confession+of+faith+to+combat+the+enemy%27s+lies+to+block+your+healing
Pray gor husband coughing for a long time …he is 81 and sleeps in his chair when he can and enough is enough….couldn’t sumbit this under prayer request am desperate..please God pray
In the name of Jesus, I renounce this attack on your husband. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout his domain and physical body to cleanse the root cause of this chronic cough, heal and restore all normal breathing. I command this cough to cease, and all normal breathing to return, and he has sweet and restful sleep. All for God’s glory, amen.
Hello Becky!!Requesting prayer for my heart to beat normally,no more palpitations.I am recently widowed and need to learn how to live alone without fear n anxiety,for strenght n courage to rise up in me/to pray and have faith again.,to stop grieving.tenderly,pj
In the name of Jesus, I renounce this attack on your body and emotions. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit into your heart to re-create the upper chambers of your heart are in sync with the lower chambers; it beats with no irregularities, no palpitations, and no shortness of breath. I proclaim the Holy Spirit is the very breath you breathe (Job 33:4). I deliverance from the spirit of fear and anxiety, and your mind and emotions are at peace. By the Spirit of God, your soul is filled with His power, His love, and you have the mind of Christ. I pray all for God’s glory, amen.
Our friend Lisa, a 60 year old mother of 5 adopted high risk children has end stage cancer. We have prayed with her and her husband multiple times. She expresses only the love and faithfulness of Jesus to every person she meets. Would you please pray for her healing. Thanks so much! We sent her your “Healing Decrees”, and your prayer cloth some months ago.
In the name of Jesus your Healer, I renounce this spirit of death, all cancer, cancerous cells, and tumors attacking this sister in the Lord. With all the authority that Jesus gave to us, I command these cancerous cells and tumors to die off at their seed, shrivel and dry up at their roots, and be supernaturally gone from her body. I declare a wall of protection between her life and them. I declare the Word of the Lord over her: your cells, tissues, organs and systems are cleansed, healed strengthened, re-created, and made whole, cancer-free, and cancer proof. I align my faith with the Word of the Lord that declares she will not die but live to declare the works of the Lord (Ps.118:17). In His name, I pray, amen.
Please woman of God pray for my sister BJ who was diagnosed with breast cancer that has spread to the bones. Wednesday she went for a scan to see if treatment is working. On Monday she will have the results
In the name of Jesus, I renounce breast cancer, and all other cancers attacking BJ’s body. I command in His name all cancerous cells and tumors or lumps in her body to die off at their seed and dry up at their root and be supernaturally eliminated from her body, never to return or spread to other parts of her body. Nothing is impossible with God. I speak to every cell, tissue, organa and system in BJ’s body to line up with the Word of God and I boldly declare, in faith, that by His stripes she is healed and made whole (Isa. 53:4-5), all for the glory of the Lord, amen.
Please pray that my white blood cells will come down to a healthy level as I have been diagnosed with leukemia. I am looking forward to a good report from my doctor on Tuesday.
In Jesus’s name, with God nothing is impossible, and neither is this, Sandra! I renounce a spirit of death and leukemia attacking your body. I release the Spirit of Life, the power of the Holy Spirit backed by the blood of Jesus, to flow in and throughout the blood-forming tissues, bone marrow, and lymphatic system and to resurrect what is dead, awaken what is dormant, and recreate a normal white blood cell count for you. I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body to line up with the Word of God that declares by His stripes you are healed and made whole (Isa.53:4-5). I pray all for the glory of the Lord, amen.
Have been standing for a very long time in faith, believing and speaking the Word over MD in my eyes and for a straightened spine that doesn’t hurt. Thankyou for agreeing with me.
In the name of Jesus, I pray in faith against this eye disease, macular degeneration, which is injuring your macula. I release the creative miracle power of the Lord to flow through the central portion of your retina, specifically the macula, to refresh, strengthen, and heal it (Ps.41:3). I declare that your vision, Sharon, is 20/20. I speak to your spine and command every vertebra, disk, ligament, tendon, nerve, nerve ending and muscles align with the Word of God and be straightened and healed from the base of your head to your tailbone, and you are pain free, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.
Hello Sister Becky, please pray for me. I’ve been experiencing anxiety and am in need of healing manifestation in my physical body. God bless you. Love Mundie
In the name of Jesus, I renounce this attack on your mind, and emotions physical body. I stand in the gap for your deliverance and healing from this tormenting, intense anxiety. In Jesus’ name you, Mundie Nicole, are loosed from this infirmity (Luke 12:13). Anxiety and fear no longer have control over your mind and emotions, but you are free, and whom He sets free is free indeed I speak to every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body to line up with the Word of God that declares by His stripes you are healed and made whole, all for His glory. Amen
Praise the lord sister Becky, please pray for my mother JESUNTHA, suffering with spinal cord issues. She is in severe pain. Please please pray for her. Thank you!
In the name of Jesus, I renounce this attack on Jesuntha’s spine and spinal cord. I curse all the torment and pain it has caused her. I voice activate this same power that raised Christ from the dead, the Spirit of Life, the Holy Spirit, to flow throughout her entire spine. And Jesuntha’s every vertebra, disc, ligament, tendon, nerve and nerve ending are recreated, regenerated, strengthened, healed, made whole, and pain-free. All for the glory of the Lord, amen.
Hello Becky! My sister needs healing. She has painful, thrombosed hemorrhoids. She’s scared and depressed. The doctor gave her medication, but it doesn’t work. I firmly believe Jesus will heal her. Please pray for her. Thank you.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce this attack on your sister. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout these swollen veins in her lower rectum and anus to cleanse all infections, irritation and shrink all bulging blood vessels. All normal body functions are restored, and she is pain free, all for the glory of God, amen.
I have insomnia from anxiety. I have trouble breathing when I lie down and it causes anxiety even though I am exhausted. I stay so sleepy during the day.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce this attack on your mind and emotions. I stand in the gap for your deliverance and healing from this intense anxiety, fear, breathing issues, and sleep deprivation. In Jesus’ name you, Flora, are loosed from this infirmity (Luke 12:13). Anxiety and fear no longer have control over your mind and emotions, but you are free, and whom He sets free is free indeed. And you will have sweet sleep (Proverbs 3;24-26). Amen
Dear Sister Becky, so Wonderful to meet you, Woman of God, please help pray for my Precious Niece Reina Moreno, she was diagnosed with PTSD AND ADHD, and She’ got her focus on it, no good at all, She Loves Abba. Got the Holy Spirit???, thank you so much. Blessings from Above, Sister Liz.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce this label of ADHD and its negative manifestation of the inability to focus attacking Reina. I declare words of faith that produce creative miracles in her brain and central nervous system. I pray Reina’s mind and emotions are at peace, and she can do what Philippians 4:13 says she ‘can do-all things through Christ who strengthens you’, including the ability to concentrate and focus. I pray this all for the glory of God, amen.
Shalom Becky,
Pray for my 3 year old son Ezekiel who has been recently diagonized of Autism specturm mild to moderate. He has delayed proper speech, behavioral challenges , sometimes he throws tantrums.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce the label of autism over your son, Ezekiel, and the demonic power behind it. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus over Ezekiel. I speak creative miracles to his mind and emotions, and to Ezekiel’s physical brain and declare that he is delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life, and that Ezekiel can communicate, meet all developmental milestones, and no longer suffer from fear and rage, no more torment from the enemy. All for the glory of the Lord, amen.
Please pray for me. I am suffering horrible with Parkinson’s. Depression, anxiety, and fatigue never leave for a minute. Its feelings I can’t stand from the Parkinson’s. Please pray for me. I seek help from the doctors and I get no relief.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce this spirit of premature death, Parkinson’s. I release the heling power of the blood of Jesus over this degenerative disorder attacking your central nervous system, and strength and ability of your motor system. Kelly, I curse the torment it is causing you. I declare that you are healed and made whole by the stripes of Jesus (Isa.53:4-5). You are delivered from Parkinson’s, and your central nervous system is regenerated, your motor system regains its ability and strength. No more suffering from tremors, rigidity, slow movements, or have trouble walking. I pray all for the glory of Jesus, amen.
Hi Becky,Please Pray for my Son he is having periodic high temperatures.
In the name of Jesus, I rebuke this infirmity attacking your son. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into his domain to cleanse and heal the root cause of these high temperatures and restore him to normal body temperature and health. I pray this for the glory of the Lord, amen.
Hello Becky, can you please pray for my four year old grandson Zion Greene to be healed of his autism and to become verbal in his communication. In Jesus name amen!
In the name of Jesus, I renounce the label of autism over your grandson, Zion, and the demonic power behind it. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus over Zion. I speak creative miracles to his mind and emotions, and to Zion’s physical brain and declare that he is delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life, and that Zion can communicate, meet all developmental milestones, and no longer suffer from fear, no more torment from the enemy. All for the glory of the Lord, amen.
Hi Becky –
Please pray for Evie, an elderly woman struggling with diverticulitis issues (plus the strong anti-biotics given her after the hospitalization have done a serious number on her gut), she’s weak, and not able to eat much. Thanks!
In the name of Jesus, I renounce this attack from the enemy, diverticulitis. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus into the wall of her large intestine to cleanse all inflammation and to supernaturally eliminate irregular bulging pouches in the wall of the colon (large intestine). Heal her immune system -restoring all normal function, including ability to receive nutrition and strength. I speak to all pain and discomfort to stop, in Jesus’ name. Amen