On July 13th, 2024, in Butler, PA the world witnessed the prayer of faith in action before our eyes. Many of us watched on our TVs how a bullet was launched at President, Donald J. Trump’s head but instead of entering his skull, hit his ear. Immediately, my son and I broke out into prayer I, along with many others that have been declaring over him, “No weapon formed against President Donald J. Trump will prosper, no evil will come near his temple, and every lying tongue set on fire against him will be silenced, exposed and brought to shame in Jesus’ name.” And like so many others we clung tightly with our faith in Jesus for a miracle. And as you know, this prayer of faith rose that man back to his feet, with his clinched fist in the air, and full of determination to, “Fight, fight, fight!”  This was indeed the prayer of faith in action before our eyes.

The iconic photos of the bullet whizzing in the air directed at his head, and the photo of him on the ground on his knees with blood running down his face, and then the victorious picture with his fist in the air, declaring war on evil is a breath-taking miracle.

Simply put, our words have extreme power. Proverbs 18:21 (AMP) teaches us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.” Isaiah 55:11, (AMP) says, “So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me void (useless, without result), Without accomplishing what I desire. And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” And according to James 5:15 (AMP), “The prayer of faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” The prayer of faith is so very powerful, and all the prayers of faith that were spoken over Donald J. Trump saved his life that day.

According to these three verses, our words have the power of life and death, God’s words will not return void, in other words, they will produce the desired results, and they will save, raise up, and even forgive the sins of the sick, or the one in need. So, continue to pray the prayer of faith, not only for Donald J. Trump, but also over yourself and your family in Jesus’ name. For indeed, we witnessed the prayer of faith in action before our eyes, and it produced for the glory of God.

6 thoughts on “The Prayer of Faith in Action Before Our Eyes

  1. When I saw what happened to President Trump I was shocked but God saved him and to hear the President SAY, it was God who saved me just thrilled my heart. What a God we serve.

  2. Amen! Thank you! So thankful that President Trump was spared! So thankful that the Lord is blessing this country through him! The prayer of faith avails much!!

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