Such excitement stirs within us when we allow ourselves to think about plunging into the deep and glorious realm of the Spirit. Our imaginations visualize great spiritual adventures of the supernatural kind such as dreams, visions, healings, heavenly visitations, and creative miracles. And yes, all of these and so much more await us as we plunge into the deep with the Spirit.

But let’s take a moment to contemplate what it means to plunge into the deep and glorious realm with Holy Spirit. Our uncontrolled mind and emotions throw us into the deepness of the Spirit instantly, but I’m telling you from experience it doesn’t work this way. This is where it will eventually lead us to, but this is not where it begins. Before plunging into the deep and glorious, let’s find out just where this supernatural realm begins.

In the natural, the beginning of the deep is at the bottom of the sea. And in the deepest part of the ocean, it’s dark, the pressure is strong, it’s unbreathable, and a lonely place to be.

But spiritually speaking, in order to go into the deep and glorious of the supernatural realm with God, we must start here. And even though we may feel like we are all alone in this place, we are not. The Spiri of the Lord is with us.

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?  If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me (Psalm 139:7-10).

Spiritually speaking, the deep for us begins in the depths of repentance. This is not a popular topic in most pulpits nowadays. Many think they can rent a big hall, hire great-sounding musicians and singers, add a moving preacher who can preach, send out the invitations, and we’ve got ourselves a great revival. But that’s not how it works. A true revival always starts with a repentant heart.

When we look at the great prophets of the Bible before they walked in the true power of the Spirit, they all went down into the depths of repentance. The loser they moved toward God, the more they sensed His holiness and saw how unworthy they really were. They felt inadequate for the job and the need for a spiritual cleansing. In today’s world, it’s the same for us.

This was Isaiah’s response when he entered into the presence of God and received the prophetic call,

So I said: “Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts” (Isaiah 6:5).

You may feel like Isaiah did here—undone! This is the beginning of the second wave, (that I speak of in this book), but fear not. Instead, trust God to take you into the deep waters of repentance and have His way with you, cleansing your heart from all ungodliness.

This excerpt comes from my book, “The WAVES of Healing Glory”, chapter 3, “Plunge Into the Deep Waters of Repentance”, pages 57-59.

Let’s pray.

Father God, in the name of Jesus’, I confess that I am not where I should be spiritually. I have allowed the things of this world to cloud my view of You. Help me, lead me to the deep waters of repentance. Help me to truly examine my heart, and to see the areas that I need to adjust to live as I should for Your glory, amen.

Click here to purchase your copy of “The WAVES of Healing Glory”. Or you can also purchase a copy of it from your local 

4 thoughts on “Where Does the Deep Begin with the Spirit?

  1. This is exactly the place to where The Lord has been leading me.It is a very sobering place and everything in me has longed to be here.tho it is painful to feel the darkness in my own soul.I NEED this and reach out for HIS arms to hold and help me.THANKYOU BECKY .I can’t wait to get your book.

  2. Thank you Becky for this Word, l have been praying about this. Going deeper, a cleansing of heart , a pure heart indeed. Had your book Waves of Healing Glory already packed for the trip. What a Blessing.

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