What we say over ourselves or what we say to others is important. The Bible is clear in Proverbs 18:21, The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. This power in our words can hurt or  heal, encourage or discourage, build up or  tear down, and we are the ones that choose what type of power we operate in.

Here are a few verses to consider about the power of your words. Take these Scriptures to heart and pray to the Holy Spirit for help in this area.

  • Set a guard over my mouth, LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips, Psalm 141:3.
  • Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer, Psalm 19:14.
  • The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing, Proverbs 12:18.

The words you speak will determine what happens in your daily life. So choose them wisely. When you align your words with what the Bible says, you will then begin to see the results you so desire.

  • The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit, Proverbs 15:4.
  • Whoever would foster love covers over an offense, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends, Proverbs 17:9.
  • What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them,” Matthew 15:11.

I don’t believe that most people set out to hurt others with their words. I think sometimes we just don’t hear the pain our words can carry to others. But we can surely learn to recognize the power behind our words with a simple prayer for help from the Holy Spirit.

Dear Holy Spirit,

Help me to hear the words that I speak. Correct me if they are full of death and pain to myself or to others. I desire that my words are pleasing to you and a blessing to the receiver too.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen and amen.


Click here to learn more about the power of your words and how to use them effectively in Becky’s new book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2018 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

26 thoughts on “Your Words Have Power

  1. Please agree with me that my son will be delivered from demonic powers and return to God and submit to his calling. I am studying your book The Healing Creed and learning how to turn my unbelief to belief, in Jesus Name.

    1. Dear Adonis,
      Right now I release the dunumus power of the Holy Spirit to hover over your son, and that he will be healed in his soul (mind and emotions). That he will be able by faith to forgive those that have hurt and disappointed him. And as he releases them he will be released from their bondage and the bondage that he himself has created in his life. I prophesy that the new man in Jesus will come forth in him by the redemptive blood of Jesus, amen and amen. Hugs, Becky :O)

  2. Hello sister becky how are you. Sister Becky I need your prayer and I really believe that I’d you pray for me God will listen to you and provide me a job. Actually right now I don’t have work and I am upset and just trying to find work through indeed I applied a lot bUT didn’t get any job so please sister Becky say Good words for me and I believe that God will answer and I will give testimony. Thank you

    1. God listens to faith, so thank Him for providing for your every need, daily. Thank Him for the job that He has for for in the mighty name of Jesus.
      Dear Heavenly Father,
      I thank You for divine favor for Virqa. I thank You for providing for their daily needs and that a job opens up for him that he enjoys and is good at in the mighty name of Jesus’, amen and amen.

      1. Sister Becky Please pray for me..I live in a basement…I have no money… My husband died..I had a fall…I have ask and ask for forgiveness..I know that God is my supply, but nothing happens..Then I saw your name…I felt that I would be blessed… Thank you

        1. Dear Janet,
          Now that you have repented for whatever (I do not need to know) now start to prophesy God’s blessings over you. Start to declare that you are blessed and highly favored of the Lord, that God meets all your needs. There is no such thing as lack in your life. And become a giver. You can never out give God. Hugs, Becky

  3. Sister Becky,

    Please, kindly pray for me for healing and deliverance. I have swollen at the left side of my neck which is painful and l do not know what it is. l believe that God will use you to heal me even without seeing you. Please, which of your books will help to heal me totally?

    May the Lord continue to strengthen you in Jesus name.


    1. The Healing Creed will help you advance in the area of healing.
      I renounce this swelling in your neck, and the sickness / disease behind it. I command it to be gone in the mighty name of Jesus. And this does not return again here or any where else in your body. All for the glory of our Healer–Jesus. Amen and amen.

  4. GOD bless you dear Sister,
    I thank our GOD for your ministry and that you are spreading the Word that our words do matter and we are healed by our faith in The LORD JESUS’ stripes at the whipping post.
    A few years ago my husband took me to a faith healing service where I expected that I would be healed by the laying on of hands in agreement with my faith. However the security guards would not allow us to get close to the minister. I left so disappointed and my husband was upset by the way we were treated. We had driven about 300 miles and had a hotel room. The enemy shut me down 8 years ago with Primary Lateral Sclerosis-a rare disease that robbed me of my ability to walk and to speak clearly. In error, I thought The LORD was trying to teach me something but Praise GOD, I got your book through Sid Roth
    Ministries-The Prophetic & Healing Power of Your Words and now I know the truth! Please agree with me for my total healing for GOD’S glory. I’m looking forward to singing His praises and working for The LORD again! Many thanks for your help!

    1. In Jesus’ name I renounce the spirit of death, this rare disease that are attacking you. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through your body and I declare that it is healed and made whole for the glory of Jesus, amen and amen. Speak life, live life like you are healed. Hugs, Becky

  5. Sister Becky please pray for my life and specially for my tongue I am really very depressed and upset I need your prayer u am not happy in my life might b because of my words or someone else.
    There is kinda curse that’s why I am suffering please pray for my smooth life and the Holy spirit guide me in my life how could I listen to holy spirit.

    1. I pray for an inner healing to take place within your mind and emotions. I declare that you will choose to believe the Word of God that you are created in the mirror image of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and as Jesus is so are you in this earth. I pray this all for the glory of God, amen.

  6. Hello praise the Lord I am really blessed after reading this article. I really sometime in anger say bad words for me might be that’s y my life in not running smooth but this year I have to change my words and I believe there is a power in our tongue according to bible.
    God bless you all.

  7. Becky please pray for me to be totally healed from kidney disease and to get off of dialysis and healing from high blood pressure and anemia. Thank you for your prayers God bless you and your ministry

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce premature death, kidney disease, high bp and anemia. I release the healing power of Jesus’ to flow in and throughout your kidneys, they are cleansed and made whole for the glory of God, your blood pressure is normal, not high and not low, and I speak to your blood to be healed and strengthened by the redemptive power of Jesus for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  8. Love you to mentor me to usher souls in the Kingdom. Tell me what step to take? Much thanks, ❤️ In Christ, Madalyn

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