December 26, 2018 Victor writes requesting prayer for his little girl who has been suffering with epileptic seizures for 7 months. He writes, “Dear Becky, please pray for my daughter (3 years plus) who has been suffering epileptic seizure disorder for about 7 months now. I believe in the Spiritual Authority & God’s Grace for Healing upon you Ma & I am confident that my daughter will be completely healed when you pray for her. Thanks Ma.”

I respond with a prophetic prayer of faith for her deliverance and healing. “In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this spirit of death, epilepsy and seizures attacking your daughter. I release the healing power of Jesus to flow in and throughout her brain. I command all pathways that have been dug out in her brain for seizures to follow to be supernaturally erased for the glory of God and no new pathways for seizures may be redug for the glory of God. No more seizures because there is no more epilepsy for the glory of Jesus, amen and amen.”

January 2, 2019 Victor writes to testify of his daughter’s glorious healing. He shares, “Dear Becky, the Almighty God is indeed still in the business of doing the impossible and the miraculous. I can confirm to you that the seizures have all stopped; this is so breathtakingly miraculous. My family & I are completely dazed & awed at the Power of God at work. It just happened just like that. My daughter has regained her perfect state of health. The most astonishing fact is that she got completely healed before we crossed into the New Year. Now, we are confident that she can resume school with her peers after the holidays. Oh, Jesus Christ is indeed the same yesterday, today and forever. We stand amazed at the Power of the Almighty God. To Him be all the Glory, honor and adoration forever and ever. I celebrate the Grace of God upon your life Ma. May God bless and take your ministry to yet more glorious and greater dimensions far beyond your greatest imaginations and expectations. AMEN.”

This is what happens when we put our trust in the redemptive work of Jesus, and use the power of the spoken word and prophesy healing in His name.


Click here to learn more in Becky’s new book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2018 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

37 thoughts on “Seizures Healed!

  1. Dearest Becky,
    Pls pray that my CA Markers will normalize, that my endometriosis, myoma, and adenomyosis will die and be gone. Kindly pray that my womb will be opened with no miscarriage. Thank You.

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce the spirit of death, and any cancer cells and/or tumors in your body. I curse these at their very seed and command them to dry up at their roots an die off and be eliminated from your body. I renounce the labels of these disease over your body, and declare a new label according to Isaiah 53:4-5, “By His stripes you are healed.” I speak creative miracles into your womb and all female organs that they are recreated, healed, strengthened, realigned and function 100% normal for a strong and healthy child for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  2. I suffer with anxiety and depression and it reared its ugly head in September 2018, I’ve never seen it this bad. I feel spiritually attacked in my mind by Satan and I’ve been reading a book by Charles Capp called the power of the tongue. I feel that the devil is trying to get me to say bad things against the Holy Spirit, that’s kind of how it all began I guess he does know that it’s OK if you take God‘s name in vain it’s OK if you take Jesus name in vain but if you say bad things about the Holy Spirit then that means you lose all transition of going to heaven. I’ve been fighting this battle my anxiety has been through the roof if I had not read that book I would be in a mental ward by now somehow I continue to Fight this had it not been for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and knowing the lies evil feeds us. I have some words, spoken words that I’m able to fight back with but that’s all. A few times I have felt the presence of God around me long before this occurred I felt like I had been abandoned by God Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I have been spending the time with God that’s what I was told that if you wanted to go to heaven you had to spend time with God you had to know the Commandments you could know scripture left and right but it wasn’t enough and so that’s what I’ve been doing I’ve been hanging on for dear life. I felt like it was all my fault, my mind which is kind of be hanging on to God and then it would wander and then it would come back or I would try to come back. So far so good I have my good days and I have my bad days but I just need prayer I just need to know that God still cares about me still loves me why am I not hearing from him?

    1. Dear Wendy,
      In the name of Jesus Christ, your Healer and Deliverer I renounce these lying spirits attacking your mind and emotions. I release the healing balm of Gilead over them and that you are healed and made whole. Every bad memory is transformed into a healed one, amen and amen.

      God does not have any negative thoughts about you, not a one. He only has precious thoughts about you and His precious thoughts concerning you out number the sands of the earth.

      Your Salvation depends upon the redemptive work of Jesus, it has nothing to do with you memorizing the 10 commandments. Read the following articles about Salvation:

      I’ve included a list of 31 joy Scriptures to help you renew your thoughts.

      Becky :O)

  3. Please pray for the complete healing of my daughter. She was critically ill for over two months. By the grace of God she survived and now is in a recovery period. She still has a long way to go. She has a lung infection that will not clear and has lost the use of her legs and no longer has control over bodily functions. I ask for prayer that God will continue this miracle and bring Jennifer to full recovery.
    Thank you

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce the spirit of death and these infections and terrible effects over your daughter. I command these lungs to clear up and be free from all infection and disease. I declare that she is able to breathe deep and easy for the glory of the Lord. I renounce the loss of the use of her legs. I command strength to return and whatever the cause of this is I curse it and command it to leave her body in the name of Jesus. I command the control of all bodily functions to return in the name of Jesus, amen.

      *Speak life, healing, strength and creative miracles over her daily. Refrain from all negative speech no matter what it looks like.

  4. Becky please pray for my granddaughter Jordan she is 25 and has glaucoma she has only 10 percent vision in one eye and 40 percent in the other eye, she is devastated, she is in college taking a 2 year masters degree courses and doing straight A’s, she needs a miracle . Thank you Becky

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this death and glaucoma in Jordan’s eyes. I renounce the power of glaucoma in her, and release the healing power of Jesus into them, and declare that her eyes are delivered from this disease, all symptoms vanish, and her eyes are recreated and they see once again 20/20. All for the glory of our Lord, amen and amen.

  5. Hi Becky, I’ve been praying for the manifestation of healing and so have many others for 10 years now. I literally need a touch from head to toe. Virus, Autoimmune, cardiovascular, skin virus, immune system, cells for allergic reactions and sensitivities, Osteoporosis, teeth, chronic fatigue, etc. I’ve become a hermit and can’t attend church much or any other functions for the most part. I am also an Ordained Minister and of course haven’t been able to preach or do ministry outside my home in quite a while. I know I am healed, and I know GOD has more for me for HIS Kingdom Work. I would appreciate your prayers so much, hopefully my miracle is on the way. Thank you and blessings on all you do for HIS Glory.

    1. I renounce this spirit of death, the spirit of infirmity, and the power of your negative word curses that you and others have spoken over your being. I release the healing balm of Jesus into your mind and emotions and as you read and study the Bible and speak it out over you and live what it says to do that your entire being will come back to life, full of strength, full of God’s hope for a future in the name of Jesus, amen and amen.

  6. Beloved Becky, My husband is a practicing Jew. A miracle would open his ❤️ To Jesus. He is a diabetic. His healing would awaken Jack to salvation. Much thanks, in His Grace, Madalyn

    1. In the name of Jesus’, our Healer, I release the power of the Holy Spirit to flow into Jack’s pancreas and that is recreated, healed, strengthened and functions perfectly normal for the glory of God. I renounce the power behind the label of diabetes and declare a new label over him, healed, delivered and made whole. Holy Spirit hover over Jack, bring people into his life with the same saving message that Jesus is Lord. I declare by faith his surrender, his repentance and his acceptance of Jesus as his Savior, amen and amen.

    2. Dearest beloved Becky, Please pray for my homosexual prodigal son Josh, to reconnect with our family and the loving arms of Jesus! From a mother’s ❤️ this Year of Jubilee…Much LOVE and deep gratitude Madalyn

      1. In the name of Jesus’ I pray for Josh to humble himself and reconnect with his family. That the healing balm of Jesus would enter into his mind and emotions, deliverance and peace would settle into his inner being, in the name of Jesus’, amen.

  7. Dear Becky please pray for a speedy recovery of my son he had a aneurysm in September and he is still in recovery his body is more than fragile. He cannot speak He cannot walk He cannot eat… He is having seizures daily.

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce the spirit of death and all the negative effects from the aneurysm. I release the Spirit of Life, the healing power of Jesus to flow in and throughout his entire being. I speak to the brain and brain stem to be recreated and to function 100%–despite what the medical reports say, we declare the Word of the Lord over him that he is healed by the stripes of Jesus in Isaiah 53:4-5, amen. ** speak life, speak healing, speak strength over him in the name of Jesus daily…

  8. Dear Becky,

    Please pray for immediate relief from sinusitis that I have experienced since this past Friday. Also, please pray for my cousin who is still strongly grieving from my Aunt’s death last year as well as for my Aunt’s husband, children and other family members. This same cousin also says she battles with depression.

    Thank you so much!

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow into your sinus’ and command all infection, disease, swelling and pain be healed and made whole. I speak inner healing to take place into your cousin’s mind and emotions and that she will find joy again and the courage to continue on in life. That her memories of her mom will be sweet and precious and no longer debilitating, but a source of encouragement for her in the mighty name of Jesus’, amen.

  9. Dear Becky, Please pray for my son SEAN who has started stammering strangely for his speech to be corrected in Jesus mighty Name

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this attack against Sean. I declare according to the Word of God that no weapon formed against him shall prosper, and I curse this problem at its very root and seed. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout his entire brain and brain stem and in the name of Jesus’ total and complete healing, nothing left undone for the glory of our Lord, amen.

  10. Happy New Year Mrs.Becky Dvorak:
    I saw you on Sid Roth’s show, “It’ Supernatural, and May our Lord continue to bless you abundantly for doing God’s work.
    I shall like to kindly ask you to pray for me having been afflicted with stroke in March 2017.
    After having domiciled here in the USA for over 35 years I visited my country of origin Ghana in December 2015, for my late father’s funeral and came back January 2016, I went back again in December 2016 for a memorial service to commemorate his passing and returned in January 2017. In March 2017 I was stricken with the said stroke, which resulted in paralysis of my left side(my left hand and left leg greatly affected), and I have a slurred speech. I am trusting God for my Miracle healing, deliverance and Restoration, and my faith has led me to 9 faith healers, so far ranging from Men of God in the USA and overseas. In October my faith brought me to Johannesburg, South Africa, and in December 2018 coming back from Harera, Zimbabwe where the Prophet I visited prophesied that my stroke was a direct result of a Wichcraft curse on my life by a distant family member who wanted to covet Family Property: You See, while they were alive, my late father and late Uncle were always in court over my late grandfather’s property, and when I visited Home for my late father’s funeral my late Uncle’s wife queried if I had come to Ghana after all these years seeking property to sell, which was rather in bad taste! I noted your are scheduled for an upcoming prayer conference
    at: Faith Factor, Niagara Falls, Ontario April 26-28, 2019 with Pastor Victor Phillis whom I met and had fellowship with along with Tommy Combs, the Evangelist, in 2018: Additionally I also prayed with Evangelist Charlie Shamp with Pastor Victor Phillips, in Toronto in 2018
    I believe to have my healing by the Grace of God, and in Jesus’s Name, that you pray for me, by taking Authority and speak over and rebuke the spirit of stroke and the enemy and speak life unto my situation in the mighty name of Jesus.
    This is my permission to request your prayers, and I thank you kindly. May our Lord richly bless you always.
    P.S. Kindly let me know if I should attend one of your up-coming Prayer meeting conferences for the laying on of hands and/or I await to follow your instructions, Thank you kindly.

    1. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce the spirit of death, all the lingering symptoms from this stroke, and the curse of witchcraft against you. I release the healing balm of Gilead into your mind and emotions for all that you have been through, including the loss of your father. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit into your brain, brain stem, and into your spine. I command all damaged brain cells to be eliminated through the body and that new brain cells are recreated, that the brain stem is recreated and made whole, and that every vertebra, disc, ligament, tendon, nerve, and nerve ending be realigned and recreated and function perfectly normal. I renounce all paraylsis and command this spirit to release you in the mighty name of Jesus, that your nervous system is refired and functions perfectly normal for the glory of Jesus, amen and amen.

      PS — Yes, come to the healing event in Niagara Falls, Ontario.

  11. Dear Becky please pray for my work I am looking for job from 3 months and also I wanna do LPN training and I can see the obstacles I want you to pray for all this so that this year will be blessed and successful for me. I believe if you pray to Heavenly father and son and holy spirit I will be blessed with all that.
    And please pray for my spiritual life I want to give my life to God.

    1. As I read your requests I see they will all be answered by your faith put into action according to the promises of God in Matthew 6:33 where Holy Spirit tells us, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Read Matthew 6 and do what it says to do; first seek God, and live according to His righteousness and then all these things, provision for your daily needs, including work… will be added onto you.

      I can pray and pray, but in the end it is still up to you to obey what God is putting in your heart to do. And I do pray you will heed this message and seek Him first and live according to His ways, speak life, healing, provision… into every situation of your life, in the mighty name of Jesus, amen and amen.

      Hugs to you,
      Becky :O)

  12. Amen plz pray for my family yo prosper ,financail breakthru
    And a need to find permanent job to help my family.amen

    1. According to the Word of God in Matthew 6:33 if you seek first God and His ways that all these daily needs will be met. Start using your words and voice, prophesy this promise over your life and family for the glory of the Lord. Amen.

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