To Help You Heal,
Check Out My Next Course,
“The Miracles of Jesus”
(Part 2) with Becky Dvorak.
with this 8-Week Online POWERFUL Healing Course.
March 18th-May 13th, 2025.

“I’m here to help you HEAL in Jesus’ name.”
“I witness the blind see, the deaf hear, the mute speak, cancerous tumors disappear, rare and incurable diseases heal, paralytics walk, and the dead come back to life. And I am here to help you heal in Jesus’ name too.”
~Prophetess & Healing Evangelist, Becky Dvorak
Becky Dvorak has written a timeless book filled with prophetic prayers and declarations that produce divine healing. Get the book, and activate His power to heal the sick, raise the dead, and release those creative miracles in you.
Host of Its Supernatural!
Every once in a while, we are faced with some simple truths from the Bible that completely change our perspective of how the Word is supposed to work. Becky Dvorak’s book, Decrees that Heal, is one of these books.
Dr. Marilyn Hickey
Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Healing Testimonies
Empower your faith to believe for your healing miracles as you read these brief testimonies.
Click on the Photos.
Raised from the Dead
Marcos died from sudden infant death syndrome at one month old in 2002, but we raised him from the dead. And by faith his heart, lungs, kidneys and brain were recreated.
Healed & Delivered from Autism
Andres suffered from severe autism but was delivered and healed in the name of Jesus’ over 20 years ago.
Healed from Paralysis
As an infant an infection passed through Gloria’s lungs to her spine and left her paralyzed. She never walked but she is now delivered and healed from paralysis and walks!
Retina & Sinuses Healed
After healing service, Kathy awoke in the morning to a crackling noise in her sinuses & both her sinuses & retina were healed.
2 Rare Eye Diseases Healed
Monica suffered from 2 different eye diseases at the same time but was healed from Blepharitis and Adie’s Tonic Pupil Disease.
Watch: Empowered for Healing and Miracles
Mondays at 8:30 AM and 8:30 PM EST on the internet at https://sidroth.org/its-supernatural-network/#
Check Out Becky’s Other Healing Books
Watch: Featured Videos
“I believe in the compassion and mercy of Father God and that He lovingly sent His willing and able Son, Jesus Christ to heal all people of all sickness and all disease–no exceptions.”