Healing Testimonies

“But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.

Exodus 9:16


In the year 2002, we raised our son, Marcos from the dead! And supernaturally received a new heart, lungs, kidneys, and a new brain by faith. READ MORE.

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Here is a wonderful testimony about a woman who came to the healing conference in Austin, Texas in 2018 with multiple  issues that caused her great pain. She had contracted polio as a child and it crippled her, then when she was a little older she had an accident where she went though a window and the glass cut her down to her bone. And the other health issue was she had a torn rotary cuff. READ MORE.


This little girl suffered for 8 years from epilepsy. Her grandparents brought her to a healing service in 2014 where she was delivered and healed supernaturally. READ MORE.


In 2013 Margie, from Hendersonville, TN was healed from tendinitis of the shoulder and is pain free to this day. READ MORE.

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Victoria from KY writes to testify and says, “I really did not understand healing until I was healed from being in a wheelchair for 6 years. I just believed with all my heart that I was healed and that was in 2012. And I am still out of the wheelchair! READ MORE.


In 2013 I took a fall and everything was in pain and swelling up. (My ankles, wrists, hands, thumbs, back, backside, and bottom. My hand and thumb were instantly swelling and I could see the black and blue marks forming.) … READ MORE.


This lovely Guatemalan couple was unable to conceive a child. As I ministered healing to them I was impressed to share a Word from the Lord for them. READ MORE.


Is anything too difficult for our God? By faith, our son, Andres has been delivered and healed from autism.  READ MORE.

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The next morning after you prayed for me I was awakened by a “crackling” noise in my sinuses!!! It sounded like someone was crumpling up a piece of newspaper, but the sound was in my sinuses. Then suddenly it was like a strong gust went through my sinuses and I could breathe like I never have before! 7/ 2017. READ MORE.

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God cares about your well-being. In 2012, Margie suffered from tooth and gum disease but was instantly healed by faith. READ MORE.


In  2011 parents were told to abort. Their baby’s spine was completely covered with a cancerous mass, and cancerous spots all over the brain. But Grandma believed God and reached out for a prayer of faith for a miracle. READ MORE.


In 2012, cancer had eaten away at her hip and she could not walk, immediately after I placed healing hands upon her, and renounced this disease and the damage it had done she bent over, squatted and danced for joy. READ MORE.


Even with extra help from her teachers, this little girl was unable to read. Her parents noting that she was especially sad about it encouraged her to pray to Jesus about it. She did just that and woke up being able to read the Bible. READ MORE.

Additional testimonies will be added on a continual basis.

Actual Healing Testimonies

  • There is no distance in the spirit realm. I am in Guatemala and a  mama with twin boys in Kenya receives healing via fb for one of her children with a defective heart. The doctor is amazed his heart is healed and made whole in Jesus’ name!! Glory to God. 8/2015
  • A young man was suffering from a shoulder and arm injury, but was instantly healed after hearing a healing message at healing school in Jocotenango, Guatemala. 8/26/2015.
  • An elderly woman from Jocotenango, Guatemala was healed from Carpal tunnel syndrome during healing school. 8/26/2015.
  • During training at healing school in Jocotenango, Guatemala, a little girl lay hands on an elderly woman’s back and her back was healed. 8/12/2015.
  • A middle-aged woman came forward for healing in her spine and hip. She was instantly healed. 8/12/2015.
  • After a mother witnessed her daughter’s hip, leg, and arches be recreated she decided it was her turn to be healed. She struggled with a prolapsed uterus that laid upon her bladder and caused her to leak urine. We commanded it to move back into position. She started to jump, and dance for joy as she was healed. 4/19/2015 Cahabon, Guatemala
  • A girl suffered with great pain because her hip grew out of joint, and her leg was several inches shorter than the other and she had flat feet. She, along with her mother put faith into action and came forward to receive a miracle. The Lord was ever so gentle with this little girl and in a few minutes her hip was recreated and back in its rightful position, her leg grew out and she no longer had flat feet. She could sit, stand, bend, dance, jump with no pain. Cahabon, Guatemala 4/19/2015
  • A young teenage girl had trouble hearing clearly, but was instantly healed and could hear me speaking to her from the other side of the sanctuary. Cahabon, Guatemala 4/19/2015
  • A teenage boy comes forward in tears because of a painful tumor growing inside his ear. He immediately receives his healing and all pain is gone. With tears flowing he gives thanks to Jesus. Cahabon, Guatemala 4/19/2015
  • A young boy with a painful hernia in his groin receives his healing instantly and lifts his hands in praise to Jesus. Cahabon, Guatemala 4/19/2015
  • After an interview on the Christian radio station in Orange Walk, Belize, David and I walk into the lobby and we see these sick people sitting there. We walked up to this tiny Mayan elderly woman and her family, she received healing in and throughout her physical body can now stand and walk without help, arthritis pain is gone, and she and the others that came with her received Jesus as their Savior. Praise the Lord! 3/20/15
  • A man in Orange Walk, Belize came forward to the altar and said, “I don’t know why, but my lower back and legs hurt all the time.” I touched his back and asked him, “And now?” He put his faith into action and was healed. 3/21/15
  • During hospital ministry in Orange Walk, Belize a rough man received Jesus as Savior and we could see the demon leave him. His stern disposition transformed into tears of release, and a smile from ear to ear. 3/19/15
  • David ministers to a man that had great trouble with his back and legs and walking. He says to the man, “Run, in Jesus’ name!” And the man takes of running and is healed. 3/22/15
  • A deaf woman receives her hearing at the healing and miracle conference in Orange Walk, Belize. 3/20/15
  • A pastor who was going blind from diabetes can now see again in Orange Walk, Belize. 3/21/15
  • A sanctuary full of very lost and hurting people in Phoenix, AZ came to receive a free meal, but as the Gospel was being served with hope, healing and deliverance, they no longer cared about the physical meal, but feasted at God’s banquet table and were saved, delivered, healed, and baptized with the Holy Spirit. Now, that’s a feast! 3/7/15
  • A woman came to the meeting with terrible pain in her feet, but glory to God she left pain free. AMEN! 3/8/15
  • A woman in Goodyear, AZ was deaf in one ear, but she put her faith into action and came forward for healing and she received and is no longer deaf! Glory to God! 3/8/15
  • An elderly lady at a recent healing service in Goodyear, AZ was racked with terrible arthritic pain throughout her body. She came forward for healing and left pain free in Jesus’ name. 3/8/15
  • A woman in Phoenix had a tumor growing in her ear that caused her to become deaf in that ear. We released the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow through it and put our faith into action. She closed her eyes, in a soft voice I asked her if she could hear me, she said she could. We continued this until I was on the other side of the room. I told her to turn around and she was amazed at what had just taken place. She is no longer deaf. AMEN! 3/7/15
  • A woman in downtown Phoenix came to the healing service very sick from a fungus on the brain, spine, kidneys and lungs, in great pain and using a walker. We renounced this wicked disease and the terrible symptoms that it produced. She was instantly healed, pain free and started to walk around the Church without the use of a walker or any assistance. Glory to God! 3/7/15
  • 2 women in Bridgeport, CT  were no longer able to produce natural tears. Healing power was released into their eyes and both instantly produced natural tears. 2/15/15
  • While listening to the message of healing by the blood of Jesus in Bridgeport, CT a man’s knee was healed. 2/15/15
  • A sweet young lady in Bridgeport, CT wore hearing aids, but jumped up and down for joy when she realized she had been completely healed in Jesus’ name. 2/15/15
  • Tessa from MN writes and shares this wonderful praise report, “Becky, a few months back I brought my mom who was in a wheelchair, we sat at the front. (DARE to Believe Healing Service) One of the things you prayed for her was (healing) from lung cancer….the tests today showed it completely gone!!” 5/1/14
  • Mercy Adella from AZ writes to testify. “Thursday, I learned my mom was in ICU with a stroke in the Philippines and was not doing good. I used the prayer in your book, DARE to Believe, found on  page 105 repeatedly and learned the next day that she was going to be release. Now she is in recovery…this is the shortest time she spent in ICU and she will be release on Tuesday.”
  • Margie Latch from Hendersonville, TN writes on 6/12/13 to testify of her physical healing. She says, “I had been to the ER that day, they said tendinitis. I couldn’t lift my arm (using my shoulder) as much as 3 inches in any direction. The doc gave me a strong anti-inflammatory, and muscle relaxers. I had both in me when I saw you.You prayed, and I put my faith into action. If you remember, I worked and worked that arm for the rest of the service…and with the help of my other (good) hand, I was able to get the injured arm over my head.but I wasn’t able to do it without the assistance of the other arm. It just wouldn’t go on its own.That was day 1. Day 2, Thursday, I took 1 of each pill, and noticed some improvement but the pills, at the recommended dosages of 3 muscles relaxers and 3 anti-inflammatories daily were too much for me so I moved to 1 of each daily, before bed, and that was it.Each day thereafter I noticed steady improvements… and they were big improvements…not minor. It took from last Wednesday night to this Tuesday morning to be fully pain free and have my complete range of motion back. I even have all the strength back and am able to carry whatever I want on that side.Thank you Jesus for my healing!!!”
  • October, 2013, Sharon Croft from FL writes to testify, “Just want to let you know that when you prayed for me the morning we shared breakfast in Tallahassee FL, God healed my eye. It has been hard to believe. I have been prayed for by many and nothing changed. I believed all along that God could do the work. I couldn’t understand it but trusted Him to do the work. I suffered from this for 16 years. I was not able to read more than an hour without pain and discomfort in the right eye. After 3 laser surgeries the bleeding had quit but the eye just was abnormal with a blood vein pulled loose from the retina. Praise The Lord, I am healed from pain and discomfort. The blood vessel is still there hanging loose, but no pain. Now I can read longer and have no pain. Thank you for letting God use you to pray that morning.”
  • Also, I was completely delivered from the skin condition and toe cramps after you prayed for me Sunday night at Transforming Life Church. Every time my skin would itch or turn the red, I would put my finger on those places and say, “no you don’t, I am healed. I have dominion over every creeping, crawling thing and you have to go in Jesus name. It took about 5 days (on and off) of standing, not giving place to it and it is gone!” Those toe cramps didn’t try to come back until all the rash was gone, and then my toes, (little toe and the one next to it) tried to cramp. I put my finger between them and said, “Oh no you don’t, I am healed and I take dominion over you toes and cramping, all authority has been given to me by Jesus, toes you stop cramping and be normal in Jesus Name!” Amen! Mary Pirro, Oct 6, 12, Center for Biblical Studies, Tallahassee, FL.
  • A man was deaf in one ear, but instantly received his hearing. Oct 7, 12 @ Transforming Life Church, Monticello, FL.
  • A woman was suffering from severe arthritis, but was set free from pain this morning. @Transforming Life Church, Monticello, FL Oct 7, 12.
  • A woman received a new knee by faith yesterday at the Center for Biblical Studies in Tallahassee, FL and this morning she was testifying and jumping up and down @ Transforming Life Church, Monticello, FL. Oct 7, 12.
  • A man with hearing loss in both ears and ringing in the ears was healed this morning! Oct 7, 12 @ Transforming Life Church, Monticello, FL.
  • A man came forward for healing this morning. His lower back was instantly healed and could bend and touch the floor, his hip was set free from pain, his shoulder was loosed and pain free, and his knee did not have any cartilage and was instantly healed! Oct 7, 12, Transforming Life Church, Monticello, FL.
  • A woman’s deaf ear was opened during this mornings service. Oct 7,12, Transforming Life Church, Monticello, FL.
  • A woman came to the seminar at the Center for Biblical Studies who suffered from a generational curse of gluten allergies. She is now eating food with gluten in it. Oct 6,12, Tallahassee, FL.
  • A tall man at the seminar at the Center for Biblical Studies came forward to receive healing in his back and knees and to be free from arthritis. He received his healing. Oct 6, 12, Tallahassee, FL.
  • A man at the healing service at Transforming Life Church came forward for healing in his lower back, and right hip and was instantly healed. Oct 7, 12, Monticello, FL.
  • A woman was released from a spirit of suicide Oct 7, 12 @ Transforming Life Church, Monticello, FL.
  • A woman was delivered from a spirit of fear Oct 7, 12 @ Transforming Life Church, Monticello, FL.
  • The Church rejoiced as they witnessed a little 5 year old girl who had many challenges run for the first time. She ran and ran around the Church. Oct 7, 12 @ Transforming Life Church, Monticello, FL.
  • A truck driver’s vision was failing and in order for him to continue to drive he needed his vision to be healed. His sight was instantly restored and he could read the small print on the screen in the front of the Church. He was also deaf in one ear and his ear was instantly healed, his knees were worn out and in pain, and they were instantly healed. His lower back and shoulders were in constant pain and they were completely healed. The Church celebrated as he testified of the healings that manifested in his body. Oct 7, 12 @ Transforming Life Church, Monticello, FL.
  • An artist was blind in one eye, he came forward to receive healing so that he could continue to sculpt. He was instantly healed and could see once again. Oct 7, 12 @ Transforming Life Church, Monticello, FL.
  • An elderly woman dared to believe and her intestines were healed, arthritis lifted off of her body, and the tinnitus in her ears was instantly healed too. Oct 7, 12 @Transforming Life Church, Monticello, FL.
  • Hey Becky , you prayed for my teeth on Sunday night and I went to Subway and ate a sandwich and some lemonade with no pain. Dennis Roemer Oct 7, 12
  • A discouraged woman in Sarasota, FL was blind in one eye from a stroke. Within seconds she could see the light and my hand. 9/29/12
  • A man from Venice, FL had been in the military and later a motorcycle accident. His body was in a lot of pain from broken bones and other injuries, but was set free from it all last night. 9/28/12
  • A woman was instantly set free from severe arthritis pain all over her body in Ocklawaha, FL. 9/22/12
  • By the laying on of hands a waitress’s back was instantly healed as she waited on our table. DARE to Believe! 9/22/12
  • A woman’s gums were in such pain she could not bite down to eat, but by the true power of faith she was instantly healed in Ocklawaha, FL. 9/22/12
  • A young man was transformed by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in Ocklawaha, FL. 9/22/12
  • The physical pain in an elderly woman’s heart disappeared as she also dared to believe in Ocklawaha, FL! 9/22/12
  • The pain disappeared and movement returned from a torn rotator cuff in Ocklawaha, FL, as a woman dared to believe! 9/22/12
  • A woman was delivered from a spirit of suicide in Ocklawaha, FL. 9/21/12
  • Growths on the eyelids disappeared as a woman dared to believe in Ocklawaha, FL. 9/21/12
  • A woman came forward for healing because she was deaf in her right ear. She was instantly healed! New Smyrna Beach, FL 8/26/2012
  • A young woman came forward for healing from digestive problems and the pain was instantly gone. New Smyrna Beach, FL 8/26/2012
  • A woman suffered severe pain from 8 herniated disks, shoulder and neck pain, and no longer wanted to live, was instantly healed in Jesus’ name. Wow!  New Smyrna Beach, FL 8/26/2012
  • A woman came forward for healing from terrible arthritis pain and was instantly set free. New Smyrna Beach, FL 8/26/2012
  • A teenage girl came forward for healing from jaw pain and was instantly healed. New Smyrna Beach, FL 8/26/2012
  • A teenage boy came forward because he suffered from TMJ and was instantly set free from pain. New Smyrna Beach, FL 8/26/2012
  • A woman suffered from a spirit of suicide and came forward for ministry and was delivered. New Smyrna Beach, FL 8/26/2012
  • Who says healing doesn’t happen in the US?  Two ladies just stopped by the house for a few minutes and they both needed healing. One suffered constant pain in the shoulder from a surgery many years ago and the pain is gone! And her mother suffered from arthritis pain in her back and was set free from pain. DARE to Believe!  New Smyrna Beach, FL 8/26/12
  • A man’s body had been broken from a 180 ft fall, and in serious pain for many years, after being prayed for has slept 2 nights in a row without pain and without using any pain medications. He is rejoicing. He also realized mid-day yesterday that he no longer is using his cane! Live Oak, FL 6/20/12
  • A mother and her two daughters came forward for prayer for healing from asthma. They felt a physical release and could all breathe in deep and easy. Live Oak, FL 6/20/12
  • A woman received healing into diseased lungs, the next morning she sang all morning long. Before healing she could not even sing one song without being out of breath. Live Oak, FL 6/20/12
  • A woman with serious head trauma came forward for prayer, immediately all pain was gone. Live Oak, FL 6/20/12
  • A woman came forward for prayer for serious back and shoulder pain. After releasing the healing power of the Holy Spirit I asked her to put her faith into action. She bent over and her back was healed and pain free. I told her to lift up her arm, and with a surprised look on her face she said, “The pain is gone!” Live Oak, FL 6/20/12
  • A woman came to the healing service last night for prayer. She had scoliosis and her spine in her neck was in an “s” shape. Immediately after prayer she could move her neck, bend her back with no pain. Live Oak, FL 6/20/12
  • A woman came forward for the healing of her left hip. I released the healing power of the Holy Spirit into her, she fell to the ground screaming, and she stood up rejoicing because she was totally healed! Live Oak, FL 6/20/12
  • A little boy had a speech problem and others could not understand him. After prayer last night, on the way home in the car his family was astounded as they could clearly understand his words. Live Oak, FL 6/20/12
  • A woman who had a serious allergy to cigarette smoke, who could not even stand near someone that had been smoking was healed at last night’s healing service. Live Oak, FL 6/20/12
  • As I was praying over a woman for healing from a large hernia, both her and I felt as if someone was stitching her up on the inside. Sarasota, FL 6/20/12
  • A man was instantly healed of a 12 year headache! Sarasota, FL 6/20/12
  • A man’s hip was healed. All pain was instantly gone and movement restored. Live Oak, FL 6/20/12
  • After ministering to a woman who had two badly damaged ankles, she leaped into the air and boogied down at the altar for Jesus. It was amazing to watch! 5/30/12 Bloomington, MN
  • Barb writes; “An elderly man had congestive heart failure, and the main artery/valve was leaking seriously. He also suffered from a hernia, and from swelling in his legs so badly that his ankles would swell to 16″ around. And he also suffered from Alzheimer’s.

The next morning, I went to their house and he was walking erect, without his cane. His shoulders were back, and he was stable. There was no longer any sign of the hernia and the swelling in his legs were reduced by 95% at that point.

Over the course of the next 2 weeks there was a slow progression with a few ups and downs. This primed their faith and hope that he would be completely healed. The woman continues reading your book DARE to Believe and telling everyone about what God is doing. One week ago yesterday, they went to the healing room again, and God gave him a huge blast of healing power and the rest is history. For a solid week he has been running around, jumping, giggling, praising God and sharing all that He has done. And on Sunday morning, he ran across the front of their church.” Phoenix, AZ  4/12/12

  • I ministered to a man at a healing service in California, who suffered from severe shoulder pain for many years. Instantly all pain was gone and he had complete movement in his shoulder. And this man, who did not know Jesus Christ, not only received physical healing but prayed and accepted Him as his Lord and Savior too. 4/8/12 Van Nuys, CA
  • Pattie asked me to pray for her husband who had a frozen shoulder. I did and told him to put his faith into action and do what he could not do earlier. He quickly lifted his arm up into the air without pain. Virginia 4/7/12
  • Buzz from Minnesota was scheduled for surgery to repair a torn Rotator Cuff. But after prayer he was supernaturally healed. He looked at me and asked “What do I say to my doctor?” I replied “Just lift up your arm, he’ll know.”4/7/12 Bloomington, MN
  • Amanda, from Las Vegas wanted prayer for healing because she was suffering pain as she stood or walked because she had deep fissures or cracks on the bottom of her heel from the dry climate. I held onto her heel and ministered healing, and we both felt a strong thumping inside of her heel as the wounds completely closed up. God even heals heels! 3/23/12 Las Vegas, NV
  • A man was suffering great pain from a torn rotator cuff and was due to have surgery in a couple weeks. As I put my hands on his shoulder we could hear and feel things popping from deep within his shoulder area. Glory to God, the man was healed and set free from all pain!  ICLV Healing School in Las Vegas, NV 3/22/12
  • A woman came to a DARE to Believe Healing Service held in Phoenix, AZ. Cancer had eaten away her hip and she could not walk, immediately after ministering healing she was squatting, jumping, running and praising God! Dare to Believe!  Phoenix, AZ 3/18/12

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These are some of the amazing testimonies that you will read about in DARE to Believe.

Trusting God Is a Matter of the Heart

Trusting God is a matter of the heart. It is a quality decision that happens when a heart is truly surrendered to the grace of God that abounds toward us and not against us. It comes from the revelation of the Living Word–the revelation that is no longer about doing good works to appease God to gain His favor, but about confidently relying on the power of the costly blood of Jesus Christ, which purchased our redemption from the curse of sin, sickness, disease, and every other form of the curse that attempts to overtake us. This divine understanding of God and His Word comes from time spent with the Spirit of God. In the secret place, He releases the true power of faith to walk in divine healing and miracles. This bold, but child-like faith put into action manifests the presence of God’s glory around us. And those things which were deemed impossible become possible.

Once I was sharing with a group of Bible students, and I was stirring their faith with personal testimonies of healing and miracles. One of these students spoke up and said, “You make it sound as if you walk in healing and miracles on a daily basis.”

I replied to him; “Yes.” And I say to you, “This is how it should be for all of us as we develop a real and viable relationship with God. For you see, trusting God is a matter of the heart. It is a quality decision that you will never regret.”


For those that are joining me for the 21-Day Daniel Fast, Click Here for the special page for assignments and links for prayers and words of encouragement. 

Click here to purchase your signed copies of my new book, Decrees that HEAL, (Prophetic prayers & Declarations That Bring Divine Healing). 

Click here to enroll in my next 12-Week Online Healing Course, Decrees That HEAL.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2024 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Healing and Protection for Your Finances

Healing and Protection for Your Finances

We are being bombarded with reports of financial crisis and collapse, but should we as Christians be afraid? Does God have a plan of protection for our finances? And can our personal financial situation be healed, and strengthened? Let’s go to the Holy Scriptures for answers.

Let’s begin with the fear about financial failure. Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV) reveals and encouraging promise from God, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’” No matter how bad the world’s financial system gets, I chose to believe the report of the Lord that He will give His people strength, and uphold us in all areas of our lives, including our finances.

Now, let’s read God’s promises from the Bible for giving, and then listen to my FB Live about healing and protection for your finances.

  1. Give and it will be given to you.

Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38 (NKJV).

God says to give, and it will be given to you, and the same measure you give it will be measured back to you. If you are generous, you can expect God to bless your finances generously. And now, more than ever it is time to be generous so that your financial base can have God’s unlimited blessing.

2. Those who give to the poor will lack nothing.

Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses. Proverbs 28:27 (NIV)

This is part of God’s strategy, and both the giver and the one with need will be blessed. If you give to the poor, you will walk in the blessing of God’s supply.

3. He who lends a hand to the poor, lends a hand to the Lord.

He who is gracious and lends a hand to the poor lends to the Lord, And the Lord will repay him for his good deed. Proverbs 19:17 (AMP)

God is very aware, and cares about how we use the finances He gives to us. And when you help someone in need you are actually lending to the Lord, and He repays you for your generous acts.

4. God loves a cheerful giver.

You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NLT)

Your attitude while giving matters. It’s better to give a little with a smile in your heart, than to give a lot with a heart full of resentment.

5. God will give you a seed to give.

“They share freely and give generously to the poor.
Their good deeds will be remembered forever.”

For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.

Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God. 2 Corinthians 9:9-11 (NLT)

Did you realize that you can actually ask God to provide you with a seed to give into the needs of others? Ask Him for a seed, and then do what you promised to do with this seed.

6. Build up your treasures in heaven.

“Do not store up for yourselves [material] treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart [your wishes, your desires; that on which your life centers] will be also. Matthew 6:19-21, (AMP)

Build an eternal treasure in heaven that is not affected by what is happening on this earth. Give into what moves God and give with a good heart.

For more encouragement, with biblical teaching, testimonies, and assignment concerning the healing and protection of your finances click on this link.

Now click to watch my FB Live about healing and protecting your finances. 


Click here for information to enroll in Becky’s 12-week online course, The Healing Creed.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved

Healing Creed 12-Week Online Healing Course

  • 12 recorded Sessions.
  • US Participants: 1 Copy of Book, The Healing Creed, 1 Copy of The Healing Creed Confession Card, 1 Copy of CD Teaching, A Special Touch.
  • Outside of US Participants: 1 Online Copy of Book, “The Healing Creed”, Link for the “Healing Creed” Confession Card, Link for Teaching, “A Special Touch”

Diabetes Type 2 Healing Testimony

This past weekend I ministered at New Promise Christian Fellowship here in Phoenix, AZ, and I want to share with you one of the testimonies that have come to my attention.

There was a man, Michael sitting behind me during worship. I shook his hand and introduced myself to him, but I could tell something was wrong. Either he was very sick or he did not want to be there. I was to find out that he was indeed very sick with type 2 Diabetes. His family brought him to the healing service. They reported as of Thursday his blood sugar levels were at 429.

For those of us that are in the unknown about blood sugar levels, “Just how bad is a blood sugar level reading in the 400’s?” According to my quick research on the internet it says this is very dangerous and can lead to a medical emergency such as, seizures, coma, or death. Now that’s the bad report in the natural.

Now for the good news. After ministering the healing power of the Lord to him at the healing service on Sunday his blood sugar levels dropped down to 138. And again, on Monday they tested his blood sugar levels and they were down to 111.

This is a great testimony about what the healing power of the redemptive blood of Jesus can and will do for you. So, whatever the situation, call out to God, trust Him to touch you with His healing power today.

Becky Dvorak is the host of the dynamic teaching program, Empowered for Healing and Miracles, featured globally on the It’s Supernatural! Network on ISN. Join her on Mondays at 8:30 AM and 8:30 PM EST.

Order a copy of Becky’s new book, “The Waves of Healing Glory”.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2021 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

The Sin of a Racist Spirit

What do we do when we see a rat in the room?

We get rid of it! Now some may jump on a chair in fear for a while, but eventually they have to climb down off that chair, catch it, and dispose of it. On the other hand, others who are more daring may charge after that rat with a broom and chase it down until they trap it in the corner.

Then there are those who are downright fearless and will go after the rat, step on it, and smash it with their foot.

A racist spirit is the rat in the room and we must go after it and squash it under our foot. We should not be the one standing on the chair calling for someone else to deal with it. We are all responsible and need to deal with this spiritual rat that racism is and not be afraid.

In Guatemala we had two cats. And oftentimes in the night, when we were all asleep, the male cat would crawl through the cat door with a little rat in its mouth and call out to our female cat. I’m telling you this was a very distinct meow, and the other cat would wake up instantly from a deep sleep and run down that long hallway as fast as it could to go and devour that rat alive.

Personally, I think we should be like our old cats in Guatemala and every time we hear a racist slur, or witness a racist act we ought to take immediate action by eradicating it, and not allowing that rat of racism within our midst. Rats are rodents that carry infectious germs and deadly diseases, and they are not to be tolerated around us. As Christians, we need to be willing to speak up and take action against the spiritual rats of racism, but do so in the name of the Lord—with love.

Ephesians 4:14-16 says, “We should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.”

The level of the sinful weapon of racist hate launched against the entire human race from the hands of satan, himself has caused an upheaval of division of grievous proportions. But God has given us an even greater supernatural weapon to overcome the power of hate—His love. And there is only one way to spread this love, and it’s by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and dying people around us.

The enemy likes to exploit ignorance. Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” So if the enemy can keep people distracted and focused on the rat of racism, then this ignorance can cause division, death, and destruction.

This leads us to wonder with all the challenges and opportunities for racial division, “Where is the voice of the Church?”

As the Church, God’s people, we are the leading voice on this earth. We are the ones called to be poured out vessels that release healing and deliverance to hurting people.

Perhaps, because of fear, is She, (the church, the Body of Christ), like the one who climbed up on the chair screaming for someone else to come and remove the rat of racism?

If so, why? Doesn’t His Word tell us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but instead has given to us supernatural power, love and a sound-mind, (see 2 TIM. 1:7).

If we are a voice, a representation of Christ, how should we address this issue with one another?

  • Speak the truth in love. Job 33:3 (AMP) show us how to speak, “My words will express the uprightness of my heart, and my lips will speak what they know with utter sincerity.”
  • Forgive one another. Colossians 3:13 (AMP) describes this process in such a beautiful way, “Bearing graciously with one another, and willingly forgiving each other if one has a cause for complaint against another; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so should you forgive.”
  • Be teachable—willing to listen and to receive correction. Hebrews 12:6 (AMP) talks about the love of the Lord and His correction, “For the Lord disciplinesand corrects those whom He loves, And He punishes every son whom He receives and welcomes [to His heart].”
  • Be willing to unite to work toward making necessary changes. Psalm 133:1 has this to say about unity, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!”

I have many testimonies about how the power of God’s love brought correction upon the Church to heal the one damaged done by a racist spirit. One such testimony brings me back to a time of about twenty years ago when I ministered in a local Church in Tanzania, East Africa for an end of the week long healing conference. We experienced a glorious time together in the presence of the Lord, hugging and holding hands, singing and dancing with all our might. We feasted on the healing Word, and receiving our manifestations of healing and creative miracles. Little did we know we would soon see a powerful and unusual miracle that was about to take place that would take the people by surprise. It was now Sunday morning, and we are heading to the meeting place to begin the last service for that weekend—it was the grand finale.

After breakfast I stepped outside of the local restaurant and there sitting outside the door was an elderly man that had been badly beaten by life. He was homeless, as many were in that area. It was obvious he had not had a bath in a very long time. His clothes were tattered and torn, and he had no shoes. It was at this moment, when I noticed his bare feet that I began to really see his battle scars. He was missing toes, and not just toes, but fingers, and bits of his ears, and I realized that he had been a victim of leprosy. He was not contagious, these were old battle wounds from many years ago that he had suffered from this demonic disease. And he also suffered from mental illness, whether this was from another battle, or because of this battle I did not know, but it was obvious this man carried great pain with the shame of rejection.

I remember extending my hand and greeting him with the local greeting that I had learned, and he returned the kind gesture with his shiny eyes and joyful smile. As Jesus would do I invited him to come to the service as my special guest. He accepted and we walked over to the Church service.

As we walked into that meeting hall, me in a pretty dress, and he in his Sunday’s best—all that he had, we sat down and he was seated next to me.  I looked around and noticed that the dust from the dirt floor had settled from last night’s powerful time of worship and miracles. But as I stepped inside I felt something ungodly and sinful begin to raise from the foundation of the leaders inside—a racist spirit. And the people had to be delivered from it, and this man had to be healed from its wicked powers.

Yes, you heard me, wicked powers within the foundation of the Church. How dare I even think to invite someone that they felt superior over because his physical appearance was different from their appearance? We forget that our outward appearance is not who we are, and that God creates all people as equals in Him.

We, the Church are God’s hospital and we are to welcome and accept the lost and hurting people around us and bring them into the healing power of the love of God. As His ambassadors here on earth, how else can we heal, unless we first accept and invite all people into our midst?

When a racist spirit exists within the Church, it’s evil and not welcomed by God. We must loudly hear Him saying, “Enough is enough!” It’s time to purge the Church worldwide of such a vile spirit.

The basic needs of all people are that we feel loved and accepted for who we are, not rejected for our appearance, economical status, or level of education.

One of the things God hates is a divisive spirit, (See PROV. 6:19.). And a racist spirit is one that divides. Scriptures warn us that a house divided against itself cannot stand, (See MATT. 12:25.). We, the people, the true Church cannot be divided on this issue. We must practice honor, respect and love for one another, and stand untied in Christ.

Bowing our knees to evil will not cause transformation; however bowing our knees in humility with a heart surrendered to Christ can do this type of supernatural transformation. Blaming others or holding the sins of someone’s ancestors against them will not redeem the past hurt and injustice, either. Only the Blood of Jesus can bring this type of healing and forgiveness.

If we choose to join with others to take action and protest against a racist spirit then let us do so in a peaceful and productive manner. Rioting and looting do not advance the cause for human equality, but sets the cause backwards, and ultimately fulfills the enemy’s plan. In fact, this is one of the many traps the enemy often uses to hold people in bondage to a racist spirit.

Colossians 3:17 instructs us concerning our words and actions, “Whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus [and in dependence on Him], giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

Matthew 5:16 about the importance of allowing our good works to shine before people. It says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

I have friends from all around the world, and we don’t ignore our physical differences, but instead, we celebrate them. We get personal with one another and talk about hardships and sufferings that we have had to endure. And as friends, we share our cultures and family histories with one another. We also dine together, laugh and cry together, sing and worship the Lord together.

In all of our differences, God has created a great tapestry of unity through His Word, For example, John 13:35 encourages us in the faith like this, “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

God created all people with very unique traits, so to make a statement such as, “God is color blind” is not true. He didn’t design us with the same earth suit. Some are tall, while others are short. Our facial features are different, the color of or hair, eyes and skin are different. Even amongst our own nationalities we are different from one another. God made us so unique that no one else on earth has or will ever have your fingerprint!

While we notice one another’s earth suits, we should celebrate our physical differences; but we should never hold them against each other. To do so, would be racist, and that’s evil, sinful, and must be repented of. 1 John 1:7 reiterates this, “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin.”

What I am saying here is that we must treat each other as we are—equals, accepting the truth that we are all created in the mirror image of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our physical differences shouldn’t matter to us.

God set the stage for this foundational truth in Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

God is a spirit-being, and underneath our earth suits we too are spirit-beings. In fact, this is who we really are, and we have the choice of deciding what our spiritual-being looks like to God. For instance, we can be good and kind or we can be wicked and mean. We can be humble or prideful, peaceful or angry. We can have a giving nature or a selfish one. We can be faithful or unfaithful.

The point is that we are what we choose to be. And this has nothing to do with where we were born, who we were born to, our level of education, financial situation, or what type of job we have, either. It doesn’t have a thing to do with natural circumstances; but what we decide to do with what we have spiritually.

As believers, God gives us spiritual gifts, and what we do with these gifts affects our lives here on earth in the natural and spiritual realms.

What are some of the basic spiritual gifts given to us by God?

  1. Free Will. God has given us the power of a free will, but along with this free will comes great responsibility. The outcome of our life is a direct result of the choices we have made in life. This is why it is so important that we use our free will wisely and make wise choices. Galatians 6:7 (AMP) tells us, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap.”
  2. Salvation. With this free will we can choose to receive or reject God’s Plan of Salvation. Romans 10:9 (AMP), tells us what we must do to be right with God. “If you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” AMP.
  3. Faith to Believe. Again with the free will that we have been given we can choose to be responsible and act in faith by believing and trusting God. Mark 11:23 (AMP) explains this by saying, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea!’ and does not doubt in his heart [in God’s unlimited power], but believes that what he says is going to take place, it will be done for him [in accordance with God’s will].”

There are no limits to the good that can be accomplished by the supernatural power of your faith. And being created equal by God and endowed equally with these three gifts from God: Free Will, Salvation, and Faith to believe. We can all choose to be blessed and assured in the goodness of God both on this earthly realm and in eternity as well.

In acknowledging the sin of being racist against one another let us pray and ask the Father to forgive us. Let’s pray. “Father God, We, the Body of Christ ask for Your forgiveness for allowing our physical differences to stand in the way of how we treat each other. Help us to see past our earth suits and see that we are all created in Your mirror image. And that we are all equally loved and endowed by spiritual gifts from You. We also repent, for being passive as Christians and not speaking up against a racist spirit, and for tolerating it in our midst.

Holy Spirit, we ask for your direction on how to heal all the damage that has been done between one another. And even though the world pitches this as an impossible situation, we know that with You all things are possible.

Help us to recognize that when Jesus died on the Cross and shed His precious Blood for our sins, He wanted us to know that all lives matter. Give us the grace to carry this same spirit as we interact with others in every area of our lives.

In Your holy name, we pray, amen.”


Click here to order Becky’s new book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.

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© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Listen to My Interview on The Shaun Tabatt Show

I’m honored to welcome Becky Dvorak to the show to talk about the spiritual principles she learned about conquering the spirit of death while serving as a missionary in Guatemala. She shares two powerful testimonies in the interview. First is how God completely healed her from typhoid and second is how God miraculously raised her adopted infant son from the dead. You don’t want to miss this one! Click here to listen to the interview.

Click to purchase your signed copy of Conquering the Spirit of Death.

Click to view Becky’s Healing Events.

© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

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