Healing and Protection for Your Finances

We are being bombarded with reports of financial crisis and collapse, but should we as Christians be afraid? Does God have a plan of protection for our finances? And can our personal financial situation be healed, and strengthened? Let’s go to the Holy Scriptures for answers.

Let’s begin with the fear about financial failure. Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV) reveals and encouraging promise from God, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’” No matter how bad the world’s financial system gets, I chose to believe the report of the Lord that He will give His people strength, and uphold us in all areas of our lives, including our finances.

Now, let’s read God’s promises from the Bible for giving, and then listen to my FB Live about healing and protection for your finances.

  1. Give and it will be given to you.

Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38 (NKJV).

God says to give, and it will be given to you, and the same measure you give it will be measured back to you. If you are generous, you can expect God to bless your finances generously. And now, more than ever it is time to be generous so that your financial base can have God’s unlimited blessing.

2. Those who give to the poor will lack nothing.

Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses. Proverbs 28:27 (NIV)

This is part of God’s strategy, and both the giver and the one with need will be blessed. If you give to the poor, you will walk in the blessing of God’s supply.

3. He who lends a hand to the poor, lends a hand to the Lord.

He who is gracious and lends a hand to the poor lends to the Lord, And the Lord will repay him for his good deed. Proverbs 19:17 (AMP)

God is very aware, and cares about how we use the finances He gives to us. And when you help someone in need you are actually lending to the Lord, and He repays you for your generous acts.

4. God loves a cheerful giver.

You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NLT)

Your attitude while giving matters. It’s better to give a little with a smile in your heart, than to give a lot with a heart full of resentment.

5. God will give you a seed to give.

“They share freely and give generously to the poor.
Their good deeds will be remembered forever.”

For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you.

Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God. 2 Corinthians 9:9-11 (NLT)

Did you realize that you can actually ask God to provide you with a seed to give into the needs of others? Ask Him for a seed, and then do what you promised to do with this seed.

6. Build up your treasures in heaven.

“Do not store up for yourselves [material] treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart [your wishes, your desires; that on which your life centers] will be also. Matthew 6:19-21, (AMP)

Build an eternal treasure in heaven that is not affected by what is happening on this earth. Give into what moves God and give with a good heart.

For more encouragement, with biblical teaching, testimonies, and assignment concerning the healing and protection of your finances click on this link.

Now click to watch my FB Live about healing and protecting your finances. 


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© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved

4 thoughts on “Healing and Protection for Your Finances

  1. Dear Evangelist: Please pray for healing for my reproductive system. i have hormone imbalances and did not get my menstruation for a long time. i want to conceive but i am struggling. I believe in the Lord Jesus for healing. Pray also for me to get married and serve the Lord Jesus and do his work, i ask this all in Jesus Name.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of infirmity, hormone imbalance. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your reproductive system to cleanse, heal and restore all normal function. In Jesus’ name, I pray God’s plans for you be revealed and manifest according to His will. I pray for divine favor and blessings in all situations, amen.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I pray God’s plans for you be revealed and manifest according to His will. I pray for divine favor and blessings in all situations, amen.

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