Deliverance From an Orphaned Spirit

Many people are suffering from an orphaned spirit. But what is it? People with an orphaned spirit usually have a lifelong wrestle with feelings of depression, rejection and low self esteem. They find it difficult to believe that they can truly be loved by anyone, including God. They are often manipulative and problematic, and suffer from addictions, and failing relationships, and fear getting close to others because they might be rejected, so they reject the other person first. And they struggle to believe God’s promises are for them, and wrestle to receive them for themselves. 

Does this sound familiar? Do you struggle with these very same problems as described above? If so, you are not alone. Many of God’s people have come from painful backgrounds, and don’t understand what’s wrong in life. Oftentimes, the reason for their suffering is that they are living with an orphaned spirit.

You do not have to be physically orphaned to suffer from an orphaned spirit. Perhaps, you never knew your earthly father, because either he was non existent within the family unit, or maybe he was there physically, but not there emotionally. Perhaps, your mother or father or both abandoned the family. Maybe they were very abusive to you or non caring. Regardless of the situation, the pain was and is very real and controls your daily life and hinders your ability to be happy again.

I was recently ministering in a Church, and from the moment I walked in I could sense an orphaned spirit. As I was sharing our son’s amazing testimony about how we raised him from the dead, and by faith, believed and received a new heart, lungs, kidneys and a new brain for him from the goodness of our God, the Lord gave me this underlying message in the midst of this very powerful testimony about being set free from an orphaned spirit. Our son, was orphaned from the time of conception inside of his birth mother’s womb. She truly did not want him, and tried to end his life via abortion attempts, but could not succeed. We received him when he was just one day old, we gave him a name, loved and cared for him, and fought to adopt him, and after many years his adoption was complete. Our son is no longer orphaned, nor does he have an orphaned spirit.

When I gave the altar call almost half, if not more of the congregation came forward. It was an amazing moment to witness so many of God’s people take the initial steps to freedom from an orphaned spirit.

And for those of you that have suffered a difficult past, and have struggled for many years because of it there is hope and freedom from an orphaned spirit. His name is Jesus. And He gave all He had for you because He loves you and wants you. And fought the enemy, satan, to purchase you with His blood, and adopt you into His family.

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.  For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”  The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,  and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. Romans 8: 14-17.

Like I have said to many of the children in our children’s home over the years, “You can’t go back into the past and change what has happened, but you can overcome the bondage of the stronghold it has over you. Its like an old worn out shoe that you need to remove and throw it away in the trash, and not pick it out of the garbage and wear again. Throw it away, and now walk in the authority that Jesus gave to you to overcome all hurts, past and present.”

Let’s pray.

Father God,

I come before You with this great hurt from my past, and I give it to You. I choose to walk away from it, and never turn back to it. The truth of my past hurts, and I call upon Your healing balm of Gilead to heal these emotional wounds. And I know I need to do one more thing– forgive. And so by faith, not by feelings, I forgive the person or persons that have so wounded me. And I forgive them because Your Word tells me to do so. In obedience to You, I forgive and I not only forgive, but I release (name of person or persons) from my bitterness and from my revenge. And because I forgive and release (name of person or persons) from my bitterness and revenge, I am now forgiven of my own sins and free from the bondage of the past. Thank You, Father God, for accepting me into Your family.

In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.



Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2018 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

A Prayer for Someone Enslaved to an Orphan Spirit

In Jesus’ name, I lift up (name of person) to You, Father. I bind the strongman, the orphaned spirit that is afflicting, (him/her) with lies of rejection and abandonment, fears of being unloved, unwanted and uncared for. I release the Father’s love over (name of person) and the ability to trust and receive the Spirit of Adoption. I pray for them to have the strength and maturity to confront the past in a healthy manner. That this person would take on the mind of Christ and begin to filter past, present, and future events through the truth of Your Word. Surround (name of person) with godly people who will lead and guide (him/her) in godly love and acceptance. I intercede for the deliverance from ungodly behavior and addictions. I declare that You will become this person’s Source of love, joy, and peace. That (he/she) will turn to You in times of loneliness and need and not to temporal fixes of this earth that profit nothing, only cause worse problems. In Jesus’ name, I intercede for (name of person), amen.


How Do I Deal With a Principality?

Praying People Out of a Fiery Pit

Deliverance From an Orphaned Spirit

Deliverance From a Spirit of Addiction

The Bible, Witchcraft and Repentance

Make the Devil Tremble–Pray

Freedom From a Religious Spirit –video

Overcome Fear this Year

Satan Covets Your Blessing

Redeemed From the Enemy’s Hand

What the Bible Says about Satan and Demons

Try the Spirits –part 2

Try the Spirits –part 1

A Plan of Action Against Demonic Fits of Rage

Delivered, Healed & Hears

Take Authority Over a Spirit of Death

Oppressed or Possessed With Demons of Sickness

A Sweet Song of Deliverance

Vulnerable Prey for Satan to Attack

Deliverance By the Blood

The Truth Shall Make You Free



Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at

A Word of the Lord—Pray for the Revival of Repentance

The Spirit of the Lord would say to you, “Pray in faith for a revival of repentance to sweep across this nation before it is too late. Pray for the protection of the unborn, for their blood cries out to me. Pray for the protection of your children against the perversity of this land. Pray against a spirit of confusion that desires to devour their identity. Pray against a spirit of rebellion consuming your youth. Pray that they will hear the truth, turn from their wicked ways. Pray for deliverance from an orphaned spirit that has overtaken them, and that they would run into the loving arms of their heavenly Father and be adopted by Him and bear His name.

Pray in faith for the men of this nation that they will repent of their addictive behaviors, surrender their hearts to Christ, and become the godly men, husbands, and fathers they were created to be. Lift up prayers of faith for the women that their inner hurts and rejections will be healed, and they too will give their hearts to Jesus and become godly, good natured, loving, and caring for their families.

Pray for the parents of this nation to take up their God-given authority and protect their children from a perverse spirit, train them up in the ways of the Lord, love, and fight for their well-being.

Pray in faith for the protection of your elderly. Honor, respect, and care for them as families should tend to their own.

Pray for law and order to return, love for one another to be rekindled, and that the hearts of the people will burn with a holy fire for the Lord God Almighty.

Pray in faith believing that with Me all things are possible for those who believe.”


Click here to purchase your signed copies of my new book, Decrees that HEAL, (Prophetic prayers & Declarations That Bring Divine Healing). 

Click here to enroll in my next 12-Week Online Healing Course, Decrees That HEAL.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

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