The Spirit of the Lord is urgently calling out to thee, “Oh, can’t you see the raging war coming after thee? I have sent forth warning after warning, to prepare, and yet, many of you just toss it to the air and leave it for others to bare. I am calling forth my warriors to […]

Plunge into the Deep Tsunami Waves with the Spirit
I don’t know about you, but my spiritual senses are on high alert right now. My spirit is telling me to get ready, be prepared as this supernatural battle between good and evil is about to heat up to a level we have not witnessed before. Times are changing rapidly, and it can be challenging […]

Be Strong and Courageous Prophetic Word
The Word of the Lord to you this day, July 23, 2024. I, the Lord Jesus would say to you this day, “Be strong and courageous, be not afraid, or dismayed for I the Lord God am with you. But I say to you to be on the alert for your enemy, that serpent of […]

A Transition in the Spirit Realm
A transition in the spirit realm is taking place. Are you ready? The Word of the Lord would say to you. Do you sense the transition of the Spirit? Do you hear Him wooing you without the fear of it? Great change is on the horizon. It’s time for the Church to step up to […]

Are You Ready for the Lord’s Return? Prophetic Word
The word of the Lord would say to you, “Those who have ears to hear, listen. I know the plans I have for you. They are not filled with destruction but are ordained to bless and prosper you. Yes, we are living in the end, but I have not left you high and dry on […]

A Word of the Lord—Pray for the Revival of Repentance
The Spirit of the Lord would say to you, “Pray in faith for a revival of repentance to sweep across this nation before it is too late. Pray for the protection of the unborn, for their blood cries out to me. Pray for the protection of your children against the perversity of this land. Pray […]

Word of the Lord for 2024
The Lord God would say to you this day, “Get ready, prepare for this year, for it will be a challenging one. But I have called and anointed you for such a time as this. (See Esther 4:14) Be ready in Spirit, know Me and My ways, and walk in them. Blessed is the one […]

Stay Close to God, He Will Protect You (Prophetic Word)
The Lord God would say to you this day, “Know who your friends are, know who your neighbors are, and know who you can trust. For a grave darkness is passing through this earth, an evil presence like you have never witnessed before is covering the earth and will try to suffocate the very life […]

Enter the Miracle Zone (Prophetic Word)
As I lay my head upon my pillow tonight, I begin to pray creative miracles to be released into the body of someone in need. As I release words of faith, I hear in the spirit realm a siren sounding loud and clear, and I hear the Spirit of the Lord say, “Enter into the […]

A Deep Cleansing is Taking Place–Prophetic Word
This is the prophetic word of the Lord He gave to me to share with you this night of March 28th, 2021. A deep cleansing is taking place. And I am cleansing from the foundations. Because My people who are called by My name are founded upon My Rock, the Rock of Salvation. Salvation goes […]