Day #1 of a three day fast for the repentance of the Church. I woke up at 4 AM and decided it was a little too early to get up so I went back to sleep. And during this time the Lord gave me a graphic dream of the condition of the “Church”. She was in ruins, badly burned, and there was utter destruction all around. I saw pastors that I had known that had fallen trying to clean up the rubble, and their congregants eager to help. But it was very hard to know where to start–there was confusion as we were trying to make sense of all the rubble. I saw that I had a desk and shelves of books that were just placed in the midst of the rubble (they were not part of the destruction, but were placed in the midst of it all to help). And the only way I know to rebuild the Church (the true Church) is to start by a prayer of repentance, a time of fasting, and rebuilding our personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope this helps you to move forward in your relationship with Him, during these very trying times.

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land, 2 Chronicles 7:14. 

What do God’s people need to do?

1. Humble ourselves.

2. Pray.

3. Seek His face.

4. Turn from our wicked ways.

Click here to order Becky’s new book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.

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© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

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