Scripture Reading: Proverbs 3

We live in an age that is driven by technology. And just about any bit of information that we want to know can be found instantly on the internet. But even with all of this knowledge people are unhappy, full of fear, with their needs unmet, and sick and dying before their appointed time. Why?

The answer to this can be found in Proverbs 3:1-2, “My son, do not forget My teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.”

There is man’s knowledge, and then there is God’s wisdom. Man who is created by Elohim “The Father, Son and Holy Spirit” makes discoveries about God’s creation, and how to use His creation for our good. But what many refuse to acknowledge is God’s Word. And some are knowledgeable of the Bible, but do not live what it says. And this is often why many are unhappy and hurting today.

Knowledge is facts about something, whereas, wisdom is implementing, or putting into practice what you have learned. With this definition in mind, let’s take another look at what Proverbs 3:1 has to say to us.

First of all, this verse starts out by addressing to whom it is written to, “My son”, meaning to God’s children, true believers in Jesus Christ. If you want the full blessings of living God’s Word, then you need to be part of His spiritual family.

Jesus says to Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, in John 3:3, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Secondly, it says in Proverbs 3:1, “do not forget My teaching,”. Let’s face it, in this fast paced world where we can download scads of information within seconds, we forget to open up the book of true knowledge, the Bible.

And thirdly, we are to “let your heart keep My commandments”. We are to hide His Word in our hearts, because according to the Word we act out what we believe. It is so important to read, study and live out God’s Word.

Three Steps to Receiving the Benefits of Living God’s Word

  1. You must be born-again.
  2. Remember, to read and study God’s Word.
  3. Live His commandments.

And if we will activate these 3 steps in our everyday lives then the following benefits will be added to us.

  • Longer life
  • Peace


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© 2015 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

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