Christians blessing and cursing God at the same time is a painful topic to write about, but I must shed light on a serious matter that is affecting the relationship between God and His people.  And it is not God’s fault. It is the sin of the people who doubt His promises.

They join the congregation and lift up hands and release blessings to God as they sing beautiful harmonious songs filled with tender lyrics of worship, and then they turn around and complain to their neighbor about how bad their situation is. They confidently lift up the power of their suffering, the strength of their disease, and will declare curses with their mouths that their God is not willing to heal His people anymore.

Imagine being a parent and your children praise you for cooking, cleaning, and tending to their simple wants and desires, except they fail to believe your basic promises to them. In fact, they run around the neighborhood and evangelize the area with the message that you once were really good and did all these marvelous wonders for them, but now you no longer care for their basic physical health needs. In essence, this is what is being proselytized by may people about our Lord. I ask you, “Is this the Good News that will draw all people to Him?” Do you see how we can bless and curse God at the same time?

*This excerpt is taken from pages 51-52, chapter 3, negative and Poisonous Word Curses, from The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.

Click here to learn about the power of your words in  Becky’s new book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

11 thoughts on “Blessing and Cursing God at the Same Time

  1. What does the Lord say about the use of oil and water for healing? I want to learn more. I am able to answer people when they ask me.

    1. I answer these questions in my first work DARE to Believe. But briefly… we can anoint people with oil for healing with the prayer of faith… Water is not used for supernatural healing… Namman in the Old Testament was told to dip 7 times in the Jordan River, he fought obeying this, but finally did and he was healed on the 7th time from leprosy, but it’s not the water that healed him (nor is it the oil that heals), it’s the faith in the right thing—the redemptive blood of Jesus for us that heals us.

  2. Good Evening Mrs Becky
    Wow many Believets need to hear this.
    Some would want to make me think that God is making me sick to prove something. I use to question myself as to why He would want to cause me so much pain when He said He loved me and sent Jesus to die for me. Then I started reading and found out my redemption from the curse.. Then the Holy Spirit taught me how to take authority in Christ. But still many don’t want to know.
    Thank you for sharing
    Always look forward to your messages.
    Leonora Rebekah U.K

  3. Shalom Becky. My husband is in hospital right now. He is having issues with bleeding at the area of His kidneys where nephrostomy tubes have been placed. His ureter tubes that run from his kidneys to his bladder which Elohim designed in order for us to eliminate the urine from our body have been damaged due to surgery because of a tumor, so they placed the nephrostimy tubes in order to perform that function. We have been standing and believing Elohim for a creative miracle for new kidneys, ureter, bladder, prostate and liver for Daniel. We know it is Abba’s will to heal and He does not give us stones or scorpions when we ask for bread. Please pray and agree with us for these miracles. Thanks and abundant blessings to you. In Yeshua’s Mighty Name. Amen .

    1. Henrietta,
      In the name of Jesus’ I renounce these attacks from the spirit of death against your husband. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow through his kidneys, ureter tubes, bladder, prostate and liver to be healed and recreated and function 100% normal for the glory of Jesus’, amen!!!! Speak life and healing into him always.

  4. Thanks Becky for awakening us to the dual mind that robs us of the powerful manifestation of miracles ?❗️❤️Always, Madalyn

  5. Good morning Mrs. Becky. Thank you for sharing insight of the power of words we speak. So many people dont realize the power of our words. We need to change our vocabulary. I am sharing what you write to some of my family members and friends when the topic of words arise. God bless you, your family and ministry. I’m believing that this is our year of testimonies for many of us in Jesus Name . Blessings.

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