Break Free from a Familiar Spirit

Holding on to a familiar spirit is sinful and something of which we need to confront and repent. You may be wondering, Just what is a “familiar spirit”? How does it affect our health and well-being? How does it gain access into our being? And how do we get free from it?
First of all, what is a familiar spirit? It’s a demon, and evil spirit bent on our destruction. It takes its orders from satan, whose only desire is to steal from us, kill us any way possible, and to destroy us and all that is important to us.
When you are bound to a familiar spirit, these are the signs when it comes to sickness and disease or a negative situation, such as an addiction:
- The disease or the problem is the center of your entire life.
- Your every conversation revolves around this sickness.
- Quite frankly, you wouldn’t even know what to say if you didn’t talk about it.
- You know this disease inside and out.
- You are very “familiar” with it.
- You know it better than you know your spouse, your kids, the Bible, even God Himself.
- It has become your closest family member.
- And unknowingly, it even becomes your idol, your god.
- Your very life and conversations are consumed with it.
- You don’t do anything without consulting the disease first.
- It totally controls your every moment.
For a more in-depth understanding of a familiar spirit, and how to break free from it please read pages 67 – 70, of my book, “The WAVES of HEALING GLORY”.
Click on this link for prayer to break free from a familiar spirit.
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© 2024 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.