I stand in awe as I read the amazing testimonies that I receive from people reading and putting into practice the message of my book, DARE to Believe.

I received this exciting testimony from a Christian school of supernatural ministry in Daytona Beach, Florida where I taught the students one night from my book.


Thank you for your visit to our School of Supernatural Ministry while you were in Daytona Beach, Florida. Many of the students purchased your book “DARE to Believe” during your visit.

We were all captivated by the stories of faith outlined in the book even to the point of taking a risk at our monthly nursing home outreach. While there, (though we had been ministering there for over a year) we made our first announcement that we believe that God still heals today and if anyone wanted prayer to ask one of us.

There was a woman who had two broken hips, confined to a wheel chair who wanted prayer. Two of our lady students prayed for her as directed in the book commanding healing followed by asking her to get up in faith. She did and walked!! Her attending nurse said “I have just seen a miracle today, this woman has never walked since I’ve been working with her”. Praise be to our Glorious Savior, Jesus!!

You know there are so many hurting people out there waiting to be prayed for, and I can’t reach them all, but I can equip you how to minister to those around you. If you haven’t already done so, please purchase a copy of the book from us, read it, study it and put the message into practice and be amazed at what God will do through you too! DARE to Believe.

If you would like to host a special DARE to Believe healing service or conference please contact me at daretobelieve@lifeunlimitedmin.org for more information.


4 thoughts on “Broken Hips Healed and Walking!

  1. Yes, it is an amazing testimony. I truly stand in awe at the amazing healing power of the Holy Spirit I witness as I dare to believe that He is who He says He is and will do what His Word says.

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