One of the foundational elements that we need to stand firm in faith is an understanding of our spiritual legal rights. Without this revelation knowledge it is difficult to take ownership of God’s promises and confidently believe. Many people are suffering from broken marriages, financial difficulties and incurable sicknesses and disease. They desire a miraculous […]

Healed from ALS
Here is a beautiful testimony of the prayer of faith believed and activated for Ainar who was diagnosed with ALS. I ask you, “Is anything to difficult for our God?” Do you have time to reach out to a loved one and pray for them? If you think ALS is too big for God to […]

Conquering the Spirit of Death in the NICU Ward
One of the victims of the spirit of death is the vulnerable, those that can’t fight the good fight of faith on their own, and such is the case in the NICU ward. But Terri, a woman of faith, my friend, and one of my intercessors stood in the gap for one of these precious […]
Conquering the Spirit of Death Preview
I would like to offer you a free preview of the first chapter of my boldest book ever, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”. The Spirit of Death Word of the Lord The Spirit of the Lord would say to you this day, “In this world you will have tribulation, you will pass through difficult […]

Brain Tumor Healed
Perhaps, you or a loved one received a serious medical report, and in the natural there is not much hope. But I am here to help you see that regardless of the medical report there is always hope for healing in the name of Jesus. But we need to learn to believe in God’s healing […]

Healed of Cancer+ by Faith
I want to share this powerful healing testimony from cancer+ with you from a music minister, long-time friend, and sister-in-Jesus. We rejoice with you, Mary Ellen! She shares on her social media, “I have known this lady, Becky Dvorak for 40 years. She and I sang together at Church of the Jubilee. She watched my […]

The Prayer of Faith Saves a Boy’s Life
The prayer of faith saves a boy’s life, but before you read this wonderful testimony that just took place let’s talk about faith and the prayer of faith. (This teaching comes from “The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words”, Chapter 8, “Prayer Strategies” on page 149.) What is faith and the prayer of faith? […]

Healing Prayer for a Stubborn Mountainous Disease
Are you fighting a battle with a stubborn mountainous disease that doesn’t appear to go away? Let’s talk about this today, using the example from one of my readers, and share a healing prayer to bring this mountain down. But before this let us first talk about mountains in the natural realm of things. The […]

How Do I Deal With a Principality?
“How do I deal with a principality? I have been living in terror since a horrific encounter the other night? Please advise. Thank you so much.” I received this request the other day from one of my readers. And I should add that this reader and her request is not unique. Many Christians in these […]

How do You Speak to That Mountain?
A reader writes and asks, “When believing for healing manifestation, do I continually speak to the mountain or do I just keep thanking God and confess my healing or both?” This is a great question. It depends upon the way you are speaking. Are you speaking about the mountain, which will increase its demonic stronghold […]