The Spirit of the Lord has equipped us for victory in every situation we face. And today’s message is about the empowerment of our words. Listen to this amazing testimony that happened to me a few days ago. It shows me the power we have been given on this earth to overcome the trolls, demon-possessed […]

Why the Enemy is After the Children
It’s clear that the enemy is after the children, but why? Why is he so bent upon their destruction? What could possibly be the real reason for these blatant attacks against them? What is he afraid of? Let’s turn to the Scriptures and find out why. Why the destruction of the innocent lives of the […]

Remnant, Come Forth –Prophetic Word
Word of the Lord—January 7, 2020 The Spirit of the Lord would say to you this day, “The heavens are open, and the oil is pouring. It is pouring down upon My people for this last hour. For this last hour you will need the refreshing of My Spirit. Your lamps must stay lit in […]

There is a Spirit of Death Over our Nation and People
There is a spirit of death over our nation and people. And the alarming thing is that many do not see it, but nevertheless it is here. And it is working hard against us in these last days. Perhaps, when we do not realize the connection between the physical realm and the spirit realm we […]
Conquering the Spirit of Death Preview
I would like to offer you a free preview of the first chapter of my boldest book ever, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”. The Spirit of Death Word of the Lord The Spirit of the Lord would say to you this day, “In this world you will have tribulation, you will pass through difficult […]

Praying the Hidden Things of God into Being
Learn to release the hidden things of God with every word that you speak. Allow His power to flow from your tongue, as you pray in the Spirit. First Corinthians 14:2 tells us that when we pray in the Spirit we speak mysteries. And this portion of Scripture describes these mysteries for us. “For he […]

Embark on a Spiritual Journey this Christmas
We read in Matthew 2:1-2, “After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” The wise […]
Austin Texas Prophetic Healing Seminar
Nov 16-17, 2018 — Austin, Texas — Healing Conference. Hosts: Pastors George and Paula Crisp, Angels Healing and Recovery Church, (Sunrise Community Church) 4430 Manchaca Road, Austin, Texas, 78745 phone: 512-633-7439 email: Fri 7-9pm Sat 10am-12noon / 2-4pm / 7-9pm Please Register on 1. Becky Dvorak Healing Conference Nov 16, 2018 — Free […]

Overflow with Confidence
I can overflow with confidence in His promises to me. This is not about being confident in myself, but being totally confident in Him, and in His faithfulness to keep His promises to me.

Can You Talk Yourself to Death?
It might sound humorous, but can you talk yourself to death? It’s an interesting question to look at, especially when this cliché has been around for many years, “You’re going to talk yourself to death”. And since clichés have been around for many years, most have grown up with them and automatically use them without […]