Praying the Hidden Things of God into Being

Learn to release the hidden things of God with every word that you speak. Allow His power to flow from your tongue, as you pray in the Spirit. First Corinthians 14:2 tells us that when we pray in the Spirit we speak mysteries. And this portion of Scripture describes these mysteries for us. “For he who speaks in an unknown tongue does not speak to men, but to God. For no one understands him, although in the spirit, he speaks mysteries.” This word mysteries (Strong’s G3466 – mystērion) means hidden things. When you speak in tongues you speak into existence the hidden or secret things God has planned for you, or the hidden things you have need of in any given situation, or to those you are ministering to. I have seen this principle work time and time again in my life and ministry.
I, like Paul pray in the Spirit (tongues). And I pray more in my supernatural prayer language, than in my earthly language, and I pray often in tongues. See 1 Corinthians 14:18. I have seen how this God-given gift to His followers is so powerful, especially for the day and the hour in which we live. I can’t encourage my fellow believers enough to learn how to pray in the Spirit. And pray often in tongues. Use this supernatural language to bring the miraculous about into your situation.
Sometimes I pray for hours at a time in the Spirit while walking out under the stars. Other times, my prayer in supernatural languages is just a quick release. My husband, and other people that travel with me tell me that I pray in tongues while I am sleeping. How can this be? We need to understand that we do not pray in tongues using our mind, but it comes from deep within us, from our spirit wielded to His Spirit. And I tell you it is so powerful. This is why the enemy fights against this teaching, because He knows its power, and that Jesus promised to send us this prayer language when the Holy Spirit would ascend upon us.
I run into all kinds of situations, especially in the healing ministry that in the natural I have no way of knowing how to pray for. Let me share a few different types of situations with you. I am walking down a pathway to a woman’s house in a village. This woman had been bedridden for many years and her body was so twisted. And the pastor and the elders brought me to her home expecting a miracle. When I saw this woman totally twisted from the neck down I didn’t even know how to pray. But that’s okay. I had been praying under my breath in the Spirit as we were walking down the pathway to her home. When I saw her I asked the Lord what do I do? And because I had been prayed up in the Spirit, all fear and intimidation was removed from me, my faith was built-up to believe, and the hidden things that would release the woman from this bondage of satan and ultimately heal her had been revealed to my spirit. I clearly heard the Lord respond to me, “Speak life to dead bones.” And when I heard His instructions about what I needed to do. My spirit responded, “Oh, I can do this.” And I did and the woman’s body unraveled and she was delivered and healed.
My husband and I were driving in Guatemala City and the car was acting up. My husband was trying to figure out what it might be. I prayed a quick prayer in tongues, and I heard the name of a car part. I asked my husband if this was a car part, and might it be the problem. And it was exactly what was wrong with the car.
I was flying in a plane, and just praying in my supernatural language under my breath, and I saw flash before my eyes a young man that used to attend the same church as we did before we moved to the mission field. Now, I had not seen this man in years, but his face clearly appeared before me. And so I prayed in the Spirit for him. And wouldn’t you know at that night’s service that young man was there. I was taken back a bit and I knew that I knew the Lord had revealed hidden things to me to pray into his life, via the power of praying in tongues.
I share these brief, but amazing testimonies with you about the power of praying the hidden things of God into being by the power of praying in tongues to encourage your faith to do the same.
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© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.
And I pray more in my supernatural prayer language, than in my earthly language,
What do you mean I here? That even tounges has earthly language?
Hi Ray,
I simply mean that I pray in tongues more than I do in my natural earthly language.
Praying in tongues, I was told never ever am I to pray in tongues unless someone is there to interpret it so I gave up just backed out altogether and said forget it I am not doing this no more. Unless you know something I don’t know to make it the obvious that I would pray like this?
Hi Wendy,
Whoever told you this was mistaken. You are not to pray in a public setting in tongues aloud without an interpretation, because the people would not understand. But you are to pray in tongues when praying on your own. I hope this helps.
Becky :O)
Hi Becky
My son Damian is very sick. Physically and mentally. I asked you many times if you could pray for him. I didn’t receive a word from you. If you got the free gift from God…would you please share it for my son so he could regain his health? Please pray for my beloved son Damian and let me know if you even read my message
Not sure where you are sending a prayer request as I answer all prayer requests on my page specifically for prayer requests at It is on this link, well noted throughout my webpage, even links on emails where prayer requests are submitted that I pray for people.
Right now I release the healing power of Jesus into your son, Damian for his physical and mental healing to come forth. That the faith of your family will arise and surround him with the faith to access his healing from God. Knowing that all things are possible in Christ Jesus, including his healing for God’s glory and Damian’s well-being and happiness.
Hugs in Jesus,
Pray for me, most of the night with severe back pain bones, lower-back, joints, my hips, my legs oh it hurts so bad..Oh Father heal me. thank you so much ..Maureen
Maureen, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce the source of this pain. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your entire spine, hips and legs. I speak life into the marrow of the bones and that they are recreated and full of life and strength. I command your spine and hips to be realigned, and every vertebra, disc, ligament, tendon, nerve and nerve ending is realigned to the Word of God that declares by His healing whips you are healed and made whole. And bones and joints be recreated, pain free and full of life, amen.
I have this book: The Prophetic and Power of Your Words., which I purchased it from Sid Roth. I wish I could speed read it so hungruy to devour it and put it into practice. All of her books are grand and I believe they are imparting me life and knowledge for my own healing and for those I pray for.
Thank you for the vote of confidence, Rev. Sophia! Hugs, Becky :O)
WOW! amazing testimonies of the goodness of God.. id love to speak in tongues. It’s a gift I just havnt received yet or if I have never know if am doing it right.
Heather, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of praying in tongues is for all born-again believers. Check out on blog under the category, “Holy Spirit and Gifts” for further teaching to increase your faith to believe and receive.