How do I not panic or give in to my fears? Let’s face it, times are rough. Jesus tells us in John 16:33, (NKJV), “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” How do I calm […]

Are You Fighting Discouragement?
Are you fighting discouragement? If so, you are not alone, many are struggling to find a bit of encouragement these days. Let’s face it, the news is ugly, social media is filled with hate, and in general people have become so negative. So, where do God’s people find a word of hope? Right from the […]

Emotional Health Can Affect Your Physical Health
You are depressed, your physical health is waning, and you can’t figure out what’s going on. Did you know that your emotional health can affect your physical health? Depression for example, is an ailment of the mind and the emotions that needs to be cured, and it can be by the redemptive blood of Jesus. […]

Overcoming FEAR, 4-Week Online Healing Course
Overcoming Fear 4-Week Online Healing Course $100.00 Dates: April 30th — May 21st, ’24. Every Tuesday at 6:30 PM, EST, Via Zoom with Becky Dvorak. *Can’t make it during the Live sessions, that’s okay, all students receive the links to the recorded sessions. *Lifetime Access to this Course. People, even God’s people fear many things […]

There is Help to Overcome Anxiety
Do you struggle with anxiety and panic attacks? Do you feel overwhelmed? Does your world feel like it’s caving in on all sides at once? There is help to overcome anxiety. Look to Jesus. He’s the author and finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2). He will never leave you, or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). Sometimes […]

The Attacks are Real, but Our Authority is Greater!
The attacks are real, but our authority is greater! Jesus tells us in John 16:33 that in this world we will have tribulation, meaning difficult times. But Jesus was given all authority in heaven and on earth, (See Matthew 28:18.). And He being a giver, gave to us authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions […]

Stay Close to God, He Will Protect You (Prophetic Word)
The Lord God would say to you this day, “Know who your friends are, know who your neighbors are, and know who you can trust. For a grave darkness is passing through this earth, an evil presence like you have never witnessed before is covering the earth and will try to suffocate the very life […]

Help to Overcome Fear
I want to encourage you and give you biblical help to overcome fear. Allow the power of Holy Spirit and the Word of God to set you free from this bondage this year. Please read through these Scriptures as you watch my teaching on Facebook today. It’s time to overcome fear, and here’s help. Click […]

The Latter Days are Upon Us
The latter days are upon us, and the people are “hangry”. The enemy, satan and his demonic forces, are ramping up their efforts against the human race. The inhabitants of earth are being driven by cultural wars, innocent people are being struck down, and peaceful protests are turning into riots and looting. These events, in […]

Why the Enemy is After the Children
It’s clear that the enemy is after the children, but why? Why is he so bent upon their destruction? What could possibly be the real reason for these blatant attacks against them? What is he afraid of? Let’s turn to the Scriptures and find out why. Why the destruction of the innocent lives of the […]