“How do I deal with a principality? I have been living in terror since a horrific encounter the other night? Please advise. Thank you so much.” I received this request the other day from one of my readers. And I should add that this reader and her request is not unique. Many Christians in these last days are confronting attacks from demon spirits. How should we fight to overcome a battle such as this one?

First of all, know who your enemy is and what kind of battle you are in. Ephesians 6:12 reveals who and what we are battling against. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

2 Timothy 1:7 tells us what the Lord has given to us, and what He has not given to us. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. According to this Scripture fear is a spirit, and it does not come from God. And God gives us 3 things in this verse to overcome a spirit of fear. One supernatural weapon He gives to us is power, not human power, but God’s power. Zechariah 4:6 says it this way, Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” He also gave us the supernatural weapon of love, again not human love, but His love (Himself). And His love is the fuel for our faith. And then He gives us a sound mind, the very thing the enemy is trying to take away from us, the power of a sound mind. How do we hold onto the power of a sound mind? By reading and studying the Word of God. This Word is living and all powerful, and it is how Jesus overcame satan while He was being tempted in the wilderness. No matter what temptation the devil tried to throw at Him, Jesus responded with the Word of God. The Bible tells us that if we will first submit ourselves to God, resist the devil, then he will flee from us. (See James 4:7.)

11 Steps to Take When Dealing With a Principality:

1. Remind the principality who you are in Christ. If you don’t know then you need to learn who you are in Christ, Who He is in you.

2. And with your true identity in Christ take the authority that Jesus gave to you over satan and all of his wicked works.
3. Plead the power of the Blood of Jesus over your home and yourself.
4. Repent if you have opened any doors for the enemy to walk in such as; horror movies and books, demonic music, unforgiveness and the like.
5. Pray in tongues and don’t stop until you sense a breakthrough in the supernatural realm.
6. Play worship music 24/7 in your home.
7. Play an audible Bible 24/7 in your home.
8. Command in the name of Jesus these evil spirits to leave your home.
9. Anoint all the doors and windows in your home, and every room with oil in the name of Jesus.
10. Take communion daily in your home.

11. If you need to invite people of strong faith into your home and do a walk through and pray in faith together. 

Again, as a reminder God’s Word assures us that if we will first submit to God, resist the devil, then he will flee from you. James 4:7.

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© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

17 thoughts on “How Do I Deal With a Principality?

  1. One time when I recite Psalms 91 and Psalms 27 I heard a grumbling noise in bathroom like demon with an angry voice. I did not even feel fear that time and rebuke the enemy and it stop.

  2. Sister becky i have some questions in my heart that i need to answer from God.
    I know holy spirit always talk with you about people and show you vision about people.can you please tell me something what he says about me,?

    1. Oni,
      The Lord God would say to you; “Seek Me with your whole heart, lean not on your own understanding. I am not hiding from you. I am here for you, always near. Human reasoning does not match up with faith. Trust Me. Learn of My ways. The more you know Me, the more you can trust Me.” Thus says the Lord Jesus to you this day.

  3. Thank You so much! I have been doing some of these things but not all of them. I will get busy on this.

      1. One more question. what made it particularly horrific was that the principality appeared as a loved one. Its hard to explain to him that “he” (my loved one) is not the one I was shouting at in the middle of the night.

        1. What we have to realize or remind ourselves is that our loved ones do not come back to earth to visit us. God does give us dreams and visions about them… but they do not come back as ghosts… What we see in these situations are demons taking on human form and their ONLY goal is to steal, to kill, and to destroy us by messing with our soul (mind and emotions). So, yes, we renounce these demons in the name of Jesus.

          1. I should have said that the principality appeared to be my very much alive, kind and gentle husband.

  4. Powerful words, Becky. I questioned who I was in Christ, read “How to be filled with the Holy Spirit,” by A.W.Tozer. I read it and reread it until I fully understood what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to one with Christ. Additionally, I have read all of Becky’s books, including her “Holy Spirit Series.” If you have doubt, evil will take advantage of that. Read, meditate and talk to the Holy Spirit for guidance. God Bless.

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