The prayer of faith saves a boy’s life, but before you read this wonderful testimony that just took place let’s talk about faith and the prayer of faith. (This teaching comes from “The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words”, Chapter 8, “Prayer Strategies” on page 149.)

What is faith and the prayer of faith? First we have the matter of faith. What is it? Certainly it’s not feelings. According to Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. “ Faith is a supernatural foundation, it literally upholds you. Its strength depends upon your relationship and communication with Elohim, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Interestingly, James refers to something called the prayer of faith in his writings. We would think that when we pray we use faith, but apparently this is not always the case. Much of what is said during prayer is not faith at all. Let’s face it, there is a lot of whining, complaining, and blaming going on during prayer.

And how many times have you heard it said in prayer, “If it be Your will…” There is no faith activated in a prayer like this. This statement shows that the heart is not settled upon God’s will in the matter. It reveals insecurity and a lack of trust in the God who truly cares for your needs.

This is especially true when it comes to prayer for healing. If we do not know the will of God to heal, we cannot pray with faith and believe that God hears us and responds to us according to our words full of faith. …

On Thu, Sep 19, 2019, 10:58 PM I receive an urgent prayer request for a young boy who was in a serious accident at the point of death.

“Mrs. Becky,

My co-worker called to inform me that her son was riding his bicycle when a car accidentally hit him. Her son had surgery on his brain and leg. She shared with me that the doctors told her that his blood level is too low and he does not think he will make it. Can you stand in agreement for Dion? I believe God will heal this precious child in the name of Jesus.

Thank you always,



My response to Paulette’s prayer request, 2019-09-19 22:04

“In the name of Jesus I renounce this spirit of premature death over this child. I command it to leave him. I release the Spirit of Life to flow in and throughout his entire being. I speak to his brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and all other organs to be recreated. I command you to not shut down, but to come back to life in Jesus’ mighty name, I say LIVE in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit hover over this little one in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.

Call his mom and read this aloud to her in Jesus name, amen.”


On 2019-09-22 00:02 Paulette responds with a wonderful praise report.

“Mrs. Becky,

Glory be to God! After following instructions and saying the prayer out loud that you sent. A miracle from God happened. Dion’s mom said the doctors completed the CT Scan and ran tests and could not find where the bleeding was coming from in her child’s head. The doctors told her that her son was supposed to be dead because the fracture that was connected to the skull, and a vessel was bleeding. The doctors told her to call her family and get her son’s affairs in order.

But while her son was in ICU, and right after saying the prayer you sent out loud over him, she said the four doctors who were examining her son told her that her son will recover.  And all of sudden they were able to reach a vessel that was far back in his skull and impossible to reach, but now they were able to reach it and stop the bleeding.

He is out of critical condition and the doctors expect to move him out of ICU soon. He is eating and talking too. The doctors are still in shock.

Dion’s mom said, “God is amazing!”

And I Praise God, our healer! God bless you, Mrs. Becky.”


The prayer of faith is such a powerful gift given to all of us who will actively believe and receive all the goodness God has for us. Will you activate the prayer of faith today?


Click here to purchase your copy of Becky’s book, “The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words”, and learn how to decree faith, and much more.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2019 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

19 thoughts on “The Prayer of Faith Saves a Boy’s Life

    1. Kindra, in the name of Jesus I renounce this sickness and disease attacking your sister, Alisa. I release the life-giving healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout her entire being. I declare that she is healed by the power of the blood of Jesus, amen and amen.

  1. Thank you for sharing this wonderful testimony! Praise God!!
    Can you pray for my 4 year old daughter, Haley & myself as we’ve been attacked with a cold and low grade fever.
    Thank you!

    1. Kymberlee, in the name of Jesus’ I renounce this sickness in your body. I speak healing, strength and restoration to your health and that bad bacteria and / or virus’ are supernaturally eliminated from your bodies, amen.

  2. This is SO AWESOME! My parents and I read and prayed through this book of God written through you during our nightly prayer and communion times. On September 10th, the Lord brought my Mama through an 8hr craniotomy surgery during which a massive meningioma was removed from the front-row of her head. Post-surgery she began having repeated non-convulsery seizures that Drs struggled to find the right mix of high dosage meds to stop it…we laid hands on her anointed her and spoke peace, calm and restoration to her brain. Praise God the seizures have stopped! A drain is installed to release fluid pressure…still she has not yet regained full awake-alert-responsiveness…her name Vivian means full of life. They want to move the feeding tube from her nose to her stomach, but we believing not to have to do that.We have been playing her voice declaring healing (as we learned in your book) in her ears and have been calling her full name aloud saying you are full of life wake up and be made whole in Jesus name. Would you please agree in faith by praying too?

    1. Thank you, Terri for sharing your powerful testimony about your mom. Right now, I join my faith for the total restoration to come forth. I speak to her and say, “Wake up in the name of Jesus!” I speak to her body to be 100% restored, and any and all damage that may have occurred during surgery be healed and the body function normal, amen and amen.

  3. Glory be to God! I love reading testimonies like this one. It keeps my fire of faith burning. This is a wonderful testament of His unconditional love for us. Thank you for sharing this miracle Becky and thank you for praying for/with us. Please pray for my little niece who is in the hospital right now to continue her treatment for cancer. She will have an intravenous radiation therapy that will target to kill the neuroblastoma cells present in her body that includes the tumor in her adrenal. We speak to her vital organs and other systems to remain safe and be free from complications.

    Amen and amen.

    1. Dear Carmela,
      In the mighty name of Jesus I renounce this spirit of death and cancer hurting her body. I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to burn through her body like a ball of fire, purifying her of all impurities. I speak to all cancer cells, and tumors to die off at their seed and be uprooted from her body, NEVER to return again. I speak life into her cells, tissues, organs and systems to be totally and completely healed from cancer in Jesus’ name, amen.
      **Speak LIFE and healing in the name of Jesus, amen.

      1. Dear Sister Becky
        Thank you for the prayer of my eyes.It was much needed. I always look forward to reading your post.
        Sister in Christ
        Maria Chaves

        1. Thank you for your prayers Becky. She is back home now from the hospital and recovering, they will be back next week to continue her therapy. She had a full body scan done to check the tumor on her adrenal and if there are any present in other areas. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we speak creative miracles to take over her body, that cancer is gone and totally eliminated from her body, and to never return. We speak for her body to be in alignment with the Holy Spirit to function back to normal in Jesus name.
          Thank you thank you so much for praying with us Becky.

    2. Thank you! After work tonight I will go spend the night in ICU with her and will read her your reply. They would like to be able to reduce the strong meds… it is critical that she not have any more seizures. Stomach tube surgery scheduled for Oct 3…believing to be able to cancel that and for her eyes to heal in Jesus’ name.

      1. Terri,
        In the name of Jesus I speak creative miracles to take place in her entire being as the Holy Spirit’s power flows through her like a hot blazing fire and burns out all traces of sickness and disease and death out of her. And creative miracles are released and her body functions 100% normal for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

        1. Thank you so much, Becky! Papa and I are having bedside prayer and communion with her now and just spoke your prophetic healing words over her. We love you!

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