DARE to Believe!I met this woman at a healing service held in Phoenix, Arizona. She had traveled from another state to come to this healing service. Cancer had eaten away at her hip and she could not walk, immediately after I placed healing hands upon her, and renounced this disease and the effects of this disease, and released the creative power of the Holy Spirit into her she was squatting, jumping, running and praising God!

2 thoughts on “Cancer Eaten Hip Healed

  1. Becky< I have had cancer on and off for the past 6 years and have prayed and cried out to God . Members of my church and family have prayed that it would be taken away. The first specific cancer was healed. Praise God! Now, however, I have it again in two different spots. It just keeps reappearing in other places. The chemos I have been given have worked for a while, but then the cancer "gets wise to them" and quits working. Why won't God just take it all away as He has before?

    1. Dear Ann,
      In Jesus’ name, I renounce the spirit of death and this cancer over you. I command it to leave your body. I command all cancer cells to die off and be eliminated from your body, and new healthy, super smart cells be recreated and they outwit every form of cancer there is or will be in the mighty name of Jesus.

      Ann, as far as your question is concerning the whys, I would recommend you to purchase my book, The Healing Creed or go through my healing blog posts to thoroughly answer your questions. In a nutshell, most people miss out on their manifested healing because of the words they speak and because their actions do not line up with their words of faith… Jesus already healed us at the whipping post He purchased our healing for us. And with any of the promises of God we are responsible to activate the specific promises with our faith. And in this case it is your healing. He says we are healed and made whole by our faith. I wrote a short blog yesterday just touching on the issue of our responsibility to activate our faith for our healing, because He already did His part, we are now responsible… https://backup.authorbeckydvorak.com/is-jesus-willing-to-heal-you/ But for an in depth understanding read and study, The Healing Creed.


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