Torn Rotator Cuff Healed!I was teaching at a healing school in Las Vegas. Afterwards, as I was praying for the sick, a woman asked me if I would pray for her husband who came with her to the meeting, but when he saw the number of people to be prayed for he walked out and went and sat in the parking lot.

Knowing that faith needs action to produce a miracle I responded to her request, “You tell him if he comes back into the service I will pray for him.” She went out and gave him the message and he returned to be prayed for.

He was suffering great pain from a torn rotator cuff and was due to have surgery in a couple weeks. As I put my hands on his shoulder we could hear and feel things popping from deep within his shoulder area. Glory to God, the man was healed and set free from all pain!

But he almost missed out on the blessing of healing that the Lord had for him that night. And it makes me wonder how many times we have missed our healing because we felt discouraged or afraid.

Jesus doesn’t want anyone to miss out on their healing. He is willing to heal all those that come to Him. We are reminded of His willingness to heal in Luke 5:12-13 when a man with leprosy came to Him. This man was uncertain if the Lord would heal him, but Jesus responded to this man’s discouraged heart.

While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”  Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” And immediately the leprosy left him. (NIV)

Don’t allow fear or discouragement to rob you of your healing. Believe and receive today!

Becky Dvorak is a healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic. Visit her at

4 thoughts on “HE ALMOST MISSED OUT!

  1. Just wanted to thank you for the faithful emails which come when I’m weary. Grateful for how you acknowledged the leper as I often don’t go out due to my skin disorder, tired of people’s reactions and being cut off. Don’t feel I have faith for this but have been healed of other things – maybe that will encourage someone else.

    1. Dear Selena, My desire for you is that I would be able to help encourage your faith to the point that you can believe to receive new, healthy skin in the name of Jesus. I believe ALL things are possible even this. He loves you and so do I. Blessings, Becky

  2. I think today would be a great day for a miracle. I will continue to press in although I am starting to grow weary in doing well. Thanks for the encourgament

    1. Dear Marilyn, What is happening is that the enemy, satan, is trying to wear you down. But you need to wear him out instead. The way this is done is how Jesus did this when He was tempted by the enemy in the wilderness. He wore the enemy out by speaking the Word of faith over his evil attempt. Love and Hugs, Becky

      PS — Don’t ever give up!

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