God Heals Hip Bursitis

I met Gwen at a DARE to Believe Healing Service. She was suffering from severe pain from bursitis of the hip. When she entered the meeting room she was in so much pain that she could barely walk or stand. After the message I ministered healing to her, I commanded her body to be renewed […]

God Heals Aging Parents

A woman brought her aging parents to a DARE to Believe Healing Service in Phoenix, AZ. After they heard the message the elderly couple called out for me to come and minister to them. They began to share with me the numerous physical challenges that the man was suffering from. Here is their daughter’s story. […]

People Are Seeking God’s Help

A few nights ago, a group of us ministered to people along the Las Vegas Strip. We each asked the Holy Spirit to lead us to specific individuals. The Holy Spirit highlighted this man on crutches to me. I asked him if I could pray for him. He was surprised, not because I asked to […]


Amanda, from Las Vegas wanted prayer for healing because she was suffering pain as she stood or walked because she had deep fissures or cracks on the bottom of her heel from the dry climate. I held onto her heel and ministered healing, and we both felt a strong thumping inside of her heel as […]


I was teaching at a healing school in Las Vegas. Afterwards, as I was praying for the sick, a woman asked me if I would pray for her husband who came with her to the meeting, but when he saw the number of people to be prayed for he walked out and went and sat […]

The True Purpose

Today, during the interview on WELE Radio in Ormond Beach, FL I was asked to pray with a man during one of the breaks. He was blind since birth. As I ministered healing to him, he saw light for the first time in his life! He was so excited he started to jump up and […]

He Gives You Your Desires

It’s Christmas and God wants to give you the desires of your heart.  God isn’t stingy like Scrooge, withholding your needs. He doesn’t have a grumpy disposition like the Grinch, who is trying to find a way to steal your joy.  He is good and is both able and willing to bless you with good […]
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