Healing Confessions

The Good News teaches us that there is the power of life and death in our tongues. Essentially what this means is that the condition of our health is found in the words that we speak. In-other-words, we have control over our health and lives. Let us learn how to speak words of faith that […]

Correct Healing Confessions

Question: Would this be a correct statement?  “Even though I might have symptoms in my body they can do no permanent damage to me because I was healed at the Cross.” Reply: Hmm… I believe as long as we say “We have symptoms…” then we will continue to have them.  And if we say “They […]

God Transforms Impossible

To confirm to Mary the message of the Lord, Gabriel gives her a Word of Knowledge in Luke 1:36 concerning her cousin Elizabeth. He says, “And behold, even your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age; and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month.” This Word of […]

Shining Cloud of Glory

Gabriel answers Mary’s honest question, “How can this be?” He says to her in Luke 1:35, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God.” The Amplified Version of the Bible describes this […]

Herniated Disk and Scoliosis Healed

A woman entered a DARE to Believe Healing Service with a herniated disk and scoliosis. She was in tears because of the pain. She told me that she had been to the doctors that day, and they gave her 18 injections in her spine. I asked her if she was any better after the doctor […]

A Financial Miracle

I want to share with you a financial miracle that I believe will bless and encourage you to DARE to Believe the Lord Jesus Christ in every area of your life. I was preparing a bank deposit slip for this past ministry trip. And as I was setting aside a tithe and offering for the […]

Will God Heal Scars?

Gale asks, “Will God heal the scars left by sickness and disease? Or is this too much like the lady who wanted a makeover on page 89 in DARE to Believe? A couple of years ago, in my mid-twenties, I developed severe cystic adult acne and took Accutane. This lead to horrible scars on my […]


There are times when we all need a prickly poke of faith to point us in the right direction. And this is the purpose of this post today. Tammy from AZ writes a radical note of faith, “We change the lyrics to a song, “Some trust in chariots. Some trust in horses.”  We change them […]

Jesus Heals Scoliosis

Jesus wills to heal all people from all sickness and disease, this includes Scoliosis. One of the most precious healings of scoliosis that I ever witnessed was of a young teenage girl in Nashville, Tennessee. She was a ballerina and the scoliosis was affecting her ability to dance. She came forward with her parents for […]
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