Question: Would this be a correct statement?  “Even though I might have symptoms in my body they can do no permanent damage to me because I was healed at the Cross.”

Reply: Hmm… I believe as long as we say “We have symptoms…” then we will continue to have them.  And if we say “They can do no permanent damage…” then with our words we are allowing these symptoms to still do some sort of  damage.

Since we want to rid ourselves from these symptoms, it would be better to start to speak words of faith that take authority and bring them under the submission of the power of the redemptive blood of Jesus.

It would be more effective to speak the following, “I take the authority given to me by the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ, and I declare that I am free and healed from all symptoms and all diseases in Jesus’ name.” Eventually, if we will continue to speak the Word over our bodies, all these symptoms will leave.

Proverbs 18:21 tells us that, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.”

For further understanding of the power of our words purchase a copy of DARE to Believe.

1 thought on “Correct Healing Confessions

  1. Becky, I met you at the Christian Book Store a few months ago in Sarasota, FL. I am asking for prayer to be heald of Hashimotos Disease. I have had a terrible time struggling with it for about 25 years. It has caused all types of problems. Thank you so much! Love, Lori Christiano

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