For those that are suffering from Coronary Artery / Heart Disease here is a prayer and confession of faith for you to pray over your loved ones and to confess words of faith over yourself. Prayer of Faith By the grace of God (Rom. 4:16), I stand in faith without wavering with doubt and unbelief […]

Created to Win!
Did you know that you are created to win? And to win every battle that you face? When you become born again, you inherit the greater power within. This power is the Holy Spirit. He is the creative, explosive power of God. And He lives within your spirit–your spiritual temple. But if the Spirit of […]

They Need a Will to Live
People on their deathbeds need to possess the will to live. If they lack this basic element, there is not much you can do for them in the physical. In this case, love them and make sure they are right with the Lord concerning their salvation. But just because they say in the beginning of […]

The Ultimate Fact-Checker
The ultimate fact-checker is the Word of God, and not this world’s ungodly fact-checking system. What does God’s Word say concerning the basic facts of life, and how we are to live like Christ? Let’s look to this ultimate fact-checker and find out if what we say or what we are being told is the […]
God’s Supernatural Power in You is Recognizable
Others around you will recognize when you walk in the supernatural power of God and they will seek you out. I was sitting down listening to one of the local pastors at an outdoor evangelistic campaign and a lady in a nearby house saw me sitting on the bench and sent for me to come […]
Purcellville, VA Healing Seminar July 28th
JULY 28, 2018 — Saturday — Purcellville, VA — Healing Seminar — St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 37018 Glendale Street, Purcellville, Virginia | Phone 540.338.7307. Hosts: Dave Hunt, Rev. Tom Simmons. Daytime 8 AM — 4:30 PM — $25 Admission includes breakfast, lunch, and morning and afternoon refreshments — Healing Seminar — CLICK TO REGISTER. Evening […]
The Importance of Healing In the Last Days
Never underestimate the power of healing, whether it be your healing or the healing of another in these last days. Healing points to the Messiah. It proves that the God you have been professing all these years is real. This is why the enemy fights so hard against this message. He is afraid of the […]
Curse Sickness
God gives you His blessing to curse satan and his wicked works, including sickness and disease. So right now, obey His Word and curse this illness at its very root and seed, just like Jesus cursed the fig tree (see Mark 11:12-25). Use the Sword of the Spirit; go down deep into the root system […]
Run Your Race to Win –to Heal
The winner of the race is not sitting down on the sidelines, they are not hidden from view, they are not asleep, they are not complaining because the race is so difficult, but they’re actively running. And the people watching know they are running. They are the leader of the pack. And they are being […]
Is Jesus Willing to Heal You?
Oftentimes God’s people believe that He is able to heal, but struggle to believe that He wills to heal them. Let’s take a look at this today and unmask this lie of the enemy in this area of our faith for healing. We read about a man who was leprous in Luke 5:12-16, “And it […]