Consistency with Your Confession of Faith is the Key

Consistency with your confession of faith is the key when it comes to bringing your miraculous transformation to fruition.
If you are constantly whining and complaining you will not have a miraculous intervention. This is what the Israelites did. And because of it they ended up wandering around in the desert for 40 years when it was only an 11 day journey. They complained about everything and were thankful for nothing. Think about all that the Lord had done for them, supernaturally rescued them from their enemy, and provided for their every need. He provided supernaturally protection from plagues, and the spirit of death, and again by supernatural means gave them direction by a cloud in the daylight, and protection by a pillar of fire in the night, a made a way of escape for them from their enemy by parting the Red Sea, satisfied their thirst by pouring water from a rock, rained down fresh bread, and quail (meat) from heaven. Their clothing and their shoes did not even wear out. And all they could do was complain and accuse God and their leaders of evil intentions.
We read this and think to ourselves how spiritually blind they were, but we can act just like they did. God gives us everything we have need of and yet we allow our confession of faith to be filled with doubt and unbelief. How do we change this?
- It is needful for us to repent for our willful and negative confessions of faith.
- We need to ask forgiveness for the reason behind these negative words against our God and His readiness to meet our every need.
- The next step is to ask Holy Spirit for His help to teach us to hear how negatively we speak against the promises of God.
- And along with Holy Spirit’s help to hear how we speak, we need to ask Him to teach us how to speak with faith for our needs to be met.
- We need to focus on the promise of God to meet our need, and not on the problem.
- We need to make a quality decision to use the power of our words and speak God’s promises no matter what is going on in our bodies or the situations around us.
- And we have to speak faith on a consistent basis, and not just once in a while.
If we will put these 7 principles into practice our confessions of faith will produce what they are meant to.
To learn more about speaking confessions of faith that work and how to overcome the spirit of death against you, Click here to purchase your signed copy of “Conquering the Spirit of Death”. And even learn more about the power of your words in “The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words.
Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.
© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.
Dear Becky,
I am so grateful for all of the books you’ve written. I thank God for them! I especially love The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words. I listen to this book over and over (along with listening and reading my Bible). The message is empowering to believe and speak out the Bible and get doubt, negativity, and opinions that don’t line up with the Word of God out the door! Will you pray for me? I am a school teacher who is old-school in my personality, and sometimes it’s necessary to be strict and stay consistent, but I never want to compromise with the Holy Spirit. This can be a fine line, and I notice I can’t make everybody happy. But I get up everyday wanting to serve God.
Sincerely, Jamie from Washington
Dear Jamie,
I am happy to hear that my books are helping you. I agree there is a fine line, but I also know that it’s not about making everyone happy. That’s a tall order. And I doubt it is one God wants us to fulfill. I believe in being who you are in Jesus. Yes, working on weaknesses, but serving God is most important of all. I pray that you will find the healthy balance that you are needing to be godly and effective to your students for His glory.
Becky :O)
Pls pray for my granddaughter who has a tumor on her pituitary gland that is affecting her hormones especially her prolactin levels and thyroid.
In the name of Jesus’ I renounce the spirit of death attacking your granddaughter’s pituitary gland. I curse this tumor at it’s seed and roots and command it to be gone supernaturally. I speak to her hormones to be healed and her proalctin levels and thyroid to be healed and made whole, amen.
Becky I just finished reading your book “Prophetic & Healing Power of Your Words. Wonderful! I’m going to purchase more copies to give to my pastors, etc. Bob MacLean
Praise God – His Son Jesus is King! I would appreciate your prayers for my healing after back surgery/fusion on February 4, 2020. I’m trusting Jesus to heal me and especially my left leg which is my pedal foot to play our church organ. I believe that is my gift and I need healing and feeling so I can use my gift for His glory. Thank you!
In the name of Jesus’ I release the healing power of Holy Spirit into your spine. I speak to to where you had this fusion to be healed and made whole and your left leg be healed, pain free with full mobility for the glory of the Lord.
Continued prayers for my troubled marriage. My wife who announced out of the blue she wanted a divorce will not try and work things out.
I pray for inner healing for your mind and emotions as you pass through this most hurtful time. And that her heart will soften and you will be able to work things out together, amen.
Sis becky,
You are so right. I find myself repenting daily for doubting God and for not remembering all the prayers He has answered. He has been wonderful to me. I ccontinue to believe that I will live to see the manifestation of my son’s healing from autism. I wonder sometimes why his healing has not manifested. Please continue to stand with me.
Yours in Christ,
Hi Marilyn,
I’ve heard many teachings on autism, even from Sister Becky. Have you casted out the spirit that is causing the autism in your child? The teachings I’ve heard is that it is a demonic spirit that could be causing it. Take your authority in Jesus name over any spirit that could be causing the problem. Hope that helps.
Yes, Bill. By the leading of Holy Spirit I cast it out of my son, and he is totally delivered, healed and made whole. You would never know that he had this label. God has truly restored him.
You will need to pray and fast and learn who you are in Christ to fully activate your authority with faith over this situation. But with God all things, including this are possible, amen.
Thankyou for this message. I caught myself frustrated and was complaining about my symptoms. I felt convicted the day after and went upstairs to repent and thanked him for how much he has done for me. I think at times when you are dealing with sickness for a while this can happen as we are still in our fleshly bodies. But God is always faithful. So we have to not listen to the enemies lies.
You are absolutely right, Jeanette!
Hi Becky,
I received your book Conquering the spirit of death and I am waiting on your book Prophetic and Healing words to be delivered. As I was reading your book my heart became so alive. The enemy was trying to quench the fire within me but after reading your book I feel like I have gone to a new level of faith. It has made the dreams the Lord has given me come alive. You are a true woman of God and I am thankful the Holy Spirit led me to your teachings. Thank you and God Bless all that you do!
Dear Denise,
Thank you for taking the time to write and share such a wonderful report.
Becky :O)
Hello Becky, excellent word that you have brought to us! I am learning from your teachings. I am thankful to the Lord that He brought you into my life!
You serve the Master well!
Thank you, Thomas!
I am trusting for healing of diabetes head pain std and for my soul keep me lifted up in prayer. Thank you praise King Jesus.
In the name of Jesus’ I renounce diabetes, head pain, std. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow through your body and cleanse it from all impurities and disease. I speak to your pancreas to be recreated and function 100% normal for the glory of the Lord. I speak peace into your mind and emotions and declare that you are healed and in good health and full of strength, amen.
Can you pray over my body to get a rash off me? It’s on 5 areas on me & is growing down my arms, legs & neck. The doctor believes it’s fungal but not positive. Thank you so much!
In the name of Jesus’ I curse the source of this rash or fungus growing on your body. I release the power of Holy Spirit to flow through it and to cleanse you from all impurities, and that your arms, legs and neck are free from this, amen and amen.
Thank you So much!! I believe I receive my healing! Thank you Jesus!!
You’re welcome, and amen!