Coronary Artery / Heart Disease Prayer and Confession of Faith

For those that are suffering from Coronary Artery / Heart Disease here is a prayer and confession of faith for you to pray over your loved ones and to confess words of faith over yourself.
Prayer of Faith
By the grace of God (Rom. 4:16), I stand in faith without wavering with doubt and unbelief (James 1:6) for your deliverance from coronary artery / heart disease. By the redemptive power of the blood of Jesus, you are healed because He has loosed you from this infirmity (Luke 12:13), the curse, when He suffered and died on the Cross (Gal. 3:13). By faith in His healing power, the walls of your arteries are supernaturally cleansed from plaque buildup, restrictions of the blood flow to the heart’s muscle are removed, and the coronary arteries are re-created in Jesus’ name, amen.
Confession of Faith
I give You praise for You are faithful (1 Thess. 5:24) and just (Deut. 32:4) and both willing (Matt. 8:3) and able (Rom. 4:21) to heal me from this coronary artery / heart disease (Ps. 103:2-3). By the power of faith-filled words (Gen. 1), I declare that this buildup of plaque in the walls of my arteries supernaturally melts away and is eliminated from my body with no residue of this plaque remaining. By the law of grace (Rom. 4:16), the past limitations of the blood flow to my heart’s muscle are removed, and I am loosed from the bondage of this infirmity (Luke 12:13) with the re-creation of my coronary arteries intact. Amen.
(Excerpt from Becky Dvorak’s book, Decrees that HEAL, Section, Heart Disease, pages 162-163.)